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NOOOO!!!!<br /><br /><br /><br />16 years on TV and now it gets cancelled. I'm gonna cry i cant TAKE NO MORT!!!!!<br /><br />Guess i gotta move out of home and kiss a girl
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This was kind of expected, but oh well, it's been fun. I take it there won't be another ST series in a long, long time. Enjoy the rest of the season (and T'Pol) while it lasts! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I think that Battle Star galactica was the final nail in that coffin. Braga spewed about how good his show was and here comes Sci-fi Channel and blows them to bits with a great show. I am upset because they keep showing repeats but never show a repeat of the season opener so I can see how Archer got back in the real timeline.<br /><br />maybe had they hired some of the B5 writers or listened to the fans the show would have done better.<br /><br />Will it continue in repeats? or syndication?


I'm sure there will be another ST series in our lifetime. Could be a while though...<br /><br />Are there plans for a new movie?


I live in one of the top 100 largest TV markets and have never seen an episode of ST Enterprise because our local UPN affiliate is only available on cable and I'm stuck in rural area 35 miles outside of cabled area. Satellite carrier absolutely will not allow me to receive out of market UPN affiliate due to boneheaded congressional mandate. From my point of view, low ratings were inflicted by UPN and not lack of public interest in show. Patiently waiting for series to come out on DVD (in its' entirety).<br /><br /><br /><br />But if you think about it, Santa Claus is directly responsible for heroin addiction.<br />Johnn Waters <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>


I've gotta agree with Vogon. I've lived in 4 citys (and a farm) since the show first aired, and have only had UPN available once. Even then, it shared half the airtime with another network. The series couldn't have survived very long because UPN's just not available to most people. Too bad; it seemed decent the couple times I saw it.


Star Trek was really never given a chance in my market.<br /><br />I don't even have UPN in NC. It was shown on FOX at 10pm saturday for the 1st 3 seasons. This season it got worse as it went to CBS and a 5pm monday showing(what decent shows air at 5pm during the week other then early news). <br /><br />While everyone else watched the 1st several episodes of the new season it wasnt airing by me due to baseball playoffs. Later on is when they finally moved to cbs.<br /><br />I admit I really didnt like it at first but it was really starting to improve in my opinion.


There's an unwritten rule in science fiction and that is, if your show is based on time travel in any way, then you're just setting yourself up for disaster. In Enterprize's case, they decided to have the whole story arc around it! I loved the first episodes where they had the conflicts between the andorians and romulans (and how the romulans werent so 'holier-then-thou' as they seemed) but when they veered off into time travel then it just went downhill. <br /><br />I'll admit, there were a few good episodes about it, but all in all the show became pretty stale.


I loved this show and saw every single episode. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Man, that sucks!! With better story lines (for the most part) than Voyager and a very good cast, they still couldn't succeed. Still, burying it in the new "kiss of death" timeslot on UPN should have told us this was coming. Maybe now Paramount will realise that Star Trek in all it's incarnations was a victim of it's own success: THERE WERE TOO MANY SHOWS, TOO MANY TRIPS TO THE WELL.<br /><br />When will they learn that sometimes, less is more?<br /><br />Perhaps now there can finally be a Captain Sulu mini-series (a mini-series is the only genre not tried with Star Trek) and perhaps a 25th Anniversary (and final) Next Generation motion picture. I thought "Nemesis" was a pretty good film who's only real flaws were not being "dark" enough.<br /><br />The Star Trek franchise needs to move towards an "Event" structure and mentality, perhaps with a tying up of loose ends of every incarnation with a TV movie, 2 per year until we're done. <br /><br />**The last voyage of Captain Sulu and the Excelsior, Picard & Riker with their new crews, The return of the Emissary on DS9, What does the Voyager crew do for an encore? And, furthering the structure of the Federation as we came to know it with Jonathan Archer and his crew.<br /><br />Perhaps doing the Enterprise TV film first before folding and/or striking the sets.<br /><br />We'll see. Star Trek lives, guys. Because like Rock & Roll, it can never die........ <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p>One Percent of Federal Funding For Space: America <strong><em><u>CAN</u></em></strong> Afford it!!  LEO is a <strong><em>Prison</em></strong> -- It's time for a <em><strong>JAILBREAK</strong></em>!!</p> </div>


How about <b>Star Trek CSI</b>? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


As a Sci-Fi Fan, that's Relatively easy to Please...I saw the Axe coming with this New season...The Vulcan mini-series, sucked big time...even Brent couldn't pull in the Big Ratings,,,Give it up ST...Take your time, and come up with a ST-TNNG...Period<br /><br />STTNG was the Best in my Book...RIP Archer <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="4">Dave..</font> </div>


so sad....Enterprise has a good run and the current Babel 1 was not too bad either...maybe the networks simply were not putting enough energy into it to sustain it. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><strong>To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before...</strong></p><p><strong>Live Long and Prosper</strong></p> </div>


The worst thing is they are only topping out at 98 episodes, not even a nice round 100, a final 2 parter to wrap up the federation formation would have been great.<br /><br />


You consider that the "worst thing"? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I did expect it would be cancelled. For the past few years Star Trek is the really the only show I watch faithfully. I mean really, there isn't a whole heck of a lot else to watch. We're inundated with stupid shows like America's top model, who wants to marry a millionaire and all thier derivatives.<br /><br />I think this is it for ST. I don't see another comming out for a very long time if ever.<br /><br /><br /><br />


I saw a news blurb that hinted that UPN will not let the franchise die. They're probably going to find some other show that they think will draw bigger ratings. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I did see some news on ST XI. Supposed to be whole new cast. Just in the works, no time frame or anything.<br /><br />Also, there is a two part Enterprise comming up called. In a Mirror, Darkly. A take on "Mirror Mirror" from TOS. Alternate evil universe. I'm looking forward to that one.<br /><br />I think it would be interesting to cast a series based on Treks Alternate Universe.<br />


<font color="yellow">"They're probably going to find some other show that they think will draw bigger ratings."</font><br /><br />Like I said, Star Trek-CSI, or maybe ST- Lost, oh, wait, that was Voyager. Maybe a show based on the Klingon home world with Worf as the lead. Everyone liked Worf. Lots of built in drama with Worf's past bad blood with various clans. It's almost middle eastern like. Very topical. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


They should have set it right after First Contact, with the vulcans and humans interacting, and humans populating the moon and mars and stuff.<br /><br />


Being on UPN was pretty much a death sentence. I think this also has to do with that companies would rather make sitcoms and reality tv instead of sci-fi. Sitcoms and reality tv suck. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Sci-Fi should take on the project. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I wish they'd put it on CBS. I guess that's too much to ask though. They need all the air time on CBS for idiotic drivel. What does CBS even have? I can't think of anything accept for '60 minutes' and that's news. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Guest<br /><b><font color="yellow"><br />'Star Trek: Enterprise' Cancelled By UPN Network <br />By Associated Press<br /><br />posted: 03 February 2005<br />11:05 am ET<br /> <br /><br />LOS ANGELES (AP) -- After four years, the mission is over for "Star Trek: Enterprise."<br /><br />The prequel to the original ``Star Trek'' science fiction series will air its final episode in the United States on May 13, UPN and Paramount Network Television announced Wednesday.<br /><br />The series will get a send-off that "salutes its contributions to the network and satisfies its loyal viewers," said UPN Entertainment President Dawn Ostroff. She didn't disclose details.<br /><br />"Star Trek: Enterprise" debuted in September 2001. Scott Bakula stars as Capt. Jonathan Archer, along with John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating, Anthony Montgomery, Linda Park and Connor Trinneer.<br /><br />The franchise included "Star Trek", "Star Trek: The Next Generation", "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine", "Star Trek: Voyager" and "Star Trek: Enterprise."<br /><br />"Star Trek" movies also have been released.<br /><br />While bidding goodbye to "Star Trek: Enterprise," the studio hinted at more "Star Trek" to come.<br /><br />"We all look forward to a new chapter of this enduring franchise in the future," said Paramount Network Television President David Stapf.</font>/b><br /><br />More Star Trek to come sounds good at least.</b> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>
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