Good start but let's see if we can do this a little more scientifically. Suppose there is a spectral line that normally is in the green region with a wavelength of 5166 Angstroms, but due to the recession of the star we see that spectral line in the orange region at 5904 Angstroms. There is a formula that can tell us how much energy those photons have here:<br /><br />http://tpm.amc.anl.gov/NJZTools/EnergytoLambda.html<br /><br />That formula is λ = hc/E where λ is the wavelength in Angstroms, h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light and E is energy in electron volts.<br /><br />We see that in the green region the spectral line has an energy of 2.4 electron volts (a voltage that is related to the voltage across a green LED by the way). When the spectral line is in the orange region its energy is only 2.1 electron volts.<br /><br />However we know that the photon hasn't really lost energy but that energy difference is due to the relative motions of the earth and the star. h is still the same and E is still the same so what must have changed is the velocity. The relative velocity between the earth and the star must be (2.4 - 2.1)/2.4 or about 12.5% of the speed of light. Yes, if that star were a pulsar its pulses would be stretched out by 12.5%, so as you mentioned the total energy we observe is the same because its stretched out over longer time.