STS-114 Mission Update Thread (Part 6)

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A little to the east of me, but thanks for the heads up (or down).<br /><br />Wayne <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p>"1) Give no quarter; 2) Take no prisoners; 3) Sink everything."  Admiral Jackie Fisher</p> </div>


As you're all aware, we've been slapping a lot of the media around - mainly through opinionated editorials (columnists) - for good reason.<br /><br />I want to show you the UK news way of reporting the Shuttle - granted I wrote most of the script for them to use here <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> - but check out the way it's presented.....just the facts.<br /><br />It's half way down this page, click to download the video I captured off the TV:<br /><br />


10 and a half hours till landing.<br /><br />I hope it's quiet on here because you all slept during the afternoon (or so depending on timezone) like me to be able to follow her all the way home <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />


I'm here, though actually at work right now. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" /><br /><br />It's been a great mission for those of us in the nether regions of the planet. Most of the cool stuff has happened during primetime in the evenings here, and I'm certainly looking forward to a quarter to nine landing attempt tonight.<br /><br />I think the mood's going to be a little flat once they hit wheels stop though. Not looking forward to a potentially lengthy delay until '121. I'm hanging out for the construction missions, especially those that add internal volume to ISS. They seem a huge way off right now. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em><font size="2" color="#ff0000">Who is this superhero?  Henry, the mild-mannered janitor ... could be!</font></em></p><p><em><font size="2">-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></em></p><p><font size="5">Bring Back The Black!</font></p> </div>


Yeah, wheel stop will be a welcome thing to hear.<br /><br />We've got a few engineers noting they are going to the landing strip in their Columbia Recovery Hats (nice touch).<br /><br />Big rumour going around that NASA is changing direction to a Shuttle retirement in 2009 and CEV start in 2011. Don't know anything else. Like you, I want to see when we're going to have STS-121 and get the job done on the ISS.


<br />I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the shuttle crashes.


You'd be going out on a broken limb if you were anywhere near me right now.


Doubtful.<br /><br />Besides, If I keep saying that the shuttle will crash or explode during liftoff or landing, there is a fair chance I could get one right by 2010.


Does anyone know the maximum amount of heat that the shuttle receives during reentry in Celcius?


Big man behind a PC Monitor aren't you.<br /><br />I don't care if I'm banned for this, but of all the &%$#@!ing stupid things to say hours before Discovery AND SEVEN PEOPLE are due to land.<br /><br />What sort of /* ad hominem deleted */? There's Shuttle Bashing and wanten death of astronauts, and you /* ad hominem */ crossed the line big time there.


<font color="yellow">Big man behind a PC Monitor aren't you. </font><br /><br />What?<br /><br /><font color="yellow">I don't care if I'm banned for this, but of all the &%$#@!ing stupid things to say hours before Discovery AND SEVEN PEOPLE is due to land.</font><br /><br />I didn't say I hope or desire that it crashes, merely a prediction.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">What sort of /* ad hominem deleted */? There's Shuttle Bashing and wanten death of astronauts, and you - /* ad hominem deleted */ - crossed the line big time there.</font><br /><br />My only thoughts as to why you would make these comments is that you think that the mere suggestion of catastrophic disaster somehow predisposes the world to it. That isn't an idea that I believe in.<br />


<br /><font color="yellow">Go away little man.</font><br /><br />*sigh*<br /><br />I don't supose that you would like to reply to what I said, would you?


Enjoy it while it lasts RTF, I think they pulled it for the ratings!


Not to you /* ad hominem deleted */ ( I'll put these in myself and save you a job Naja).<br /><br />Bringing up your initial comment: "I'm going out on a limb and say the Shuttle will crash" - 9 hours before Discovery is due home, the first one since we lost Columbia, is bad timing, sick and very stupid.<br /><br />Don't know about you - and don't you dare say you were bothered - but a lot of us on here are praying for her safe return.<br /><br />Adding your comment that if you keep saying one will crash then it will happen by 2010 (paraphrase, and no one likes a /* ad hominem deleted */ who then posts "Oh, but what I was trying to say") was yet again, WRONG TIME, WRONG PLACE and stupid.<br /><br />So, /* ad hominem deleted */ you /* ad hominem deleted */<br /><br />So, I'm off to go talk to people who are interested in talking about the mission, unlike you.<br /><br />Ta Ta /* ad hominem deleted */


"I didn't say I hope or desire that it crashes, merely a prediction."<br /><br />Keep such predictions to yourself in the future. Anyone with an even minimal understanding of decorum would realize that you don't make such predicitons here. Many of us here know the astonauts personally. <br /><br />Tell me, do you walk into an ICU waiting room and point at someone and say "I predict your loved one won't make it". Imagine defending such a remark with BS like:<br /><br />"I didn't say I hope or desire that your infant die, it was merely a prediction. Why in the world would that remark bother you?"<br /><br />Wayne<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p>"1) Give no quarter; 2) Take no prisoners; 3) Sink everything."  Admiral Jackie Fisher</p> </div>


<font color="yellow">Not to you /* ad hominem deleted */ ( I'll put these in myself and save you a job Naja).</font><br /><br />What? That you won't reply to me? Yet you continue... <br /><br /><font color="yellow">9 hours before Discovery is due home, the first one since we lost Columbia, is bad timing, sick and very stupid.</font><br /><br />If that's your opinion then I will accept it.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Don't know about you - and don't you dare say you were bothered - but a lot of us on here are praying for her safe return.</font><br /><br />Then I am very sorry that due to the comments on a BBS, the shuttle will crash and they will all die. If I knew forum had these kinds of powers I would post more often.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Adding your comment that if you keep saying one will crash then it will happen by 2010 (paraphrase, and no one likes a /* ad hominem deleted */ who then posts "Oh, but what I was trying to say") was yet again, WRONG TIME, WRONG PLACE and stupid.</font><br /><br />Actually I made a prediction that the shuttle would crash. I never said that I hope it would crash and certainly didn't say anything like "Oh, but what I was trying to say".<br /><br /><font color="yellow">So, I'm off to go talk to people who are interested in talking about the mission, unlike you.</font><br /><br />Alright then.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Ta Ta /* ad hominem deleted */</font><br /><br />Right. Since I'm such a &%$#@!, it's kind of strange that I seem to be the only one not making ad hominem attacks.


Lycan, that post of yours was in serious poor taste. Trying to defend that poor taste is worse. Which goes back to something RTF mentioned. I doubt it was something you would say to these people in person.


"Come on Eileen" - Dexy's Midnight Runners as the wake up call music <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> Ah, memories.


Funny thing is, the "lot of hair" old woman who's been acting DJ with some awful choice of music for the crew, obviously doesn't realise what that song is about!<br /><br />(And it's not called "Come on Eileen, come on")<br /><br /> />Come on Eileen, well I swear (what he means)<br />At this moment, you mean everything<br />With you in that dress my thoughts I confess<br />Verge on dirty<br />Ah come on Eileen<<br /><br />It's about getting her in bed <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />
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