This article seems to make some fantastic leaps of imagination.
I am OK with the ideas that particles are wave function effects, and that interacting particles are superpositions of wave functions. But, from there, the ideas of "entanglement" and "multiple universes" seem completely unsupported.
First, my experience with physical waves does not seem to suggest that waves that occupy the same place at the same time must get "entangled". Looking at ocean waves, 2 crossing wave trains do not alter themselves by their interactions (unless they get to the point "breaking"). Similarly, 2 different frequency radio waves crossing in the atmosphere do not seem to interfere with each other. So, the idea that all waves that are interpreted as particles must get entangled if they are at the same place at the same time does not seem to make physical sense.
Further, the idea that each interaction produces new "universes" does not seem to have any justification. Why is some change in probability in this universe not sufficient to deal with the variability of the results of interactions? How do these multiple "universes" get separated? Why can't they continue to interact? If they can interact, aren't they, by definition, within the same universe? The idea that different outcomes of sampling from a probability distribution is due to getting results from different universes really does not actually do anything to "explain" probability, because we still need to use a probability distribution to describe which universe various numbers of samples will report on.