The Expanding-Universe Lie Is Too Blatant

Dec 27, 2022
"No matter which galaxy you are on, all other galaxies are moving away."

This is simply not true. Galaxies in a galactic cluster do not move away from one another. Generally, no two entities have ever been observed to move away from one another pushed by expansion. In a sane world, this would be an ironclad refutation of the expansion theory. In Einstein's schizophrenic world, cosmologists are free to tweak the theory so that it predicts absolute lack of expansion in spaces where expansion is observationally absent:

Sabine Hossenfelder: "The solution of general relativity that describes the expanding universe is a solution on average; it is good only on very large distances. But the solutions that describe galaxies are different - and just don't expand. It's not that galaxies expand unnoticeably, they just don't. The full solution, then, is both stitched together: Expanding space between non-expanding galaxies...It is only somewhere beyond the scales of galaxy clusters that expansion takes over."

"Space DOES NOT Expand Everywhere...Is the space inside, say, a galaxy growing but overcome by the gravitational attraction between the stars? The answer is no. Space within any gravitationally bound system is unaffected by the surrounding expansion."
Dec 27, 2022
Consider two galactic clusters relatively close to one another. The light coming from them is redshifted - cosmologists explain that this is because the expansion of space pushes the clusters away from us. But then the expansion must push the clusters away from one another, and the distance between them must increase, no? Observations have not confirmed this implication, so cosmologists should further tweak their theory: Expansion only occurs radially from the center of the Earth, it is absent in other directions, and that's it!

Sheez, wake up and smell the physics! Do you, can you, realize just how much higher energies are -- how much greater the mass and energy field is -- non-locally toward the infinity back of the collapsed constant of the Planck Horizon, the Big Bang Horizon, the Big Balck Hole Horizon; altogether the PBB(B)H (cc (/\)) Horizon, the highest energy field and horizon there is (thus the fastest evolutions possible as well) than they are anywhere and everywhere locally, relatively speaking that is!
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