Star gate real???

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I am a fan of Star GAte. But I just read Michael Newton's book DESTINY OF SOULS. A study of Life between lifes. And it got deep into the "joining of souls to the Human."<br /> It seems that The souls join the body before birth. This is not to frighten the human. <br /> Now going to Sumer cuniform writings, Humans were CREATED TO SERVE THE ANUNNAKI.<br /> They had different tyoes of souls. <br /> Another thing brought out in the book, is that in the book, souls between lives, The soul can visit any planet at will. No delay. How? <br /><br />


In the ethereal plane, time and space do not function in the same way as in the physical universe. All points are simultaneously connected to each other through the ether. Learning how to move through and manipulate this medium will transform humanity and open up the universe to us. Can only souls move through the ether, or can our scientists one day figure out how to transcend this physical / ethereal boundary? Only time will tell.<br /><img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


At the end of teh book Destiny for the Souls, souls were divided in to groups Guides, Teachers and Teachers of the teachers. When asked if the Souls had a God and the question was, Yes maybe. But where no one knew or would venture an opinion.<br /> It seems that the soul can control the body. The testrone part is human. <br /> The addition of another sould being the guardian Angel was also brought up.<br /><br /> <br />
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