Crazy Eddie, Secret Society Goat & Agent Of Evil<br /><br />You are very typical of the standard Disinformation Specialists.<br /><br />You use mind manipulating words like UFO, WACKO, WOO WOOs, BOGUS! These words have great impact on simple, inexperienced, and uneducated minds, children, and a naive public.<br /><br />Never the less, are all fact less lies, untrue, and have nothing what so ever to do with the International Space Agency or Its Purpose, Goals, Efforts, or People!<br /><br />Furthermore, you, and those Evil Ones like you, hide in the shadows using fake identifications, multiple usernames, and are beyond public review. You are skilled at infiltrating venues of Public Mass Media, like Space.Com, to manipulate & alter public opinions and views, and attack and slander with impunity.<br /><br />If you are indeed an upstanding American citizen, we would like to see your name, picture, and resume published for all to see, as is all the Members of the ISA Leadership, for all the Public to see!<br /><br />You will not do this because, first and foremost, it is you who is the Real Wacko & Fake!<br /><br />Secondly, you are a Criminal and have spread Lies and Disinformation which has Wrongly Defamed Mr. Dobson, and the International Space Agency, and its People, and you know that you would be sued in a Court of Law, and charged with a number of Crimes.<br /><br />Thirdly, you are not even an American, but an Agitator from out side the U.S.A. abusing our Freedoms for your own hidden agendas and purposes.<br /><br />You, and those like you, are an ever-present Evil hiding behind Genuine American Freedoms to weave your Lies, Disinformation, Propaganda, and Smear Campaigns.<br /><br />Lastly, companies like Space.Com may hide behind legal mumbo-jumbo that they are not indeed responsible for the actions and disinformation of their posters, but they are in principle and in spirit supporting Evil people like you by their silence and condoning such malicious actions and behav