After 30 years, the original Star Wars trilogy seems rather quaint. No, I don't think truely remaking those movies is an option. Too many aspects of the problems are now G-Canon (the highest level there is). I have grouped the problems into several categories.<br /><br />The first group are problems created due to limitations in film technology. These could be readily fixed simply by refilming the affected scenes with new technology. When the scene would require Mark Hamill (or one of the other original actors), a CGI stunt double would fill the gap. Only minimal sequences would be refilled. In some cases, it might be limited to the lightsaber scenes in <i>A New Hope</i>.<br /><ul type="square"><li>Resolution -- This is actually the toughest of all. The original trilogy is rather grainy compared to modern movies. They pale in comparison to the digital negatives of AOC and ROS. Fortunately, we might not have to refilm the entire movie to fix this. Modern computers can interpolate the scenes. This, if successful, could sharpen the images up nicely.<li>Light Sabers in <i>A New Hope</i> -- Ever notice how the light sabers in <i>A New Hope</i> appear flat? Depending on how they are held, they either have thickness or are nearly invisible. Furthermore, when they are turned on and off, the characters move slightly. It appears the first was caused by the primitive techniques of the time used to produce the glow in the right spot. The second happened because the actors were unsuccessful in matching their positions. You see, they started filming with just the handle. They stopped filming at the point where the light saber was supposed to ignite. Then they resumed filming with blades to show the animators where to put the light saber blades. Modern CGI should be able to fix both. The blade problem is obvious and I was really upset the special edition did not fix them. The actors' limbs jumping require digital stunt doubles such as used in ROS. The stunt do</li></li></ul> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <hr style="margin-top:0.5em;margin-bottom:0.5em" />Will Pittenger<hr style="margin-top:0.5em;margin-bottom:0.5em" />Add this user box to your Wikipedia User Page to show your support for the SDC forums: <div style="margin-left:1em">{{User:Will Pittenger/User Boxes/Space.com Account}}</div> </div>