Peter the Dane
I dont think in: scotty "beam me up" even that specially that invention would come in handy ;D<br /><br />arthur c clarke invented the communication sattelite, he did it in a not much noted novel years before they send up sputnik.<br /><br />I guess the forum useres have read allmost anny sience-fiction novel around. why not try to exstract the knowlegde, here you can tell the engineer the easy way out.<br /><br />a disney cartoon inspired a easy way to salvage ships, fill it up with small balls filled with air....<br /><br />my surgestion are from a old novel, I have forgot most of the real story but from childhood I recall this, a giant plant are living in a moon crater, it have covered the crater and created a atmospher inside. now this plant need to have the air and to seal leakage it have leaves. that in case of a leak are sucked in to the hole, filling the hole and sealing it. <br />why not fill pieces of fiber covered with welcro in to the walls of a space modul. if hit from a micro meteorite the vessle will not lose pressure just seal it self. to make it 100% air proff spay a paint or coating on top the fibers.<br /><br />Peter Gotthardsen<br />