Bell does make many good points, but I don't just go in lock-step with his conclusions here. At the time that the original designs for the CLV and CALV were being put forth the main reason for using shuttle hardware was obvious, it was the cheapest solution that NASA could find! <br /><br />What the critics of NASA never seem to want to realize is that: IT IS THE BUDGETARY LIMITS OF A CONGRESS THAT WANTS A ROLLS ROYCE AT YUGO PRICES THAT GOVERNS WHAT NASA CAN DO, NOT TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS!!!!! And yes, I AM shouting here, as it sometimes seems that I must be the only one on these boards that notices this absolute truth!! Certainly every NASA administrator realizes this (If he does not initially he will learn it to his sad detriment!). <br /><br />This is because this country would rather fight useless and harmful wars than have a truly great space program. It is almost an ultimate irony that one of the truly great military men of the twentieth century: President Eisenhower, warned us against the military industrial complex. But we haven't listened, at the cost of an originally fantastic opportunity to really place mankind (with the US showing the same kind of leadership that made it the great nation it was) into space, and improve the chances of humanities very survival in the long run! So we fought a losing war in South East Asia that so crippled the space program that the kluge STS system resulted. Oh, there was just enough political power left to such an effort as NASA's to barely keep the dream alive for some 30+ years. But never enough to really do the job right!!<br /><br />And the hearts and souls of true space advocates have bleed all during this time!!<br /><br />Now here we are again! We are spending at least $150 billion dollars per year in the Middle East. In another place where the American people are finding out that we are more and more resented! Heck, most of the vast sums of wealth that we are wasting is being hid as much as possible from th