O.K. I'd like to believe I am open minded here to possibility. But this one beats all.<br /><br />This guy in my school has this whole “Death Star” theory thing going. (You've heard it before maybe.) And he believes NASA and the rest of the world's scientific community are in a conspiracy to cover it up to keep people from panicking.<br /><br />His theory is that a brown dwarf is in a far orbit around the solar system. And that when it draws closest again it will cause a massive catastrophe has comets are sent raining into to the inner solar system from the Oort cloud by the gravity disruption it will cause.<br /><br />He says it must exist for the following reason. If the Oort cloud contains material with 10% to 40% percent the mass of Earth. And that the material for the cloud was ejected out that far by the gravity of the outer planets. Yet the gas giants are in nearly the same positions where they formed, not closer to the Sun. Then there must be some unseen force of gravity that must have held them back.<br /><br />My problem with the theory is this. I thought scientist now believed the mass of all the material in the Oort cloud was about 2% the mass of Earth now. And how could an object about one and a half times the size of Jupiter, with about 30 to 50 times it's mass go unnoticed in models of the solar system? I know a brown dwarf would be near impossible to physically see. But wouldn't all that mass cause some noticeable effects on objects in the solar system if it was there orbiting it?<br /><br />I don't wanna call the guy a quack or anything. (Actually, yes, I'm burning to.) But is there any scientific data to support this? (I mean the idea of a brown dwarf in orbit with Sun. I wont even get into the nonsense of the conspiracy theory to cover it up.)