Question Supernova

Any life would certainly be boiled away by the neutrino flux, any inner planets will vaporize, but, any outer planets, I imagine at least the atmosphere may vaporize, maybe some of the core may survive. The moons and small bodies all over will be vaporize. Anything actually left would probably either end up in orbits much farther away or be ejected entirely. Or I believe so anyway, never watched one happen to see.
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Jul 4, 2021
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When a star explodes as a Supernova, what will happened to it's planets ? (Lets suppose that, the star has it's own planetary system)
The very first exoplanets discovered were orbiting a 'Neutron Star'. So far, no agreed upon method of planetary formation has been accepted. I'm partial to the idea of 'Chthonian' planets. Hypothetical gas giants, whose outer envelopes are stripped away from some nearby cataclysm. A supernova seems most likely.
Jul 27, 2021
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Assuming methods of detecting exoplanets, the first detected exoplanet would be a pulsar one, because pulsars are the most ‘detectable’ with the observed radiation beam. Emission with short, regular rotational periods.

The discovered exoplanets have brought data that by calculations and simulations made surprisingly show that in rare cases survivor planets may remain bound to the supernova remnants, finding new orbits around the neutron stars or black holes left behind by the explosions.

There have been studies showing that climatological, geodynamical, and biogeochemical processes might be able to sustain life.

Based on physics, calculations and simulations show that even a small planet would not be destroyed mechanically or thermally. Also a planet won’t be bounced from it’s orbit due to the momentum of an exploding star. If a star loses too much mass, a planet would leave. Also, if a star's collapse is asymmetric then the star itself can leave the planetary system.

Pictures of supernova remnants are being studied as well.