I think that the entire CEV-SDLV-LEM2 architecture is wrong!<br /><br />If you start from announced NASA plan (that, I'm sure, will be completely changed) the problems you list "may be" problems<br /><br />I think the main question is if that "plan" is really good; the best, safer, economic and smart "plan" possible!<br /><br />I think: "ABSOLUTELY NO!" (another hyperbole...)<br /><br />as an example: why we accept the idea that the vehicles to go in earth orbit and in lunar orbit must be the same?<br /><br />if we accept it as "the best idea", wings may be an useless weight... (so, without, we save weight and money...)<br /><br />about sea landing... this may happen also to airplanes, helicopters, paragliders, parachuters, spaceships, cars, etc. but no one of them are build to land in sea (excluding some special planes) because it is an accident!<br /><br />planes are made to land ON EARTH (in fact, no one of them have a Mercury outboard engine...)<br /><br />in case of sea landing, a (winged) spaceship's crew will have the parachutes and the TIME to jump out of ship, while airline's passengers may only dead drowned! (so, a winged spaceship, not only is safer than a capsule, but is also BETTER and SAFER than commercial airplanes!!!)<br /><br /><br />...CEV may land on snow... do you want to add a pair of ski?<br /><br /><br />