The Light, Space, Time, Energy and Matter

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"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
π is a length ratio and thus dimensionless. c is a speed, therefore dimension length / time.

You can only equate them using a constant of correct dimensions, and thus the constant depends on the units.

You could use a speed, divided by c as a speed ratio. This would be dimensionless
but if you put c = c to express it in dimensionless form (to match π), then the equation would become π = 1, which is clearly untrue,

Cat :)
That's exactly what I wanted to say.
You can not see it by the naked eye the dark photon to be activated in quasar as they create the matters of the galaxy while the photon doing there loops in the event horison.
That's a far-fetched thought. You will have to first prove that matter is created by light, and I don't think something heavier can be created by something lighter. And, you are literally breaking the first law of Thermodynamics by that, energy cannot be created nor can it be destroyed! :)
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Nov 6, 2020
There is a lot of theories over there like Buckingham and much more which are correct in the Pi dimensionless format for them point of view.

But for Me first of all, Light can do the impossibility in all the manifold dimensions for example the Pi in the three dimension as a sphere is the mirrored distance all over the sphere in the same value even if it metamorph its has the equaivalent ratio of all pi in their sinusoity mindering complexion 4D with time as Pi radian could be also Pi2/Pi if the arrival time of past present future collhide in a x dimension to have a same speed constant rotation momentum. That s why photon spin 1 in all dimensions with time Pi/1 and without time because Pi/0 could be an undifined number and Pi itself as Light in black hole. Like you say I divided the dimensionless with nothingness or absolute emptiness.
How sometimes the unreal imaginary number exist as i2=-1 and much more vietually exist the same way Light photon is a particle entity of existence that metamorph the way it is but the circumference of its trajectory loop divided by it straight Line diamter time calculation gives you the Pi equivalence sinusoity ratio of all the mixed manifolds because the eternal spin rotation is propably spherical at n D infinity and torus "hole" in the n-1 D infinity. From Here even i it is torus or spherical shape the Pi is the ratio speed Distance/Time of "spin particles" and "sinusoidal waves" at the same time.
The Pi speed of Light is a number ratio that could be with unit and without unit as a theory in any x dimension in the complexity of its meaning C=π


"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
I will say nothing but to reiterate my stance, you are overthinking and you are breaking the first law of Thermodynamics. And moreover, if I remember correctly, Buckingham's Theorem does not work on things whose values change with systems of unit. Cat can correct me if I am wrong. And I guess, speed of light is something that is different in m/s and km/h. :)
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"But for Me first of all, Light can do the impossibility in all the manifold dimensions"

Sorry, for me, anything flawed in dimensional analysis is a non-starter.

I am, of course, aware that π appears in formulae relating to higher than two dimensions, such as the volume of a sphere. However, this is just the consequence of extrapolating our simplistic assumptions about space. It comes into the same category as the sum of the angles of a triangle totalling 270 degrees when inscribed on a sphere with a 90 degree angle at the "north pole" and two 90 degree angles at the "equator".

"The Pi speed of Light is a number ratio that could be with unit and without unit as a theory in any x dimension in the complexity of its meaning C=π"

Please explain, briefly if possible, how you justify this in terms of dimensional analysis.
Perhaps I should first ask you to confirm that you do accept dimensional analysis as fundamental?

Cat :)
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
IG, I agree with you.

Wiki includes: "If the dimensionless combinations' values changed with the systems of units, then the equation would not be an identity, and Buckingham's theorem would not hold."
My emphasis.

Cat :)
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"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
IG, I agree with you.

Wiki includes: "If the dimensionless combinations' values changed with the systems of units, then the equation would not be an identity, and Buckingham's theorem would not hold."
My emphasis.

Cat :)
Haha, I didn't even check the Wiki for Buckingham Pi Theory. I guess I should have checked, I would have been more confident then. Anyway, thank you for confirming me! :)
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Nov 6, 2020
I really enjoy speaking with you All.

Imagine that
Light swim in space-time dimension in the relativity of each others; where considering each photons in a speed of C goes from each other away in relative to each other to live the past or future of each other way. All those quantity of photons that are in different shell are vectorized in the probability to each other. What could happen to each one of them?
I think that if a photon have a speed of C goes away from another photon direction the smallest or the farest distance between them make the photons live each other past like in the duality and entaglement theory.
The realitvity between both photons here have an excess of C speed in each photon in proportion to the other photon if they are totally in different and opposite direction where one of those photon will live the past of the other photon in realivity to the other one and one of them live the future of the other one vice versa as they are traveling more then the speed of themselves in proportion to each relatively speaking. The time and gravity will be backward and forward in the cones of wrapping dimension of space. Those are considered like memories in the moments time of photon. The photon have also memory that never dies. All photons shell are connected to each other in only 1 single photon as a wave and particles at the same time.

Einstein said if you travel more then the speed of Light you will go back in time. This is propably correct and here Light go back in time and go into the future by themselves and they are in the present at the same time. They are a trinity of past, present and future and because they have a C speed they have all the time keys and all the dimension space and energies by virtue.
That is why light from where it goes in it comes back to its point of origin where the present is the key of past and future.
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"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
Do you know how the photons will feel when two of them go past each other.

One photon will say, "Hey, how do you do?"

The other will say, "I am fine, how about you?"

The first photon: "Just whizzing about."

The above conversation completely describes my thought but I will still describe what I mean to say. Sorry, light CANNOT travel faster than light. And, no, even if you do travel faster than light, you will not go back in time. There is no way of going back in time. And Einstein never said that we will go back in time if we travel faster than light. I am reiterating what I said some posts ago, you are overthinking.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
I really enjoy speaking with you All.

Light swim in space-time dimension in the relativity of each others; where considering each photons in a speed of C goes from each other away in relative to each other to live the past or future of each other way. All those quantity of photons that are in different shell are vectorized in the propability to each other. What could happen to each one of them?
I think that if a photon have a speed of C goes away from another photon direction the smallest or the farest distance between them make the photons live each other past like in the duality and entaglement theory.
The realitvity between both photons here have an excess of C speed in each photon in proportion to the other photon if they are totally in different and opposite direction where one of those photon will live the past of the other photon in realivity to the other one and one of them live the future of the other one vice versa as they are traveling more then the speed of themselves in proportion to each relatively speaking. The time and gravity will be backward and forward in the cones of wrapping dimension of space. Those are considered like memories in the moments time of photon. The photon have also memory that never dies. All photons shell are connected to each other in only 1 single photon as a wave and particles at the same time.

Einstein said if you travel more then the speed of Light you will go back in time. This is propably correct and here Light go back in time and go into the future by themselves and they are in the present at the same time. They are a trinity of past, present and future and because they have a C speed they have all the time keys and all the dimension space and energies by virtue.
That is why light from where it goes in it comes back to its point of origin where the present is the key of past and future.
Please explain, briefly if possible, how you justify this in terms of dimensional analysis.
Perhaps I should first ask you to confirm that you do accept dimensional analysis as fundamental?
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Nov 6, 2020
Do you know how the photons will feel when two of them go past each other.

One photon will say, "Hey, how do you do?"

The other will say, "I am fine, how about you?"

The first photon: "Just whizzing about."

The above conversation completely describes my thought but I will still describe what I mean to say. Sorry, light CANNOT travel faster than light. And, no, even if you do travel faster than light, you will not go back in time. There is no way of going back in time. And Einstein never said that we will go back in time if we travel faster than light. I am reiterating what I said some posts ago, you are overthinking.
Bro you didn't pay attention on what I am describing above.

There is nothing in the world faster than Light nothing at all even Light can not fast more than C because it has a constant celerity C=π Mm/Cs

What I am describing above is the relativity as an example which is not real and not true, becasue there is nothing faster then Light even Light itself but in relativity speaking we can imagine that those two photons are in relative like Tachyon which also is a virtual concept which is not also verified.

Man please pay attention on the relative word that I was describing. Besides if you want the real story even these two photons in relative to each other could not in reality go faster then Light because these two photon will tend and that Line become a circle at infinity and then we will describe all the above dimension.

But what I am speaking about the relativity of Einstein is an imagination and virtual illusion which is not correct in absolute reality.

But the speed of the photo stay constant and equal to C=π Megameters/Centisecond in all its reality and realtivity.

On another Hand I have the Book of Einstein relativity and yes Einstein said that if you go faster then Light you will go back in time in the 4 Dimension cones you will be out of the cones and the point will return back to the past cone (There is the present that is the intersection of past cone and future cone....Go check 4 Dimension space-time relativity of Einstein)
Nov 6, 2020
Please explain, briefly if possible, how you justify this in terms of dimensional analysis.
Perhaps I should first ask you to confirm that you do accept dimensional analysis as fundamental?
For Me it is not true that something is faster then Light even Light itself because it has a constant value of speed which will not change and it is equal to c=π Megameters/Centisecond
But when we speak in relativity everything is like an illusion fro virtual photons and it could be like tachyon that each photon live the other photon past, future and present at the same time in RELATIVITY. So I think relativity speaking all photons are not the same and the same at the same time-dimension. so in relativity they are like teletransporting data memories to each other. that's why I said that they have a memory that never dies so one photon could be the other and vice versa like a shell of photonic wave-particles vectors metamorphing frequencies and length. so the gluon inside could change between all colors and function dimension space. But there speed are constant as an equilibrium to the subject particles once you calculate it like in the entanglement theory.
Nov 6, 2020
For Me the Tachyon is virtual as an illusion and not in the nature world of the complexity π of Light.
There is nothing faster than Light even Light itself but in relativity speaking to break that truth it could be in an illusion world of matrix dream. The same the description of relativity theory is true but they use to use the relativity to calculated distance stars and much more things but the relativity of Light itself could be true as Light has a constant speed whatever photons goes in any # direction the speed still be the same equal to π Mm/Cs.

This is what I want to describe in my paragraph above but i could not have much time to continue describing it. All I want was to tell you that even if two photons are away from each others in relativity they tend so the vector sum speed will stay in balance to the constant C. But if considering that those photons are going straight from each others as an illusion virtual photonics relativity they could live each other.

in the end we could not say that Light also have -c speed and negative in time because timeline of future is in one direction but when time bend in the wrapping time of gravity in black holes for example everything is possible.

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Nov 6, 2020
AS "The Light, Space, Time, Energy and Matter"

You have a long initial post with, as far as I can understand, no clear ending, summary or question.
I really would like to understand the purpose of your post, and would be very grateful if you could kindly provide me with just a couple of lines in summary?

Many thanks,

Cat :)
Check the photos above I already insert some photos for comprehension


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
When you say c is constant you are assuming in vacuo, I take it.

Perhaps I should first ask you to confirm that you do accept dimensional analysis as fundamental?

I would appreciate a reply to this please.

Cat :)
Nov 6, 2020
Yes of course you mean I accept The fundamental dimensions used in mechanics which are time, mass, and length.

But pay attention in quarks and quantum mechanics everything differs because they are particles of quarks specially the photons of Light. Some elements in bosons interaction force barrier could have mass but Light photon doesn't Have mass, straight to the point.



"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"Yes of course you mean I accept The fundamental dimensions used in mechanics which are time, mass, and length."

No, of course I do not mean something so ridiculously elementary. In fact, I feel quite insulted by such a suggestion. J have a B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemical Engineering, and enough granted patents for half a dozen Ph.D.s. After taking my company public we sold to one of the largest multinationals, and I then ran a company which included Procter and Gamble and Unilever as clients for in house training. And you talk of length and time. What are your qualifications?
Dimensional analysis is applied to equations and derived constants to ensure that they are dimensionally consistent. It also safeguards against errors. You may wish to learn further from Wiki:
Dimensional analysis
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In engineering and science, dimensional analysis is the analysis of the relationships between different physical quantities by identifying their base quantities (such as length, mass, time, and electric charge) and units of measure (such as miles vs. kilometres, or pounds vs. kilograms) and tracking these dimensions as calculations or comparisons are performed. (My emphsis)

My apologies if, as it appears, you may have no scientific or engineering qualification.

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"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
There is nothing in the world faster than Light nothing at all even Light can not fast more than C because it has a constant celerity C=π Mm/Cs
But the speed of the photo stay constant and equal to C=π Megameters/Centisecond in all its reality and realtivity.
Refer to this, except the breaking of first law of thermodynamics part:
I will say nothing but to reiterate my stance, you are overthinking and you are breaking the first law of Thermodynamics. And moreover, if I remember correctly, Buckingham's Theorem does not work on things whose values change with systems of unit. Cat can correct me if I am wrong. And I guess, speed of light is something that is different in m/s and km/h. :)
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
IG, you are correct:

"Wiki includes: "If the dimensionless combinations' values changed with the systems of units, then the equation would not be an identity, and Buckingham's theorem would not hold."
My emphasis.

Cat :)
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
AS Perhaps you would be kind enough to carry out a dimensional analysis of your equation:
"There is nothing in the world faster than Light nothing at all even Light can not fast more than C because it has a constant celerity C=π Mm/Cs"

I await your reply with interest, but let me know if you need help.

Cat :)
Nov 6, 2020
Now please could you rephrase your question?
I didn't understand what do you want exactly to know from me.
Ok I have read it and I already know it from school when I was a child but it doesn't affect anyway my theory because I already mention that C=π Megameters/Centisecond and Light has dimensions in the fields of space and π is a dimensionless number for manys but for Light it differs because Light has time and speed so there is no wrong in the analysis of speed of Light=distance/time because π here is a function-vector-number with dimension for Light theory.
BESIDES, this Light theory is a different story, because we are talking about quantum, momentum, energy where Light has no mass at all but some people created a mass for Light to simplify and understand Light in the quantum mechanics field.
C=π is discovered is in a dimension where there is no mass at all devoided from matter and vaccum so it could be without unit as a dimaond ratio rule of thumb ONLY but because it has this diamond ratio in combination of the beauty of Light and they propably calculated it with aparatus of many laser beams in the aid of mirrors and they calculated from the eclipse of jupiter and other planets they got nearly a solution of a number that could be define exactly between the approx. 300,000km/s as a the Light speed should be exactly 100% sure 3.14....Megameters/Centisecond which is equal to 314, and an irrational constant with no ending and this is the beauty of Light. There is no end.
Forget about the dimensional analysis of other stuff because Light has its own dimensional analysis by its speed with no error at all.
This is it if we gonna take it seriously with other proof in our solar system there is our time on earth by CELERITY=GRAVITY X TIME and you have also the quark photon spin that should be equal to any move because Light is constant whatever it goes and there is a lot of proof and we are not talking here about a kilo that is equal to metal and I don't know what else and they missed it in the quarks table.
We are measuring the Light exactly as it should be in nature by virtue of its beautiful theory C=π and its number speed 314159265.3...m/s
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