>It has now taken 1.5 cups of java to catch up on this thread since yesterday afternoon. Loved the evening press conference. RTF, did you record? To Paraphrase, Paul told you where we were, we will update and Paul will be back tomorrow if you have any further questions. <<br /><br />I missed it live as I was out on operations all night with the Army, but imagine my surprise passing a TV set in one of the pubs at York Station and see "Space Shuttle Fleet Grounded" on the BBC News Ticker.<br /><br />Got home in the early hours, saw the about 200 headlines on the news wires saying the same thing, watched the conference, pulled this face "<img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" /><img src="/images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />" and berated the fact that the media once again went soundbyte heavy.<br /><br />Hopefully, when SG gets hold of one of the MSFC guys currently being garrotted by Griffin, we might hear some encouraging news. I'm mailing anyone I know who deals with ETs as well.