Helio, here is some unpacking of your #42 post

"The link I gave is entitled, "Thousands of new globular clusters have formed over the last billion years".
Okay, here is another link,
https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020IAUS..342..108L/abstract, Prodigious and Continuous Formation of Super Star Clusters from Cooled Intracluster Gas, "The most numerous GC populations are hosted by giant elliptical galaxies, where they can exhibit a broad dispersion in colour interpreted as a wide spread in metallicity. Here, we show that many thousands of similarly compact and massive super star clusters have formed at an approximately steady rate over, at least, the past ~1 Gyr around the nearby giant elliptical galaxy, NGC 1275, at the centre of the Perseus cluster..."
My thinking Helio, I need to review more here. The report is about giant elliptical galaxies, not spiral galaxies like the Milky Way that has some 150 GCs documented or M31. The abstract continues, "The number distribution of these young star clusters appears to exhibit a similar dependence in luminosity and mass as the even more numerous but older GCs around NGC 1275. In just a few Gyr, these super star clusters will evolve to become indistinguishable in broadband optical colours from the older GCs, and their spread in age add to the dispersion in colour of these GCs."
Something is happening in these *young star clusters*, they are also aging, following the 2nd Law
Helio, you said "I think I see what you're saying. I assume you mean the H-R diagrams for specific clusters and not the general HR diagram."
My observation, yes. Star cluster H-R diagrams plotting many stars in the cluster is useful. The cluster stars, open or globular are all observed following the path of aging, i.e. the 2nd Law again
Helio you said, "There is no conflict with Inflationary repulsion and, much later, star formation."
My observation. Inflationary repulsion is repulsive gravity, see Alan Guth, 'The Founder of Cosmic Inflation Theory on Cosmology's Next Big Ideas',
Here is another link on repulsive gravity, 'Pattern of perturbations from a coherent quantum inflationary horizon',
https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020CQGra..37i5005H/abstract, “I. INTRODUCTION A standard cosmological model[1] is now supported by a considerable body of evidence, especially precise measurements of correlations in cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB)[2{13]. The early evolution is generally described by slow-roll inflation [14{16], during which the repulsive gravity of an exotic, metastable scalar inflaton field vacuum drives an accelerating expansion..."
Apparently the test for repulsive gravity operating in the universe cannot be conducted today apart from the interpretation of CMBR variations, thus repulsive gravity is not operating today, e.g. at Sirius binary star system. Repulsive gravity is not the same as Kepler's laws for elliptical motion, Newton's 3 laws of motion, Newton's law of gravity. I agree, *there is no conflict with inflationary repulsion and, much later, star formation" because repulsive gravity cannot be observed operating among the stars, in our solar system, or exoplanets and stars that have multiple exoplanets today (more than 700 stars now hosting multiple exoplanets)

Apparently, repulsive gravity existed (if at all), only briefly in the beginning
Helio you said, "Yes, there is nothing to counter the arrow of time's direction." I agree, and white dwarfs slowly evolving into black dwarfs follow the 2nd Law as the article in this thread is about that got some attention. H-R diagrams of star clusters follows the 2nd Law, the stars in the clusters - age.