The truth is coming out!

Jan 27, 2025
It won't be long now. With all of the Tier One military whistleblowrrs coming forward, the whole planet is going to learn the secrets that have been hidden from us for DECADES. WE ARE NOT ALONE. Our military has been retrieving downed NHI (non-human intelligence) crafts & have been reverse engineering them to duplicate their technology.
Even more bizarre is HOW they are accessing these craft. The method is called Scionics and it involves telepathically gaining control of the craft & bringing them in. UNBELIEVABLE!!!! BUT, it is a fact.
I know you all think I've lost it, and I almost wish I was making it up....
Go checkout all of the information on 'Reality Check' on News Nation on YouTube. Several high-level whistleblowers have recently come forward & the interview with Lt. Col (Retired) Jake Barber. It will blow your mind. It did mine.
This must be where A.I. comes from. And evidently China has secured one of these crafts. And is taking market share. And market nerves. Maybe it has to come out now. Hidden no longer. China has broken the seal.
Aug 15, 2024
Please don't believe everything on the internet/YT. To date, not a single shred of verifiable evidence has ever been offered/produced/examined. Zero.

When (if) that happens, I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about.
On what do you base your assertion? There are numerous and significant scientific analyses already reported extensively on alien materials; beyond that, at least 4 nations have alien technology, and have had it for almost a hundred years. But there's nothing new about alien visitations, they've been going on as long as man has recorded history. Not to mention the biologics that have been and are held on Earth. The evidence has been offered and delivered and testified to in Congress - I don't know how you can possibly state "zero" - what's your security clearance? Thousands upon thousands of recorded interactions with aliens exist, and no amount of scientific hubris will change that. They're real, they've been visiting for millennia, and their message is clear - don't screw up this planet, don't use nuclear weapons. They've demonstrated this by closing/controlling several American and Russian nuclear missile silos. Alien implants have bee n removed and analyzed, and found to be extraterrestrial, elemental combinations not found on Earth. The truth is out there, just be open to it.


Apr 3, 2020
On what do you base your assertion? There are numerous and significant scientific analyses already reported extensively on alien materials; beyond that, at least 4 nations have alien technology, and have had it for almost a hundred years. But there's nothing new about alien visitations, they've been going on as long as man has recorded history. Not to mention the biologics that have been and are held on Earth. The evidence has been offered and delivered and testified to in Congress - I don't know how you can possibly state "zero" - what's your security clearance? Thousands upon thousands of recorded interactions with aliens exist, and no amount of scientific hubris will change that. They're real, they've been visiting for millennia, and their message is clear - don't screw up this planet, don't use nuclear weapons. They've demonstrated this by closing/controlling several American and Russian nuclear missile silos. Alien implants have bee n removed and analyzed, and found to be extraterrestrial, elemental combinations not found on Earth. The truth is out there, just be open to it.
Sources please. Not YT. Not eyewitness testimony. Something measurable.

Clearances have zip to do with anything.
Sep 20, 2020
Yeah - I'm in the "empirical evidence" camp on this one too. I have watched my fair share of UFO encounters, reports, even had family & friends swear they had seen UFO's.
I have personally seen some questionable things in the night sky, but the lack of evidence is keeping me skeptical. I have an open mind but I have to admit most of the things Ive read & seen, have been more of entertainment value than scientific.


Apr 3, 2020
Here's the thing: you're all afraid I'm right.
Not at all. Really a matter of facts, or not.

Lots of speculation, and quite honestly nonsense, and no evidence.

Many threads on this basic topic. All end the same.

Time will tell. Do you really think something of that magnitude could be kept a secret, on a global scale? It would be broadcast endlessly via every media platform.
The problem is we have never been able to verify an anecdote. Yes, someone saw something, but what exactly did they see? One convincing proof would be if it sat still long enough I could go look at it. Another proof would be to show me a tiny sliver of one. With so many people having been abducted, surely one of them would have returned with a matchbook from the UFO men's room.
Then you must consider the motivation. The person who first sights a UFO that proves to be real will get the Nobel Prize, the #1 prize in the known universe, become famous and rich beyond comprehension. ONLY if you have precedence to you get the prize. There is NO penalty for jumping the gun. Now, you put two and two together.
Jan 2, 2024
Ok, I am coming out on this one.-

promytius is right. There can be zero doubt. UFOs really do exist and their interaction with us is increasing. The evidence is overwhelming. How do you feel about not being Top Predator? It is obvious that concealment from the public has been necessary but is now dangerous.​

I disagree with promytius as to motivation. Some exploit our world and our biology. Their technical expertise is understood in broad terms. Their mobile abilities are explicable. Hard evidence exists in bucket loads but Bill does not have access. Their verified interest in nuclear facilities is clear and the reason is obvious: It is weaponisable as an Electromagnetic pulse adapted to disable their craft. They already work to defend from it.

Not so nice -
  • Abductions
  • Animal mutilation
  • Intrusions in the military
  • Blatant Power demonstration (teasing)
Sometimes disregard for human health when interacting. But clearly there is more than one organisation and for whatever reason we may be allied with one or more.
The problem with scientific secrecy is that scientists will not want to work hard to smother any remarkable discovery, of any kind.

Astronomers constantly seek collaboration with other observatories to add veracity to any important claim. In the late 1800s, the College Romano observatory worked closely with the Palermo observatory because they had essentially the same Merz telescope. For example, they were studying, initially, solar prominences and by having two locations they were able to determine that solar prominences were not an effect by our atmosphere.

Collaboration today is ubiquitous, no doubt, among observatories. Exoplanets, for instance, require multiple observations before they can make the "confirmed" list. This can involve many other observatories. Space telescopes amplify this work.

Sagan said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." But one could say, "Extraordinary claims come with extraordinary leaks to the press."

So far, UFO claims are lots of colorful hats, but no cattle.
Jan 2, 2024
Time will tell. Do you really think something of that magnitude could be kept a secret, on a global scale?
Yes, but it is not a secret, is it? Who pretends it is a secret?
It would be broadcast endlessly via every media platform.
What would? UFOs are not news. That the Government acknowledges they exist is - briefly. I suppose you mean if they invaded or they carried out some mega act that could not be denied. Yes but why would they do that? They are not dumb.
Lots of speculation, and quite honestly nonsense, and no evidence.
You presuppose that 'they' would provide incontrovertible proof that could not be 'covered up', why? Why would you expect any Government to allow such proof to be shared?
I have previously thought it all best be kept under wraps but now it becomes unrealistic. I think! Well I suppose given the state of the world maybe it is possible to continue hiding reality.


Apr 3, 2020
Yes, but it is not a secret, is it? Who pretends it is a secret?

What would? UFOs are not news. That the Government acknowledges they exist is - briefly. I suppose you mean if they invaded or they carried out some mega act that could not be denied. Yes but why would they do that? They are not dumb.

You presuppose that 'they' would provide incontrovertible proof that could not be 'covered up', why? Why would you expect any Government to allow such proof to be shared?
I have previously thought it all best be kept under wraps but now it becomes unrealistic. I think! Well I suppose given the state of the world maybe it is possible to continue hiding reality.
Good luck holding your breath in anticipation of any sort of meaningful release of information.

If there is nothing to share, there is nothing to share.

Seems this expectation of proving a negative will never be met for some.
If there are tons and tons of UFO's sitting around, surely someone would have taken but a mote of dust and run a routine laser ablation mass spectrogram, which would conclusively show the item was extraterrestrial, would tell which star system it came from, and would win an instant Nobel Prize. This is why I am scratching my head. I feel exactly the same way I felt when a guy with three cups and a pea took my money on the streets of Philadelphia 50 years ago.

The conclusive evidence for ET UFOs is everywhere but before my eyes and within reach of my hands.
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Jan 2, 2024
Nullify mechanic charge acceleration for 30 minutes and I might consider it.
We don't know how to implement the theory. Not yet anyway. Unfortunately for engineers who still find difficulty in accepting Relativity, the explanation for UAP abilities lies with the manipulation of space and time and that 4 spatial dimensions may be exploited. The videos of UAP in circulation (released legally but with some clever manipulation over a long time) show the bubble interphase between universal time and space and the dissociation achieved by UAP. That is to say there is no direct physical interaction of UAP with our spacetime in a normal physical way. The bubble is seen on some parts of the videos but is just a blur in others.
That's as maybe current opinion of those investigating.

Personally I think the classic UFO shape is ideal to support the idea that spinning could help create some kind of force or field that might make it easier to break away from the usual constraints of space, like gravity or atmospheric pressure. It has been tried without success, I believe
Jan 2, 2024
A retired departmental head of a more secretive Pentagon Department put it this way:

"When you have a Top Gun Navy fighter pilot with years of experience, a trained observer, someone we trust to fly an $80 million airplane with live weapons in US airspace, telling Congress what they encountered was not man made and we could not defend against it, it makes an impression."

To deny that UAPs exist is just silly. To debate what they actually are makes sense. To ignore their existence is irresponsible. To openly acknowledge their existence may be irresponsible. Our general population(s) are more concerned about their own circumstance and survival with the best possible goodies they can get and regard such debate as akin to science fiction. That is fine and perhaps desirable. What is not okay is that governments are not prepared or cannot meet the challenge head-on (Or maybe they are, how would we know?).
Jul 6, 2024
A retired departmental head of a more secretive Pentagon Department put it this way:

"When you have a Top Gun Navy fighter pilot with years of experience, a trained observer, someone we trust to fly an $80 million airplane with live weapons in US airspace, telling Congress what they encountered was not man made and we could not defend against it, it makes an impression."

To deny that UAPs exist is just silly. To debate what they actually are makes sense. To ignore their existence is irresponsible. To openly acknowledge their existence may be irresponsible. Our general population(s) are more concerned about their own circumstance and survival with the best possible goodies they can get and regard such debate as akin to science fiction. That is fine and perhaps desirable. What is not okay is that governments are not prepared or cannot meet the challenge head-on (Or maybe they are, how would we know?).

Your quote is from Luis Elizondo, a former US Army counter-intel officer, later in the Pentagon as the Director for the National Programs Special Management Staff in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He is a crank who misrepresented his involvement in a program terminated five years prior to his resignation.

Even ignoring that, you quoted an argument of authority, which is a logical fallacy. Everyone can be mistaken, even experts, and pilots aren't experts in all the relevant fields.

In this case, as embarrassing as it is, those pilots showed they don't understand parallax and don't know how infrared cameras work. The most famous video released by the Navy clearly shows an object overflown by the plane that actually flies much more slowly (also see NASA analysis) and the more recent, ridiculously long but definite Pentagon re-analysis), and its speed, flight height and IR appearance is consistent with those of a duck.

The real question you failed to ask is why the Navy decided to release those videos and why then. (With so little care that they left in the displayed numbers that allowed experts to reconstruct the actual geometry of the flight.) The most likely answer is to distract people from something more important to them.

In your second paragraph, you don't understand your own point. Yes, unidentified aeial phenomena do exist. But they aren't a category unto themselves, they are only marked by being unidentified. And most of them can be identified upon closer inspection. Usually with something mundane like a plane, a planet or a lens reflection. Not what you wish for. Avoid wishful thinking.
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Jan 2, 2024
M4N8 Talk about crank magnets, lol
Anyway here is a tiny part of US legislation designed to uncover data re UFOs ( UAPs if you prefer)

PUBLIC LAW 117–81—DEC. 27, 2021 military nuclear assets, including strategic nuclear weapons and nuclear-powered ships and submarines. (N) In consultation with the Administrator for Nuclear Security, the number of reported incidents, and descriptions thereof, of unidentified aerial phenomena associated with facilities or assets associated with the production, transportation, or storage of nuclear weapons or components thereof. (O) In consultation with the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the number of reported incidents, and descriptions thereof, of unidentified aerial phenomena or drones of unknown origin associated with nuclear power generating stations, nuclear fuel storage sites, or other sites or facilities regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. (P) The names of the line organizations that have been designated to perform the specific functions under subsections (c) and (d), and the specific functions for which each such line organization has been assigned primary responsibility. (3) FORM.—Each report submitted under paragraph (1) shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex. (i) SEMIANNUAL BRIEFINGS.— (1) REQUIREMENT.—Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and not less frequently than semiannually thereafter until December 31, 2026, the head of the Office established under subsection (a) shall provide to the congressional committees specified in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (D) of subsection (l)(1) classified briefings on unidentified aerial phenomena. (2) FIRST BRIEFING.—The first briefing provided under paragraph (1) shall include all incidents involving unidentified aerial phenomena that were reported to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force or to the Office established under subsection (a) after June 24, 2021, regardless of the date of occur
Your quote is from Luis Elizondo, a former US Army counter-intel officer, later in the Pentagon as the Director for the National Programs Special Management Staff in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He is a crank who misrepresented his involvement in a program terminated five years prior to his resignation.
Oh Really? So why then does he still have security clearance at the deepest Level? Who are you to slander Luis - have you some security clearance of any note?


Apr 3, 2020
Security clearances are not a sign of credibility, in any way. Please don't assume otherwise. There is no relationship here. Zero. None (speaking from 38+ years of experience).

I would also recommend a bit of skepticism in regards to the legislation noted above. Unknown does not mean extraterrestrial. Having testified to congress before, speaking to them is often an exercise in futility as such sessions are more about political points and grandstanding than the topic at hand.

If there was something earth-shattering to share, it would already be public.
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Jul 6, 2024
M4N8 Talk about crank magnets, lol
Anyway here is a tiny part of US legislation designed to uncover data re UFOs ( UAPs if you prefer)

What was the point of this quote? What is its relevance?
Oh Really? So why then does he still have security clearance at the deepest Level? Who are you to slander Luis - have you some security clearance of any note?

You can't stop with the argument from authority fallacies, can you? Even people with security clearances can err and even they can be cranks. Since the guy was in counter-intel, there was an easy path.

Why did you ignore everything else I wrote? The argument from authority from the guy whom you defended with another argument from authority was already contradicted by ample evidence about misperception, which you have missed because it did not fit your cherished preconceptions.
Jan 2, 2024
Why did you ignore everything else I wrote? The argument from authority from the guy whom you defended with another argument from authority was already contradicted by ample evidence about misperception, which you have missed because it did not fit your cherished preconceptions.
Sorry, I did not spot anything else worth attention. True, probably because it did not fit with what I assume to know.. I will review and address the bits I have apparently ignored. My perceptions change regularly; I am not sure any are cherished; more sort of working ideas based on the latest info - assuming anything can be trusted nowadays. I will try to be more attentive rather than have an offhand assumption of 'blather' by someone whose life beliefs are offended. Seriously I will investigate with a bit more depth , after all it is one heck of a serious subject
I would also recommend a bit of skepticism in regards to the legislation noted above. Unknown does not mean extraterrestrial. Having testified to congress before, speaking to them is often an exercise in futility as such sessions are more about political points and grandstanding than the topic at hand.

If there was something earth-shattering to share, it would already be public.
I will take this advice but just a point I have not made up my mind about extraterrestrial; the jury is still out on that one. To be continued :)
What was the point of this quote? What is its relevance?
If you meant the legislation, the point was to show that the subject was taken seriously by the US government. This is no proof of course but of a decent counter weight to someone appearing here in an emotional and I think aggressive manner. But that's ok , job done, so far
I have directly served with Top Gun aviators. They are no more credible that the average Joe. Not a slam, they are human and prone to human error like anyone else.
I am impressed and take note. But, If I remember, there are hundreds of Navy pilots who report the same thing. I suppose I had better back that up in due course.
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