The Case for the Schwarzschild Radius Always Actually Being Zero

2024 Sep 09

[First] The Case for Reduced Space in Mass Fields

The clearest, unambiguous evidence for reduced space in a mass field is the fact that the Sun's interior rotates 4 times faster than its exterior even though time runs slower at its interior.

The analogy is to an ice skater's spin rate increasing as they decrease their radius on near frictionless ice.

The Sun's interior has less space & therefore shorter radii than measured from external expectations.

Because of time dilation the interior should rotate slower per the external viewer if it were Euclidean normal space,
but instead is rotating 4 times faster per the external viewer.

While at this point the contracted space of a mass field has not been measured,
i feel pretty confident guessing it is exactly contracted to compensate for time dilation's slowing of light's/EM 's transit through a mass field.

That guess would make the external geometric progress of a photon exactly the same with or without a mass field.

The only difference for a photon in question is that exiting a mass field it is a 'younger' [made less phase oscillations & traveled a shorter/shrunken distance] than it would have without the mass field.

An additional argument for reduced space in a mass field is there is no traffic jam of matter around black holes, caught in the molassas of time dilation as it would be if it were Euclidean normal space.

Even with tremendous time slowing around a black hole matter does get to the event horizon in reasonable time because there is proportionally less space there.

As I've recently argued the gravity effect, while a result of non-Euclidean space-time, is a mechanistic & distinctly different thing from the non-Euclidean geometry of space-time itself.

The Schwarzschild Radius is the radius at which light cannot escape a black hole's mass field.

Per my explanation of gravity that means light's/EM's arrest must be a function of the geometry of space-time alone.

Light/EM is not subject to the gravitational effect. It has no extent of resting mass to be influenced by the mechanics of the gravity effect.

If one thinks about light/EM all it needs is space and time to travel.

If the/a Schwarzschild non-zero radius had a positive curve light's/EM's straight line vector would have to escape it.

The only thing light/EM cannot escape is when there is no space and no time.

If one calculates the distance to a Schwarzschild radius that IS the distance to the event horizon,
but due to completely contracted space that arrives at an actual geometric point with zero physical extent.
That is the non-Euclidean geometric shape of space-time proximate to a black hole.

No time passage, no extent of space.
A radius of zero.
A singularity.

I do worry i may be 'putting my foot in it' with that 7+ light year diameter quasar.

In that case especially and if my proposition is correct space must be mind bendingly puckered up [shrunken, contracted] around that quasar.

If my proposition is correct the question is
where does the matter that crosses the event horizon go?

My speculation is that the singularity transitions ('bottlenecks') into inverted space with possibly inverted time.
The act of increasing spin with decreasing radius proves constant time. And the conservation of motion. All motion has area. Space does not move in any shape or form. All motion is square motion. Meaning time and space are independent and constant. A stationary point in space and a photon have the same time and the same space.
The Schwarzschild radius [would] contains a volume of space missing from space-time [as we know it].

The space around a black hole is shrunken so there's less space than expected but inside the Schwarzschild radius, that space is just plain gone/missing.

It's like space is a rubber sheet and the Schwarzschild area/volume is pulled out of it and the circumference is rubber banded to a single, dimensionless point.

That stretches space tighter & straighter around it.
Jan 2, 2024
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The Schwarzschild Radius is the radius at which light cannot escape a black hole's mass field.

Per my explanation of gravity that means light's/EM's arrest must be a function of the geometry of space-time alone
Yes, the spacetime geometry curves. Space and Time (time at 90 degrees) rotate with the curvature.
Light/EM is not subject to the gravitational effect. It has no extent of resting mass to be influenced by the mechanics of the gravity effect.
Light is affected by gravitation. Light travels in space therefore if space is rotated by spatial curvature the light is rotated too. The mass of light is irrelevant.
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Jan 2, 2024
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My speculation is that the singularity transitions ('bottlenecks') into inverted space with possibly inverted time.
When you say "inverted" I am not sure what you mean. 1/space ? Also I think you will find that time dilation at the exact center of the sun is zero and it increases as the center is left behind and the gravity "slope" increases.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
I think you made a typo

On checking, this happened in the C&P.

Here it is again, from

For a mass as small as a human being, the Schwarzschild radius is of the order of 10-23 cm, much smaller than the nucleus of an atom; for a typical star such as the Sun, it is about 3 km (2 miles).

In the original, it is in superscript. Hence Britannica did not need a '^'.


Nicolaus Copernicus. Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543) Polish astronomer. In 1543 he published, forward proof of a Heliocentric (sun centered) universe. Coloured stipple engraving published London 1802. De revolutionibus orbium coelestium libri vi.
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My apologies for trying to be helpful.

Cat :)
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I think gravity is a function of mass distributed across a non-zero extent of tidaled space-time.

Maybe the relative mass of a coherent/superpositioned photon distributed across space could respond to a tidal gradient,

but light can not accelerate because that's the speed limit.

If light/EM is running directly, or nearly so towards a mass center it can't accelerate.

Maybe it could gain energy to become a higher frequency?
But would that be considered 'gravity'?

If one is going to explain apparent curvature of light/EM circuitously around a mass field as a function of gravity
what happens to light/EM driving directly to the center of a mass field?
When you say "inverted" I am not sure what you mean. 1/space ? Also I think you will find that time dilation at the exact center of the sun is zero and it increases as the center is left behind and the gravity "slope" increases.
The interior [beyond the event horizon] of a black hole is where photons can't make any positive progress in space-time.

That doesn't mean they may not make more progress getting further & further away from the threshold [event horizon] of space-time.

The negative number line is a continuous progression of the real number line, but in the opposite direction.

So by extension negative space is a progression of space in an opposite direction.
[Negative] Space that couners positive space-time.

Who knows mabey space [one or more dimensions] and time swap identities.

Maybe time becomes polydimensional and space becomes singular, one dimensional.

I doubt the Sun has a time-dilation of actual zero.

A black hole might quite possibly achieve a stoppage of time.

Possibly a star so massive it will become a black hole may get close to zero time passage at its center.
Jan 2, 2024
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The interior [beyond the event horizon] of a black hole is where photons can't make any positive progress in space-time.

That doesn't mean they may not make more progress getting further & further away from the threshold [event horizon] of space-time.

The negative number line is a continuous progression of the real number line, but in the opposite direction.

So by extension negative space is a progression of space in an opposite direction.
[Negative] Space that couners positive space-time.

Who knows mabey space [one or more dimensions] and time swap identities.

Maybe time becomes polydimensional and space becomes singular, one dimensional.

I doubt the Sun has a time-dilation of actual zero.

A black hole might quite possibly achieve a stoppage of time.

Possibly a star so massive it will become a black hole may get close to zero time passage at its center.
Interesting list especially 'negative space (in the opposite direction)' a mind bender .....
Why Light/EM Can Not Have the Gravitational Effect Response

Gravity is a function of a time & space variable distribution of mass across a non-zero span of tidally differentiated space[-time].

Unless one can demontrate redistributions of a photon's relative mass across its superposition occupation my guess is that it doesn't.

Relative mass is a function of accumulated vector inertia energy.
That vector energy would be distributed across the extent of superposition occupation, based on its movement differentiated relationship with contextual space-time itself.

Since space-time itself is not going to change the only possible responsiveness is in the shape of the probability wave occupation.

The movement is the mass source.

One can't move the movement after it happens & since that is where the mass comes from one can't shift that mass.

The mass runs with the movement so shifting it is impossible.

Without shiftable mass gravity acceleration doesn't happen.


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