origin":sia3fhxh said:Quite simple, but quite useless. You simply assume that there is a thrust from the prop.
Hmmm... a properly designed spinning prop should produce thrust. They have since 1903.
Well that takes power and since the vehicle is going faster than the wind which is supplying the power - Where in the heck is the power coming from???
From the difference in speed between the ground and the air. You have to try and follow the analysis. I gave you a free body diagram (in words). The forces on the cart are balanced. F pushing back on the wheels, and T pushing forward on the prop. F and T are equal. So in this frame the power comes from the ground turning the wheels.
Like I said all of the explanations seem nothing more than hand waving.
They may seem that way to you - but they are absolutely rigorously correct. If these seem like hand waving, there's no chance you'll be any happier with Drela's analysis.
Well that is really odd... A university is involved with this and you don't think they will write it up? Really?
Yes, really. I've been working with them for the past 6 months. If anyone writes it up it will be me. In fact I've already done so (along with another colleague on the project). We've been too lazy to produce the list of figures and format the equations so far.
Why would it not be closed if you build the vehicle and it is proven to go faster than the wind the except for a few deniers the case is closed.
Well we have built and tested that vehicle (in fact several). I guess it's all a matter of how many deniers. As far as I was concerned, the case was closed several years ago when I first did the simple vector analysis. But there are still people such as yourself that don't accept the physical evidence, the analogies, or the analyses. So I guess it's all a matter of what you mean by "the case is closed". Do you consider the case closed as to whether we've put men on the moon? Or whether there was a holocaust? I guess maybe we could hope for that level of "case closed".