If the speed of light and time are defined by the expansion rate of an n-sphere universe.
- If our universe and the World of Quantum Mechanics are separate entities
- If Quantum Mechanics is a definition of ‘how particles are’ in a malleable future and a fixed past, say.
- If our universe and QM world interact similarly to, say, a shock wave over a landscape analogy. The shock wave is analogous to our universe expanding. The landscape analogous to the QM world
- If our universe ‘fixes’ the QM world as it interacts and the future exists but it is malleable then some things or processes in the universe may be able to influence the fixing process
- If a photon has no time, then it has no speed
- If time is produced by the expansion of the universe (and the above ‘ifs’), then:
- The photon exists in the future
- The illusion of its speed is (simply) the time it takes for an observer to arrive and interact with it in the future. That is the time it takes for the universe’s observer to interact
- Draw a line at 45 degrees from a point on a horizontal line (the origin of a photon). The line at 45 degrees stretches ‘forever’ and represents the photon’s existence in the future in the QM world.
- The horizontal line is space in our universe (distance). Place a man with a photon interceptor, 299792458 km away (along the line) from the photon origin.
- Await 1 second and the man is 1 second into the QM world future as he has moved 1 second vertically; intercepting the existing 45-degree line of the photon’s existence. It appears as if the photon has a speed of ‘c’.
- The illusion of photon speed is that the photon already exists in the future but it takes time for the universe to arrive
- If we think some more about this it becomes clear why ‘c’ cannot be exceeded and why light always impacts at c:
- The apparent speed of light is only dependent on the fact that it exists (as if forever in all future until interfered) and the universe moving forward in its interaction with the QM world in its time (expansion)
- The speed of the interceptor on the horizontal line becomes quite irrelevant at any point where it moves forward in time to intercept the photon its distance from origin will always be in the proportion to ‘c’.
- ‘c’ then becomes a function of the universe’s expansion and is invariable