This giant crater on Ceres with bright spots may be the most fascinating place in the solar system

The article stated "The new research papers focus on a host of different intriguing findings about Occator Crater, which is about 22 million years old and about 57 miles across (92 km), as well as about Ceres more generally."

Here is another link on the age dating at Ceres and young surface age encountered. 'Recent cryovolcanic activity at Occator crater on Ceres',, "Abstract NASA’s Dawn mission revealed a partially differentiated Ceres that has experienced cryovolcanic activity throughout its history up to the recent past. The Occator impact crater, which formed ~22 Myr ago, displays bright deposits (faculae) across its floor whose origins are still under debate: two competing hypotheses involve eruption of brines from the crust–mantle transition boundary (remnants of an ancient ocean) or alternatively from a shallow impact melt chamber. Here we report new constraints on the history of Occator that help in testing the hypotheses of its formation..."

I find this report on Ceres young surface age in places, interesting in view of a recent report on Ganymede impact age,

Perhaps there is a complete database published showing all the young vs. old ages uncovered in different locations for the solar system and the different methods used to reconcile all the different ages reported. Such a database would show the cosmic ray exposure ages for various meteorites as well as meteorite radiometric years. And there is the young ring ages reported at Saturn. What about Jupiter's ring age, Uranus, Neptune?

At home, I setup a database using MS ACCESS and keep track of as much as I can.
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