>>we do not censor the news<br /><br />Jeff Bell's rants are <i>news?</i><br /><br />Simon, I've corresponded with you directly a couple of times, so I know you're a good guy. First of all, welcome to SDC! Secondly, thanks for the viral marketing plug, and placed with an editorial that lots of people are likely to read, too! <br /><br />Third, please choose to take any criticism you read here as constructive. You surely also read that quite a few of us government employed technicians or starry eyed teenagers defended Jeff's right to free speech, and your right to publish whatever the heck you want to.<br /><br />If most of us feel that he's out of step with the renaissance that appears to be dawning in space exploitation, well, perhaps that's a signal to you to find a writer who can offer a different viewpoint from Jeff's once in a while. It would be great to find someone as fecund as he is with the written word. That might be asking too much.<br /><br />All in all, keep up the good work, don't let dung beetles change your attitude, and use some discernment as you move forward!