The day that shaped the world

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Jul 12, 2022
Oh but it does it provides a photograph from above Earth's atmosphere that you can zoom in to about 200 feet from the ground .you can see all the terrain of the ocean floor . You can see all the stress cracks you can see you can see the nearly 709 mille wide crater on the ocean floor not through an artist rendering a photograph
Double click the link I posted it takes me there directly


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
OK, Sean. I have drilled down and seen cracks or ridges. I have also looked around St Helena, off Cape Town and near Lat 0 Long 0, and I find similar images in all of them. What is different about the marks you mention? Or does your suggestion apply worldwide?

Cat :)
Jul 12, 2022
OK, Sean. I have drilled down and seen cracks or ridges. I have also looked around St Helena, off Cape Town and near Lat 0 Long 0, and I find similar images in all of them. What is different about the marks you mention? Or does your suggestion apply worldwide?

Cat :)
Something big hit directly between antartica and south America .If you look on Google earth on satellite view you can tell that there used to be a land Bridge there .
Whatever hit there ,hit that bridge directly at a pretty good angle bounced once and then ended up about 700 miles east of the land bridge .it created a crater 600 miles wide and another 400 miles wide.
The whole ocean floor event is nearly 2000 miles long the Falkland islands are just north of the 400 mile wide crater .The sandwich islands are are barely northeast of the larger 600 mile wide crater and the Traverse islands are in a half moon shape that mark the end of the ocean floor event
From there if you zoom out to the point that the earth just fits in your screen and look at it as though an incredible amount of energy was sent from there all the way around the planet through India into Russia and china
There are scars on the ocean floor that correlate to the blast all the way to India and at the southern tip of Africa is scorched but it was completely blanketed and whatever the blast was carrying was deposited in Northern Africa the Middle East and into India and the blast zone goes all the way through central Asia.
There is even evidence that Australia was connected to Antarctica but if you want to see this you have to go to Google Earth from a high vantage point and just see it as though something big hit and let the physics of an explosion from something hitting at an angle take you from there. pS you have to be in satellite view. I did not even know that earth had a map view I always I always view maps in Google maps
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Jul 12, 2022
You can't use some map or atlas that is something that has been drawn illustrated or something like that you have to go to Google earth because those are photographs not renditions the actual floor as they appear
Jul 12, 2022
You can't use some map or atlas that is something that has been drawn illustrated or something like that you have to go to Google earth because those are photographs not renditions the actual floor as they appear
I am absolutely positive what I just wrote happens at least .The reason I explained it the way I did in the first place is because it explains a butt load of other things on the planet in fact some of those other things brought me to this
It totally explains how the Sahara desert got explains why Egypt was buried it explains how antartica got a layer of ice so thick yet it has the least amount of precipitation on the planet but has I /3 of the water locked up .there are maps from 400 years ago that are pretty detailed of antartica with them being jungle like there are 40 to 60 million people missing from south America they are finding there cities grown over but they were thriving metropolis. there is evidence of what has been called a mudflood .
But everyone that talks about it just said there was a flood and mud buried millions of structures still underground and we just built on top of it where did the flood come from what caused it the southern half of South America had a mud flood of some sort millions of people buried on a southern part and millions more just disappeared in northern half and inside of 100 to 200 years the jungle retook their cities all of that happened you only hear a little bit about this part and a little bit about that part but nobody's ever putting it together I called it the day that shape the world because it literally affected everything on the planet
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
OK, just to remind myself, we are talking about the 14th century - so we can use present day maps. And, 'globes' including Google Earth are better than Mercator projections in tracing possible "straight" lines.

I am rather busy just now, but I will get to following your post #31 later.

Cat :)
Jul 12, 2022
OK, just to remind myself, we are talking about the 14th century - so we can use present day maps. And, 'globes' including Google Earth are better than Mercator projections in tracing possible "straight" lines.

I am rather busy just now, but I will get to following your post #31 later.

Cat :)
That cool and yes they are photographs you can zoom in on your house from low earth orbit on pictures with incredible mega pix you can zoom all the way to 200 feet above your house or any house in the world and it's a picture a photo nobody else's interpretation of what it's supposed to look like
Jul 12, 2022
That cool and yes they are photographs you can zoom in on your house from low earth orbit on pictures with incredible mega pix you can zoom all the way to 200 feet above your house or any house in the world and it's a picture a photo nobody else's interpretation of what it's supposed to look like
I have a question have you ever explored with Google earth I mean just got on and spent a couple hours just looking around I have been to so many places on earth and seen so much crazy stuff and cool stuff and every thing is incredible
Jul 12, 2022
OK, just to remind myself, we are talking about the 14th century - so we can use present day maps. And, 'globes' including Google Earth are better than Mercator projections in tracing possible "straight" lines.

I am rather busy just now, but I will get to following your post #31 later.

Cat :)
I just wanted to tell you thanks for your time I don't think I said that yet . I know you are probably busy often and you took the time to investigate even though you probably thought I was crazy .but I assure I seen what I see and I am going to post the pics on my Facebook hand tell the story there if you want to view it when I am done I'll give you my Facebook link and thank again
Jul 12, 2022
I hope that works
The actual title of that documentary is catastrophe.
I did not know that until today and I that's the movie I tried to post first could not then I could not find it so I posted the other one but the link did not work .
Turns the one I tried to post was done by a guy who joins the team of this one half way through and made his own movie separately
Jul 12, 2022
This feature was created over the last 60 million years as Antarctica and South America moved away from each other. It is comprised of plates and fault lines. Not of impact origin.
Plate Tectonics, 540Ma - Modern World - Scotese Animation 022116b - Bing video
Look again there is a 500 mile wide crater ring a near perfect circle half way through that .How would two content moving away from each other cause that 2000 mile long bloop of land? follow In that direction and look at the scars on the ocean floor .You can see exactly where the rest of the energy went it is plain as day
Jul 12, 2022
Ok what about the big bloop of land out of the end.What about the crack that goes directly from the end all the way up to India and the whole area around that and all the cities in its way that are buried by mud and ash that were built after the flood of noah. Southern Africa buried in silt and sand .South America the southern half buried all the coast lines that were exposed to the wave are buried and a whole stripe of sand were it came to a stop you can see the direction of the energy from it but if you want to agreeing with people from the past because it's excepted science . You know I have never been there but neither have the people that made these guesses but we live in a day and age where we have photographs that we can make observations and the photographs don't lie they don't make mistakes they captured it as it is
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Jul 12, 2022
Your welcome.

What looks like a crater wall, however, is actually a deep trench, so llwhat sort of impact could cause that?
If you file the center of a crater it will have a trench on the out side
Perhaps this image will help...

The yellow line 700 miles long.

Hello Helio perhaps you will look at that image from higher up look out from the end as though a blast wave and a tidal wave went in that same direction once you see it you can't unseeit
Jul 12, 2022
Your welcome.

What looks like a crater wall, however, is actually a deep trench, so what sort of impact could cause that?
That is sooo not a trench the sandwich islands are on the edge of it. Coronation island ,elephant island and clarence island are on what's left of the land bridge and that forms an oval with the right hand side of the crater edge which sticks up from the floor 3D view Google earth
You have not addressed my question: Why are your "craters" less than half way complete? Where are the other halves?

You are looking at plate tectonics subduction arcs, not impact craters. Noah's flood and silt deposits in Africa have nothing to do with it.
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That is sooo not a trench the sandwich islands are on the edge of it. Coronation island ,elephant island and clarence island are on what's left of the land bridge and that forms an oval with the right hand side of the crater edge which sticks up from the floor 3D view Google earth
We have lots of knowledge of crater science. You will need to demonstrate how that knowledge applies or why it’s wrong. Nothing I know can make that very deep trench that erroneously looks like a wall.

Pareidolia describes what is not too dissimilar to seeing this as crater.

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