The day that shaped the world

Jul 12, 2022
Hello my name is Sean I was going to do the introduce yourself but I have not quite figured out how I hope it is ok that I do it here before I say what I have to say I have a theory and I am sure after reading it half of you will dismiss it it before you even think about it and then half of who is left might think it's an interesting read and if I am lucky some of you will hear what I say and investigate for your selves imagine this but imagine it as it's true not to long ago in our past there was a recorded event of three years of gloom where nothing grew the sun was hardly seen the event is recorded in the rings of trees I believe this event happened in the 14th century This is one event it caused but that is just the tip of the iceberg no pun intended imagine a comet 300 maybe as big as 400 miles wide falling into our orbit to an extent hit it was just ahead of us and moving just a bit slower maybe 1000 mph slower coming into our orbit quickly and we catch it in a short time and it plunges into our atmosphere going relatively slow in comparison to what we think something would it would still go fast enough to get real hot but slow enough that it would not have the deviating bullets impact of a asteroid say six miles wide on it way through the atmosphere it melt ant boil2/3s of the surface of said comet and whats left frozen would slam into the ocean floor now picture this happening below south America hitting the land bridge between south America and antartica the impact would send a blast that would be so incredible it would be nearly nuclear but the impact was immediately followed by the other 2 /3rds of the water the comet brought with it the impact would leave two craters on 500miles wide the other 400 the first being a bit smaller than the second which would be kin of an exit it would send a large section of the ocean floor some 2000 miles to the north est and create a giant tidal wave ( not a tsunami)of boiling mud and sand several miles high may be as high as 50 miles because it is not only the ocean water it is the water it contained with it it's traveling in a north east direction on impact so the boiling wave of mud goes that directionbut the tidal wave would still go in a 369 degree radius sending a boiling wave of more clean water over antartica where the temperature would cause it to nearly flash freeze and blanket antartica in miles of ice the mud wave would blanket most of south America but with less mud as it traveled across the country but the wave would continue on north east while simultaneously a large number of volcanoes would be erupting due to the impact which was kinda like when you step on a ketchup pack the rest of the wave traveling at incredible speed continues all the way to Africa scorching the southern tip and blanketing the whole of Africa and depositing it's remaining cargo of sand and silt I the northern part of Africa as the Sahara desert burying Egypt and that whole stripe of the middle east still continuing all the way to India where it buried half of India in the same molting mud that cover northwest Africa going on through Japan muffling the many volcanoes it caused there and all over when the atmosphere is so filled with steam that it rains every where on the planet for weeks if not months the wave that went through south America would send a toxic cloud throu out south America killing 2o to 30 million people living in the enormous cities throughout South America while millions more we're buried in the Southern section of South America look at the Drake passage if you've never looked at it if you have looked at it look at it with new eyes they say that a tsunami caused the break between Antarctica and South America yeah right if you look you can see two perfect circles or craters under the ocean intersection where the ocean floor was moved it considerable distance almost 2,000 miles actually each of the craters substantial themselves one being and the other being 500 miles wide now I know it wasn't an asteroid because something that big meter Morton steel would have just fragmented the Earth but something right there impacting on how I believe it happened shaped the world of today this single event can't explain hundreds of events around the world they currently have no explanation crazy buried under sand and yet it shows signs of water damage on the pyramids where the end of the ocean or maybe with the ocean over them for a short period the giant pad wave hitting South Africa carrying a Sahara desert's worth of sand and running out of energy in the northern part of Africa might be a good explanation as to why the deserts during the first place I have no doubt if you look at this you can see the entire path of all the energy from this event all the way around the world starting to Drake passage go to Google Earth and see for yourself I bet you once you look at it taking into mind what I've said you'll think how did I not see this before thank you for reading this Sean rocks 360


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
I admit that your idea may be considered questionable but, considering the importance of velocity in momentum and kinetic energy, it has some interest.

Do you really need 300-400 miles wide? Why did you choose a comet over a smaller (maybe loosely aggregated) asteroid?

Cat :)

P.S. I will read your post again, as I was trying to clear up the video question first.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Sean, you really need to look at your punctuation and sentence length too.
Let me give you a start:

Hello. My name is Sean. I was going to do the introduce yourself, but I have not quite figured out how. I hope it is ok that I do it here, before I say what I have to say.

I have a theory and I am sure, after reading it, half of you will dismiss it before you even think about it, and then half of who is left might think it's an interesting read, and if I am lucky some of you will hear what I say, and investigate for your selves.

Imagine this, but imagine it as it's true. Not to long ago, in our past, there was a recorded event of three years of gloom where nothing grew. The sun was hardly seen - the event is recorded in tree rings. I believe this event happened in the 14th century:
This is one event it caused, but that is just the tip of the iceberg (no pun intended). Imagine a comet 300, maybe as big as 400, miles wide falling into our orbit so that it hit us. It was just ahead of us and moving just a bit slower, maybe 1000 mph slower. Coming into our orbit quickly, and plunging into our atmosphere relatively slowly, compared to how we might expect - but still going fast enough to get really hot - but slow enough not have the ballistic impact of an asteroid, say six miles wide, travelling through the atmosphere and melting into the ocean floor.

Now picture this happening below south America, hitting the land bridge between South America and Antartica. The impact would send a blast that would be so incredible as to be nearly nuclear, but the impact was immediately followed by the other 2 /3rds of the water the comet brought with it.

The impact would leave two craters, one 500 - the other 400 - miles wide. The first, being a bit smaller than the second, which would be kin of an exit (?). It would send a large section of the ocean floor some 2000 miles to the northeast (?) and create a giant tidal wave (not a tsunami) of boiling mud and sand several miles high - may be as high as 50 miles - because it is not only the ocean water it is the water it brought with it.

It's traveling in a north east direction on impact, so the boiling wave of mud goes in that direction, but the tidal wave would still go in a 360 degree circumference, sending a boiling wave of cleaner water over Antartica., The temperature would cause it nearly to flash freeze ,and blanket Antartica in miles of ice. The mud wave would blanket most of South America, but with less mud as it traveled across the country. However, the wave would continue on north east, while, simultaneously, a large number of volcanoes would be erupting, due to the impact, which was rather like when you step on a ketchup pack (?).

The rest of the wave, traveling at incredible speed, continues all the way to Africa, scorching the southern tip, and blanketing the whole of Africa, depositing it's remaining cargo of sand and silt I the northern part of Africa as the Sahara Desert, burying Egypt and that whole strip of the Middle East, still continuing all the way to India, where it buried half of Indiaof the sub-continent in the same molting (?) mud that cover northwest Africa. Then going on through Japan, muffling (?) the many volcanoes it caused there and elsewhere, when the atmosphere is so filled with steam that it rains everywhere on the planet for weeks, if not months.

The wave that went through South America would send a toxic cloud throughout South America, killing 20 to 30 million people living in the enormous cities there, while millions more were buried in the Southern section of South America.

Look at the Drake passage. If you've never looked at it, if you have looked at it, look at it again with new eyes They say that a tsunami caused the break between Antarctica and South America. Well, if you look you can see two perfect circles or craters under the ocean intersection where the ocean floor was moved a considerable distance - almost 2,000 miles. Actually, each of the craters - themselves substantial - one being (?) and the other being 500 miles wide. Now I know it wasn't an asteroid, because something that big meter Morton steel (?) would have just fragmented the Earth, but something right there impacting on how I believe it happened, shaped the world of today.

This single event can't explain hundreds of events around the world. They currently have no explanation - crazy buried under sand - and yet it shows signs of water damage on the pyramids, where the end of the ocean, or maybe buried with the ocean for a short period, the giant pad (?) wave hitting South Africa, carrying a Sahara desert's worth of sand, and running out of energy in the northern part of Africa, might be a good explanation as to why the deserts occurred in (?) the first place.

I have no doubt that, if you look at this, you can see the entire path of all the energy, from this event - all the way around the world - starting at the Drake P.assage. Go to Google Earth and see for yourself. I bet you once you look at it, taking into account what I've said, you will think how did I not see this before.

Thank you for reading this.

Sean rocks 360

I do disagree with some of the content, but it certainly is an easier read. You will need to check the intent, and attend to the (?) points

Hope this helps. There is still plenty of room for improvement, but I did not want to interfere with your momentum.

Cat :)
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Jul 12, 2022
I admit that your idea may be considered questionable but, considering the importance of velocity in momentum and kinetic energy, it has some interest.

Do you really need 300-400 miles wide? Why did you choose a comet over a smaller (maybe loosely aggregated) asteroid?

Cat :)

P.S. I will read your post again, as I was trying to clear up the video question first.
The video was about Krakatoa erupting in the same time frame and the comet would not have near as destructive fire based impact it would have slot of water with it which is what I think happened to slot of structures around the world how many things are buried with no real explanation there people that think that all that mud is a result of volcanic ash during a great flood I keep saying ok what caused the floor there are many things on the ocean floor that used the be above the water when I say many I mean a lot how much would a ball of water that size raise sea level but the main reason for the size I pick is in the drake passage start there and head northeast and you can see with nearly an open mind the event once you do look at it with that happening you will not be able to un see it that is why I joined this forum I have been blasting this everywhere and I wanted to get some scientist to see it


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Sean, OK, I am a scientist. What do you want me to see?

I see the Falkland Islands, and I see Drake's Passage and all the broken terrain around Tierra del Fuego. What now?

Cat :)

In the curve of Tiera del Fuego I see tha Argentine Basin, but I also see the Argentine Abyssal Plain, and the Falkland Plateau leading to the Falkland Escarpment. The area within the curve of Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands is a submarine plateau.

This relatively shallow submerged plain stretches from within th curve of Tierra del Fuego, out to the Falkland Islands. It then runs parallel to the coast up to, and beyond, Buenos Aires. All this land is less than 200 metres (656 feet) deep.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Scientists find liquid water can form in some comets as they pass close to sun | Imperial News | Imperial College London

Asteroids and comets are both solid celestial bodies, formed during the early solar system 4.5 billion years ago. Asteroids tend to be rockier and reside exclusively in the Asteroid Belt (between Mars and Jupiter). In contrast, comets come from the outer solar system and contain lots of water-ice and other volatiles. Both bodies send material to Earth, in the form of centimetre-sized (and bigger) fragments as well as a huge quantity of cosmic dust (.40,000 tonnes per year). Once caught by our planet’s gravity and if they survive passage through our atmosphere this material falls to the surface. They are termed meteorites or in the case of cosmic dust: micrometeorites – being smaller than a grain of sand at 25–400 μm, no more than twice the width of a human hair.

Cat :)
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Jul 12, 2022
It would not have to be liquid, it would melt a lot during entry and a ball of ice is not near as heavy at the same size as a ball of iron . plus speed is a factor a 200 mile wide ball of iron going 70,000 mph would fragment us where as a block of ice going 1000 would be like an oversize splashing of water on the rocks of a small sauna .the part that did not melt would still be pretty big and it would supply the energy to create the wave
Jul 12, 2022
Sean, you really need to look at your punctuation and sentence length too.
Let me give you a start:

I do disagree with some of the content, but it certainly is an easier read. You will need to check the intent, and attend to the (?) points

Hope this helps. There is still plenty of room for improvement, but I did not want to interfere with your momentum.

Cat :)
I am doing all of this from my phone punctuation can be a pain but I know what you are talking about
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Jan 29, 2020
They do soil cores and geological cores. When they analyze the core, it reveal whether there was salt water.
Militaries trail wires longer than football field to sensor the seabed. There won't be any recent new big impacts as the Cold War led the seabed to be sensored. They might be equipped with global warming sensors nowdays.
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Jul 12, 2022

Sean, OK, I am a scientist. What do you want me to see?

I see the Falkland Islands, and I see Drake's Passage and all the broken terrain around Tierra del Fuego. What now?

Cat :)

In the curve of Tiera del Fuego I see tha Argentine Basin, but I also see the Argentine Abyssal Plain, and the Falkland Plateau leading to the Falkland Escarpment. The area within the curve of Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands is a submarine plateau.

This relatively shallow submerged plain stretches from within th curve of Tierra del Fuego, out to the Falkland Islands. It then runs parallel to the coast up to, and beyond, Buenos Aires. All this land is less than 200 metres (656 feet) deep.
Well I want you to see it on Google earth


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
OK. I did Google Earth, and I turned the globe until the same area I graphed came in view. I got similar to the graphs above but just green and blue.

What do you want me to see that is not in the maps above?

Cat :)


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Yes, Sean. Have you read my post #22?

OK. I did Google Earth, and I turned the globe until the same area I graphed came in view. I got similar to the graphs above but just green and blue.

What do you want me to see that is not in the maps above?

Google Earth does not provide any more relevant information than the maps I posted above.

What point are you making?

Cat :)
Jul 12, 2022
Yes, Sean. Have you read my post #22?

Google Earth does not provide any more relevant information than the maps I posted above.

What point are you making?

Cat :)
Oh but it does it provides a photograph from above Earth's atmosphere that you can zoom in to about 200 feet from the ground .you can see all the terrain of the ocean floor . You can see all the stress cracks you can see you can see the nearly 709 mille wide crater on the ocean floor not through an artist rendering a photograph

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