The truth is coming out!

Jan 27, 2025
It won't be long now. With all of the Tier One military whistleblowrrs coming forward, the whole planet is going to learn the secrets that have been hidden from us for DECADES. WE ARE NOT ALONE. Our military has been retrieving downed NHI (non-human intelligence) crafts & have been reverse engineering them to duplicate their technology.
Even more bizarre is HOW they are accessing these craft. The method is called Scionics and it involves telepathically gaining control of the craft & bringing them in. UNBELIEVABLE!!!! BUT, it is a fact.
I know you all think I've lost it, and I almost wish I was making it up....
Go checkout all of the information on 'Reality Check' on News Nation on YouTube. Several high-level whistleblowers have recently come forward & the interview with Lt. Col (Retired) Jake Barber. It will blow your mind. It did mine.
This must be where A.I. comes from. And evidently China has secured one of these crafts. And is taking market share. And market nerves. Maybe it has to come out now. Hidden no longer. China has broken the seal.


Apr 3, 2020
Please don't believe everything on the internet/YT. To date, not a single shred of verifiable evidence has ever been offered/produced/examined. Zero.

When (if) that happens, I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about.
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Aug 15, 2024
Please don't believe everything on the internet/YT. To date, not a single shred of verifiable evidence has ever been offered/produced/examined. Zero.

When (if) that happens, I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about.
On what do you base your assertion? There are numerous and significant scientific analyses already reported extensively on alien materials; beyond that, at least 4 nations have alien technology, and have had it for almost a hundred years. But there's nothing new about alien visitations, they've been going on as long as man has recorded history. Not to mention the biologics that have been and are held on Earth. The evidence has been offered and delivered and testified to in Congress - I don't know how you can possibly state "zero" - what's your security clearance? Thousands upon thousands of recorded interactions with aliens exist, and no amount of scientific hubris will change that. They're real, they've been visiting for millennia, and their message is clear - don't screw up this planet, don't use nuclear weapons. They've demonstrated this by closing/controlling several American and Russian nuclear missile silos. Alien implants have bee n removed and analyzed, and found to be extraterrestrial, elemental combinations not found on Earth. The truth is out there, just be open to it.


Apr 3, 2020
On what do you base your assertion? There are numerous and significant scientific analyses already reported extensively on alien materials; beyond that, at least 4 nations have alien technology, and have had it for almost a hundred years. But there's nothing new about alien visitations, they've been going on as long as man has recorded history. Not to mention the biologics that have been and are held on Earth. The evidence has been offered and delivered and testified to in Congress - I don't know how you can possibly state "zero" - what's your security clearance? Thousands upon thousands of recorded interactions with aliens exist, and no amount of scientific hubris will change that. They're real, they've been visiting for millennia, and their message is clear - don't screw up this planet, don't use nuclear weapons. They've demonstrated this by closing/controlling several American and Russian nuclear missile silos. Alien implants have bee n removed and analyzed, and found to be extraterrestrial, elemental combinations not found on Earth. The truth is out there, just be open to it.
Sources please. Not YT. Not eyewitness testimony. Something measurable.

Clearances have zip to do with anything.
Sep 20, 2020
Yeah - I'm in the "empirical evidence" camp on this one too. I have watched my fair share of UFO encounters, reports, even had family & friends swear they had seen UFO's.
I have personally seen some questionable things in the night sky, but the lack of evidence is keeping me skeptical. I have an open mind but I have to admit most of the things Ive read & seen, have been more of entertainment value than scientific.


Apr 3, 2020
Here's the thing: you're all afraid I'm right.
Not at all. Really a matter of facts, or not.

Lots of speculation, and quite honestly nonsense, and no evidence.

Many threads on this basic topic. All end the same.

Time will tell. Do you really think something of that magnitude could be kept a secret, on a global scale? It would be broadcast endlessly via every media platform.


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