Teenage girl throws puppies into a river in online video

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In the old days, it was quite common practice for someone to take a bag full of puppies, fill it with rocks and sink it. Or, at least we all heard that there were people out there who did that. And in the country, folk get strays dumped on them all the time. Who hasn't heard of a farmer shooting some strays to keep them away from his lifestock. I think the difference here is just the callous way she casually throws the puppies in the water, almost as if she's doing a quarterback drill and grabbing some footballs to throw through a tire. Would we react the same if she loaded them all in a bag of rocks and sunk them into the creek?


star_sirius":2jsgojp3 said:
...That's what I was trying to emphasize on those Asian forums but nobody in there seemed to catch my drift! I was so mad that I argued with all my might, I am still angry instantly!!

Don't get angry.

That's the key. It's impossible to truly reach other people when you're angry. It's not something your brain is wired to do really well. Sure, you can intimidate them, you can astonish them, you might even make them think - But, you'll never win anyone over to your side by arguing when you're angry. You just can't create the right connections.

Sometimes, people want to think a certain way because it's more important to them to believe falsely than it is to realize the truth. If they place such a high importance on wanting to believe a certain thing, regardless whether or not it is true, there's nothing you can do until they realize a new set of personal values.

Anyone should know that the actions of one person are not the actions of many. It's simple logic. Only a crazy person wouldn't be able to figure that out. But, someone who desperately wants to reach for some reason to elevate themselves above someone else will be very quick to use such actions as an excuse.


ZenGalacticore":3ateletc said:
Alp- Since people in Bosnia are just as outraged as people in the rest of the world by the actions of this sick little wench, I don't see how this can be labelled a "cultural" issue, either.

This is an issue of a sick and/or heartless human individual and her cameraman brother.

True. I was really addressing the issue that seems to be what's being referred to as the "hypocritical" pivot point: eating dogs. At least, I think that's what they're talking about. There's a cultural meme that goes around concerning Asians and eating dogs. Obviously, not all Asians do and, even if they did, one can't assume they would delight in torturing the animal beforehand.

But, that some Asians might eat dogs is not do to their being Asian. It's a cultural thing. Raise a Caucasian child in a culture that dines on dogs and they'll be just as happy eating Fido as their true-blood Asian relatives. Similarly, an Asian child raised outside of such a culture is not going to develop some mysterious hunger for munching on their neighbor's pets. It's purely a cultural thing.

I agree that this is an issue where an individual did something despicable and cruel. It has nothing to do with race and, probably, very little to do with culture. I will point out, however, that subculture's treatment of animals can vary. Dragon's post is a pretty good way to look at that. Some people may not be able to kill and eat an animal they had raised from its youth even though they'd gladly eat one they never knew. Others, in a different subculture, wouldn't have similar problems.


a_lost_packet_":21s6j1x3 said:
star_sirius":21s6j1x3 said:
...That's what I was trying to emphasize on those Asian forums but nobody in there seemed to catch my drift! I was so mad that I argued with all my might, I am still angry instantly!!

Don't get angry.

That's the key. It's impossible to truly reach other people when you're angry. It's not something your brain is wired to do really well. Sure, you can intimidate them, you can astonish them, you might even make them think - But, you'll never win anyone over to your side by arguing when you're angry. You just can't create the right connections.

Sometimes, people want to think a certain way because it's more important to them to believe falsely than it is to realize the truth. If they place such a high importance on wanting to believe a certain thing, regardless whether or not it is true, there's nothing you can do until they realize a new set of personal values.

Anyone should know that the actions of one person are not the actions of many. It's simple logic. Only a crazy person wouldn't be able to figure that out. But, someone who desperately wants to reach for some reason to elevate themselves above someone else will be very quick to use such actions as an excuse.

I ain't using this thread to elevate myself as an excuse above someone else, it's rather your guys thought I was Pro Asian guy first. Period! I was expressing my truthful self here and my feelings. I was angry at them not at you because at least you guys were sharing the same feelings like me, it's good to know that I am not alone, thanks for spending time to prepare your comments here, pardon me if I offended any of you and my English, I write how I feel. Peace! :p


star_sirius":209mp0sw said:
Yeah, I posted this thread just kinda carried the message through, that's how chaotic in Asian forums about this news, that's how people are proclaiming how you guys are hypocritical, you know the Chinese economy has surpassed Japan and making a lot of noises. :p I am your Radar, your eyes since I know Chinese!!! :p

First this is a cultural issue, not a racial issue*. If your Asian forum members can't understand this, then I am very dissappointed in their lack of education, knowledge and apparent prejudice.

Next, there is a big difference:
In Europe, one Bosnian woman kills puppies. Europeans, N. Americans and many other 'Westerners' express their outrage at this publicly. Even the police get involved.

In China, people regularly eat dogs. No one expresses their outrage.

I fail to see hypocrisy in the behavior of the 'Westerners'.

*Finally, the woman was from Bosnia. About half of Bosnians are Muslim. Muslims culturally despise dogs (the Koran teaches multiple times that dogs are to be avoided, and specificallt that black colored dogs are equivalent to devils). Muslim culture is very different than the Christian/Judeo culture prevalent in most Western countries. So it is an unfair comparison to Western culture, if she were perhaps Muslim !

(Although there are certainly quite a lot of cruel and heartless 'Christians' living in Western countries too. Just look at all the violent criminals locked up in our jails.)
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