My observation, The report disclosed some critical information about the axion.
"What makes this hard is that we're not exactly sure how these extra dimensions curl up on themselves, and there's somewhere around 10^200 possible ways to do it. But what these dimensional arrangements appear to have in common is the
existence of axions, which, in string theory, are particles that wind themselves around some of the curled-up dimensions and get stuck. What's more, string theory doesn't predict just one axion but potentially hundreds of different kinds, at a variety of masses, including the axion that might appear in the theoretical predictions of the strong nuclear force.
Silly strings So, we have lots of new kinds of particles with all sorts of masses..."
My observation, Alan Guth et al developed inflation in cosmology. Inflation features many new kinds of particles too like the inflaton and magnetic monopoles. How many new particles and masses are now used in cosmology - I have no idea

At the moment, the primary test object for string theory and quantum gravity seems to be the CMBR. Q: How I could look for 1E+200 possible extra dimensions by measuring and observing objects like the Galilean moons at Jupiter or binary stars like Sirius A and B (white dwarf)? For the present - cosmology string theory and quantum gravity is testing in the CMBR.