How much of a concern is this? A solar storm causing power outage bc of a cme. I heard it may happen in the next decade including in 2025. The video details more and this is a problem concerning everyone.
How concerned are you of this?This has been a concern for many years. Impact of solar activity on communications and the electric grid are known concerns.
There are multiple sources that can help explain further. One example:
Homepage | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center
Not very concerned. We know how to minimize the impact of such occurrences.How concerned are you of this?
How concerned are you of this happening? How likely do you think?If the Internet does go down for months, there will almost certainly be serious supply disruptions for important things like food. Too much of distribution and shipping arrangements use the Internet.
The linked website is silly, making it sound like the vital element lost is mainly to personal entertainment.