There's a huge gulf of opinion on this, but we've been covering this for 10 days, not one or two days like most of the other media.<br /><br />As Bill Harwood noted on his update, "Updated @ 7:50 p.m. with NASA confirmation of prior foam damage"<br /><br />I've got names for the origin of the info, powerpoint presentations, quotes from the factory floor meeting on Thursday night (which I believe is where the Orlando Sentinal reporter got his information to ask Griffin on the Friday conference). <br /><br />For the story to change a bit to the process of spraying has infuriated some of these people I've spoken to (this is a 'just in' update).<br /><br />But - without compromising anyone - I'll know more as the Data review is about to start.<br /><br />It's on-going, but as I mentioned on thread 2 or 3, we had six confirming this and two swearing that ET-121 was not touched in anyway, and I'd like to know when I had someone claiming on our forum to be a retired MAF TPS tech saying this story was wrong, when his IP was actually on a .gov IP address (hardly from his retirement home?).<br /><br />So, will the true story come out. Sorry to say, but I’m not sure. I think a palatable story will come out of it, but I'll report what I'm told prior, during or after the data review on Monday from the people who obviously know (one source got the 11 cycles of the pre-press before anyone said it...SG confirmed it which helped.)<br /><br />If we have current workers telling a different story, I'll report that too, for purpose of objectivity, but as I did with the story, the pictures are for the media to take and use as well.<br /><br />This is slightly over my head as there's politics at MSFC (I'm assuming) by the way they practically sent someone to try and down this hopefully the media will work together on this in a way that doesn't compromise the process and we don't end up with some poor guy at MAF being scapegoated for doing a bad spray job - cause I would be concerned by the - i