Helloooooo out there!<br /><br />I live in Dublin, Ireland. Tonite at around 1:40am I saw what I thought was a shooting star. It seemed to be travelling slower than usual, I thought I was lucky. As the object travelled throught the sky there was, if I remember correctly, a slight tail, however it started to fade and I continued to watch, then from around where it faded what looked like a satellite caught my attention, it was travelling at a right angle from the line of the shooting star. This satellite dot in the sky was moving much faster than any satellite I was used to. It then sped up and dissapeared. Suffice it to say I was freaked. Then, I saw another shooting star maybe a hands breadth to the west another shooting star appeared and this one also didn't move in a straight line, it kind of followed a curvy line through the sky then fadded away. Please, please someone offer some sort of insight. Thank you. I read another thread from a guy in Toronto, dont know the date, and igorsboss seemed to give some good answers, where are you igor! Thanks to anyone in advance. Oh, the first shooting star was kinda in the southern sky, but my bearings as to NSEW from my house is not exemplary!