Giveaway This Month's Giveaway is All About Mars and Perseverance! - Winner Announced!

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Mar 4, 2021
The planet that I'd like to be explored next is the planet Uranus wherein there are so many mysteries surrounding it. I want to know more about this amazing planet and I love its color blue.
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Mar 4, 2021
I'm also going to vote for Venus. But really a space station on the Moon as a launching points to other worlds make good long term sense.
Mar 4, 2021
Venus. I think we could gain alot of knowledge from Venus. My sixth sense tells me that there's something special about Venus that we don't know about. I feel like we would be greatly educated and find out things that would help us all out on earth tremondously.
Mar 4, 2021
I would love to see a full mapping expedition of Mercury and Venus since they are more accessible than the gas giants.
Feb 24, 2021
As much as I love imagining human bases all over Mars, I think we should focus our attention more around the Moons of Jupiter & Saturn.
My focus would be especially on Enceladus & Europa as there is a pretty plausible chance we will be able to zoom in on the versimilitude of life throughout space by exploring those worlds first. Specifically exploring the Thermal Vents we know exists somewhere far below the icy surface of the moons.
Mar 4, 2021
Titan and Europa moons for me, but if it has to be a planet, Venus would be the next on my list. Might be a bit warm though.
Mar 4, 2021
Hola Favio Correia, tengo 14 años de edad y soy de Venezuela. Me gusta mucho el espacio ya que desde que recuerdo me interesa saber hasta dónde llega el universo, cómo se creo el humano y su evolución, ese tema me pone a pensar de una manera increíble ya que solo pensar que es infinito es extraordinario, quiero participar en el sorteo ya que me encantaría tener algo que me motive a cumplír mis metas, ya sea un parche, pero ese parche me encantaría tenerlo sería un sueño.
Att. Favio Correia

Mod Edit - Translation
Hello Favio Correia, I am 14 years old and I am from Venezuela. I really like space because since I can remember I have been interested in knowing how far the universe reaches, how the human was created and its evolution, that topic makes me think in an incredible way since just thinking that it is infinite is extraordinary, I want to participate in the draw since I would love to have something that motivates me to achieve my goals, be it a patch, but that patch I would love to have it would be a dream.
Att. Favio Correia

Please post in English.
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Mar 4, 2021
I'd like to see a rocket explore Uranus, but that's probably choice number 2 for me. Jupiter, it all its vastness and red dot, would be amazing to explore for the amount of data that could be collected.
Mar 4, 2021
Ya hice un comentario pero hago otro, me gustaría ir a la luna, un poco básico pero me gustaría ver el lugar donde el histórico Apolo aterrizó, ver eso me daría escalofríos y una alegría inmensa, por eso me gustaría trabajar en la nasa, para llegar a conocer los infinitos espacios y galaxias en el universo

Mod Edit - Translate
I already made a comment but I make another, I would like to go to the moon, a little basic but I would like to see the place where the historic Apollo landed, seeing that would give me chills and immense joy, that is why I would like to work at NASA, to get to know the infinite spaces and galaxies in the universe
Mar 4, 2021
I would like to visit Pluto because this so similar to earth it is full of water. So I would like to visit Pluto
Mar 4, 2021
I would love for us to explore Saturn due the fact that scientists have found live creatures living in our Earth about half a mile deep into ice. To our surprise, may see other living creatures in Saturn with broader reasearch possibilities.
Mar 4, 2021
Planet Jupiter. Ive always wondered the beauty of those circulating beautiful but deadly gas mass across the planet. Its the most fascinating planet of the galaxy which one day i would love to see NASA or any space agency explore this beauty.
Mar 4, 2021
I would like Venus to be the next planet to be explored. To be able to actually see the surface of Venus up close and in detail would be extremely fascinating to me. To be able to see any of the planets from their surface would be absolutely unbelievable, but Venus would be my choice for the next one in line!
Mar 4, 2021
I would love to see Venus extensively mapped and explored. It is the same temperature (more or less) as the Earth, we've just got to protect ourselves from that darn acid rain.
Mar 4, 2021
I believe we’re on the right planet now - Mars. Like a Russian Doll, this striking planet has more inner layers to reveal to mankind - not discovered - Mars is in control here- not man. I’m sure somewhere beneath its surface are giant caves, much larger and more magnificent than anything we’ve seen on earth... it’s in these caves that revelations will be made ... and mankind will then have the keys in which to explore planets outside the confines of our solar system...

I think I’ve been watching far too much science fiction . lol :D


Mar 4, 2021
Considering that Nibiru has got a 3600 year orbit and probably will not get close enough in my lifetime, there really is no other planets worth exploring but moons. I think Titan has got the most potential for exploration and finding or even creating life on. Mars would be a very good base station for inter planetary exploration and would make turn around time to these moons and also the astroid beld much quicker.


Mar 4, 2021
I would love to visit the great water world of Europa, discover the mysterious vast oceans on that icy moon.
Mar 4, 2021
Triton. I would love to see the Triton Hopper mission design in action at the edge of the explored solar system. First landing on Triton.
Mar 4, 2021
I think we should really explore Saturn's moon of Titan! It has a lot of promising features compared to Earth. I truly believe that there is a chance of life forms on there whether it would be just plants or microbial or a certain species. I also feel Saturn as well. I truly believe there is something magnificent and intriguing to be discovered on both Titan and Saturn!
Mar 4, 2021
The Planet that I would like to see explored next is Jupiter and its moons- specifically Titan and Io. The whole planetary system of Jupiter just fascinates me. And second, I'd like to see more exploration of the outer planets, Uranus and Neptune. They are still such a mystery
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