Sat report for the last 2 mornings...
I've been out meteor observing the last two mornings between moonset and dawn to catch some Orionids. During ~ 6 hours (roughly 3-6 AM each morn) I've seen 11 satellites, one of them twice!
The one I saw twice is a geostationary sat, with a "flare" lasting about half an hour. I wasn't sure yesterday, since I just noticed a star that didn't belong there, not far from Mira, which is also invisible most of the time, so I was confused. So this morning I watched more closely, and could clearly detect the 1 degree every 4 minute motion of the stars behind it. One thing about meteor observing; you spend a lot of time staring at the constellations, so you notice when someting appears that doesn't belong there.
Yesterday, my meteor session ended at 5:49 AM, and as I was packing up, the ISS came blazing over the tree line to the north, heading northeast. It was about mag -3, and slowly faded as it headed twoard the direction of the sunrise.
Of the other 9 sats, 5 were "normal" fixed brightness, one faded from mag +2.5 to invisibility, one slowly varied in brightness, invisible for a while then reaching about mag +3.5. I also had one flasher, with a 9 second period yesterday, and a very interesting fast moving complex flasher this morning. The main period was about 3 seconds, but between the bright flashes there were 4-6 other fainter flashes, that didn't exactly repeat for each period.
Lot's of interesting stuff up there, if you "Keep Looking Up"
(Thanx, Jack
