The Best Star Trek TNG Episode

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Ok, everyone just admit it, TNG was the best Star Trek series of all time. So what do you think is the best episode? I'm so excited to hear all of your joyous responses! I'll go first!<br /><br />I would have to say that my favorite was probably "Fist Full of Datas" <br />Do you remember in that episode when Worf uses his com badge to generate a brief force field in order to block Data's shots? That was sweeeeet!<br /><br />But perhaps my favorite episode might be "Darmok" <br />Do you remember in that episode when Jean Luc Picard meets that Alien who only speaks in references? He keeps saying "Darmok and Gillard at Tinigra!" and something like "Shaka when the walls fell" <br />Then Picard realizes how he's communicating and they defeat the beast that is hunting them. Next, Picard tells him the story of Gilgamesh! That is also sweeet!<br /><br />Ok now it’s YOUR turn!!<br />


"THE INNER LIGHT"<br />"BEST OF BOTH WORLDS 1 & 2"<br />"YESTERDAY'S ENTERPRISE"<br />"THE OUTCAST"<br />"MEASURE OF A MAN". <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p>One Percent of Federal Funding For Space: America <strong><em><u>CAN</u></em></strong> Afford it!!  LEO is a <strong><em>Prison</em></strong> -- It's time for a <em><strong>JAILBREAK</strong></em>!!</p> </div>


Trek is at its best when it uses the characters to introduce science fiction plots. The space opera and character development are only interesting in support of that objective.<br /><br />The first Borg encounter gets my vote. That was one of the most interesting science fiction concepts aired. <br /><br />The later treks (maybe because Gene R. died) seem to be all space opera and haven't been worth watching. I know this thread is about NG, but I think the Voyager episode where they encountered the Dinosaur descendents also rates. That was also the only science fiction story I can attribute to Voyager and DS9. The only one I can think of for Enterprise that comes close was the Retro-time Virus in the Captains head.<br /><br />Space opera obsessive character development seems to trivialize and ruin characters. I wish they'd just get back to doing lots of science fiction...


I to liked the first Borg show of Nx Gen. But the one I think was cool was Elementary Dear Data, or something of that nature. That was where Geogrdi--I can't spell I just got home hurt and sick from work-- tells the holodeck to make a foe for Data's Sherlock Holmes to match wits with. <br /><br />But you cannpt not forget Picard's borg personality and the battle at Wolf 359. Or the one where Picard picks up the lifetime experiences of a doomed planet, and he learns to play the flute, or some such small instrument.<br /><br />Wasn't there a nx gen that went back to the org. series and the tribbles show, or was that Deep Space 9? Now that was a fun show.<br /><br />One last idea, that final show that had the anti-time problem and past, present, and future ships were all involved. Good Night from a third shifter.


my candidates:<br /><br />"The Silicon Avatar"<br />"Relics"<br />"Inner Light"<br />"Ship in a Bottle"<br />"Tin Man"<br />'In Theory'<br />* the first Borg encounter<br />* Lore was good to watch too <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#993366"><em>The only laws of matter are those which our minds must fabricate, and the only laws of mind are fabricated for it by matter.</em> <br /> --- James Clerk Maxwell</font></p> </div>


how about votes for worst episodes? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#993366"><em>The only laws of matter are those which our minds must fabricate, and the only laws of mind are fabricated for it by matter.</em> <br /> --- James Clerk Maxwell</font></p> </div>


>> Wasn't there a nx gen that went back to the org. series and the tribbles show, or was that Deep Space 9? Now that was a fun show. <br /><br />That was a DS9.


1. "Inner Light"<br />2. "Cause and Effect"<br />3. "Measure of a Man"<br />4. "Darmok"<br />5. "The Offspring"


Yes that was Deep Space Nine, but it was also one of my favorite Star Trek episodes ever. The title was "Trials and Tribbulations"<br /><br /><br />For best episodes of TNG I vote for either Yesterdays Enterprise or the first Borg encounter even though I really didn't care for the "Q" episodes... <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#ff0000"><u><em>Don't let your sig line incite a gay thread ;>)</em></u></font> </div>


I would agree that the first encounter with the borg has to be one of the best episodes of TNG.....<br /><br />I wouldn't mind seein' the flip side, as wmdragon suggests..<br /><br />Maybe people should post their 'best' and 'worst' ?TNG episodes....???<br /><br />


Thanks for the update. I did enjoy both of the shows, but especially Scotty's line at the end of the show, I just put them where they would be no tribble at all, (meaning the Klingon ship). Let them deal with all that mass of fur and cooing noises.<br /><br />As to the worst one, I am not sure, but I did find out if I read a ST book about an show being aired, I did not like to look at the show, because I could also recite most of the lines.<br />I was also disappointed when the first security chief was killed at the end of the first season, that whole show was a disapointment and, I think, could have been better done, or have her killed in a more positive light. Like maybe, a warrior's death, instead of being a hostage to that evil mass or whatever it was.


worst episodes:<br /><br />the first season had many weak episodes, and those involving children or holo-recreations of past time periods tended to be lame (with the exception of Sherlock Holmes ones). I submit:<br /><br />"Imaginary Friend"<br />"Qpid" (the Robin Hood one) <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#993366"><em>The only laws of matter are those which our minds must fabricate, and the only laws of mind are fabricated for it by matter.</em> <br /> --- James Clerk Maxwell</font></p> </div>


Late last night, the SciFi channel aired the worse Trek episode of all time. None other than the original "friendly angel" episode. Not only did it feature children, a lawyer friend of G.R. who played the fat &%$#@! angel, but the actors all knew the show was canceled when they shot the episode. Yech!


The best episodes were Best of Both Worlds I & II as well as Descent I & II. The worst were The Royale and Shades of Gray (both in the 2nd season). <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Rogers,<br />I had forgotten about that one, the one with the evil angel/creature, and I agree it is not up to the usual par of those shows. I would have to rank up there as not good at all. But he was a lawyer of G.R., now that I did not know.<br /><br />As to Robin Hood and his merry Picard followers, I thought that was fun, may not be all si-fi, but fun none the less.


THe actors were all totally pissed off. Considering all the out of work actors to give even a bit part to a lawyer was an outrage. I'm sure they didn't feel that way when Hawking was on NG. That poker game was priceless.<br /><br />I think it was Kirk in a TV interview who told all about the Angel...<br /><br />I do have a claim to fame. I had a drink in the Marriot Tucson piano bar with James Duhan. I was rather astonished that he wasn't scottish at all. I need to remember to brag about that more...


Did you mean the little blonde girl security officer?. She was hot. People have said she couldn't have done her job because she was too small, but she looked alright to me. <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" /><br /><br />And actually, I knew a woman, a gym junkie, kung fu crazy madwoman, all of 5 feet high, that would have been an EXCELLENT Master-at-Arms. She LOOKED like trouble, and she sure was. Her Head-butt would have been a little weak though. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />


I liked the one from the first season where the robotic arms dealer was defeated not through technilogical means, but by Picard merely saying "I'll buy it!" <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Yeah, anything with the Borg was a guaranteed good view. That was back in the days when 'resistance is futile' actually meant something.<br /><br />Those poker games on the holodeck were used several times, weren't they? A good opportunity for a few cameo appearances IIRC. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em><font size="2" color="#ff0000">Who is this superhero?  Henry, the mild-mannered janitor ... could be!</font></em></p><p><em><font size="2">-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></em></p><p><font size="5">Bring Back The Black!</font></p> </div>


If I recall correctly. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Ahhhhh....the mystery is solved........!!<br /><br />I thought it was a scientific term of some descript!! <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" /><br /><br />I've REALLY got to get to grips with all this abbreviated text malarkey'....!!


I think the best is the one where Dr Crusher is trapped in a mini universe that is slowly getting smaller (not sure of the name)<br /><br />Yesterdays enterprise is cool


IIRC,<br />You and me both,(on what does that terminlogy mean). I gave it up to some Vulcan,(not vulvan), philosophy. Glad you asked about that.
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