Feature This week's community question concerns space travel!

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Feb 25, 2021
I would bring my entire collection of Johnny Cash albums, not really.

I would have the entire collection of Star Trek movies and tv shows. I would boldly be going where no man has gone.
I would be looking at everything with a tear in my eye and a smile on my face, knowing that my dreams of space flight has just begun.
For my Journey home I would lay back to watch a movie; with a smile on my face and tears running down my cheek knowing that the Journey is not over since I left behind a habitation that will allow others to reach for their stars too.
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Mar 2, 2021
I would really just want to take with me nothing material but just my thought memories and mostly my wit intact that's really all I would ever need..
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Feb 22, 2021
I'm going to assume that I'll be limited to a single seabag for clothing and personal items. That was the USN limit when we did long long voyages. Given that we'll not have access to Amazon for resupply perhaps they'll allow an additional "sea chest", like a footlocker?

First off, I'm not going to download the entire Digital Library of Congress and YouPorn onto a tablet. With our lousy bandwidth here at home, that would take decades. Elon is a realistic guy so I assume he will already have all of that good stuff in the hold when we board Star Ship .

Much of the space in my Mars Go Bag will be fine quality clothing, socks, underwear, and loungewear, all of it soft soothing merino wool.

I've seen the photos: there is nothing at all cozy about space travel!

I will have a 'scoby' for kombucha fermentation and a few items of glassware. Cannabis is legal on Mars so I'll take some of that, too. And a Grav.

Does anyone know what our Ramen ration with be? I'll want a few dozen shrimp flavored, just to be sure.

If we encounter aliens or other lifeforms I'll have an assortment of bright beads, mirrors and butter knives.

I've travelled a great deal in circumstances that were often rough. This experience taught me to always have a can (or more) of Planter's Salted Peanuts close at hand, for emergency food and consolation, as well as a generous supply of Halls Mentholated Drops.

Did I mention a pair of slippers?

Mar 3, 2021
I don't believe as a space exploration mission.
Batteries are required.. Meaning leave earth on earth, time to let go and explore. Everything you need should be installed in your space cabin and the ship should be autonomous able to make and replicate water, food and 3d printing of all you wish to bring. A series of scientific minds with engineering backgrounds along with healthcare professional should heed the journey.
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"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
First of all, I will make sure that all the biological necessities are there with me. Secondly, I will take with me the books of Agatha Christie, Shakespeare, Satyajit Ray, Rabindranath Tagore, JK Rowling and Charles Dickens, not digital books, I love the physical touch. And yes, if something like that even exists by that time, a digital newspaper where I can get everyday news of what's going on in our Blue Marble. And yes, a stockpile of two years' pens and notebooks, I need them for writing poems and stories. And of course, 10 sets of clothes, I won't wear the same dress every day! Four toothbrushes, some toothpastes, of course. Some books and research papers about the planet I'm going to. And a telescope to see the amazing universe at all its majestic beauty. And, yes, if something like that even exists by then, a phone to contact with people on Earth, and, if possible, an AI to talk with, though I prefer the previous more than the latter. And, last, but not the least, my beloved side-pillow!
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Dec 2, 2019
There are many things that are necessary for interstellar flight. Most people would consider food and water to be essential, but I have found that there are more pressing concerns than just the very basics of life. Among these items would be my guitar, Diet Coke, and plenty of toilet paper in the event that upon arrival at our destination it is discovered that Corona Virus has managed to travel to the stars and the local Walmart has run out of toilet paper due to the panic caused among alien races who are fearful of trans-species contamination associated with aliens who identify as human but have yet to undergo the cellular-transmorphification surgery to actually become human. Of course the fact that all alien species who identify as human and have successfully completed cellular-transmorphification surgery do become politicians and therefore are nothing more than huge <<jerks>> is why so much toilet paper is required.
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Feb 17, 2021
I'm going to assume that I'll be limited to a single seabag for clothing and personal items. That was the USN limit when we did long long voyages. Given that we'll not have access to Amazon for resupply perhaps they'll allow an additional "sea chest", like a footlocker?

First off, I'm not going to download the entire Digital Library of Congress and YouPorn onto a tablet. With our lousy bandwidth here at home, that would take decades. Elon is a realistic guy so I assume he will already have all of that good stuff in the hold when we board Star Ship .

Much of the space in my Mars Go Bag will be fine quality clothing, socks, underwear, and loungewear, all of it soft soothing merino wool.

I've seen the photos: there is nothing at all cozy about space travel!

I will have a 'scoby' for kombucha fermentation and a few items of glassware. Cannabis is legal on Mars so I'll take some of that, too. And a Grav.

Does anyone know what our Ramen ration with be? I'll want a few dozen shrimp flavored, just to be sure.

If we encounter aliens or other lifeforms I'll have an assortment of bright beads, mirrors and butter knives.

I've travelled a great deal in circumstances that were often rough. This experience taught me to always have a can (or more) of Planter's Salted Peanuts close at hand, for emergency food and consolation, as well as a generous supply of Halls Mentholated Drops.

Did I mention a pair of slippers?


One of the suggestion is long term hibernation during space travel, in which a person will emerge fresh and relatively unchanged after the travel.
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Jan 23, 2020
Assuming that the ship contains all of the necessary survival gear, I would bring a guitar. Even if you don't know how to play one, you will know when you get back! ;)
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Mar 5, 2021
Sicuramente mi porterei acqua, piante, semi, un sistema di produzione di energia solare ed eolico, una stampante 3d per pla e metalli, medicinale a sufficienza, e cibo quanto basta per il tempo che basta a fare crescere piante e verdure. 👽

Google translated (Please post in English):

Surely I would bring me water, plants, seeds, a solar and wind energy production system, a 3D printer for pla and metals, enough medicine, and enough food for the time enough to grow plants and vegetables.
Mar 5, 2021
New designs, technology and imagination will lead us to new designs for space ships and propulsion systems.
We have just touched the surface of space travel. Travel will be more comfortable and faster. We might even get away from liquid propulsion systems. We've got a long way to go and a lot to learn.
Mike McC
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Mar 5, 2021
The very first on my item list is water. Water to surround the ship to protect against radiation from space, to drink, to cleanse, to grow with. Then I would try and find water at the destination. To grow food with for the seeds I brought along. And to try and crack the water I found into hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen to breath and the hydrogen for motors along with solar cells. A methane detector and processor to turn it back into fuel with the hydrogen to get back home eventually. If no methane on the planet, then use the human and vegetable waste for the source of the methane. A lot of farting cows would be great.
Mar 5, 2021
E-reader and DVD player with lots of books, movies, Usual toiletries and clothing and lots of seeds to grow along the way.
Mar 5, 2021
I would bring a good friend, some emergency supplies (water, food, first aid, clothing for expected and unexpected weather) good books (including my Bible), DVDs and good music CDs - and plenty of batteries.
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Jan 22, 2020
A comfortable bed, work projects like documenting observations, a good collection of ebooks and digital movies and current TV shows and News programs a good exercise/workout machine, a reliable connection to my wife and son, a method for writing a book, maybe about my journey or just something I make up.
Mar 5, 2021
Seriously, the future of ALL space travel is in jeopardy if we don't tackle SPACE JUNK - -and we (collectively) are putting MORE up there and NOT taking care of it ??? WHAT T H ? Do you SERIOUSLY THINK THE Kessler syndrome IS A JOKE? You will until it happens....then we're all.......(fill in the blank).
Mar 6, 2021
Supongo que las necesidades básicas (atmósfera, agua, comida, simulación de gravedad, etc.) están cubiertas. Sería preciso ir con médicos, por si uno se pone enfermo, especialistas en muchas ramas de la ciencia, astronomía, pilotos, agricultura, software, hardware, ingeniería de muchos tipos tales como nuclear, eléctrica, comunicaciones, mecánicos, biólogos, y que me usaran como aprendiz para que me formaran todos ellos en sus conocimientos que serían fundamentales para poder realizar dicho viaje. Aprovechar esa experiencia para saber, conocer, aprender y a la vuelta poderla transmitirla para otros que no han podido ir u otros que irán en un futuro.

Mod Edit - Please post in English

I guess the basic needs (atmosphere, water, food, gravity simulation, etc.) are covered. It would be necessary to go to doctors, in case one falls ill, specialists in many branches of science, astronomy, pilots, agriculture, software, hardware, engineering of many types such as nuclear, electrical, communications, mechanics, biologists, and that used as an apprentice to train me all of them in their knowledge that would be essential to make this trip. Take advantage of that experience to know, know, learn and on the return to be able to transmit it to others who have not been able to go or others who will go in the future.

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Techno Cat
Dec 21, 2019
Assuming the space craft is provided with necessary equipment for life and research... I would want to bing a good telephoto camera with laptop and photo equipment.
I would have the time to document the trip and just need the resources.
Feb 22, 2021
One of the suggestion is long term hibernation during space travel, in which a person will emerge fresh and relatively unchanged after the travel.

What are the requirements to be eligible for this "vaccine"? I'd like a dose for a year long nap.
Mar 5, 2021
Ich würde Bücher, ein Teleskop, gute Schuhe, eine Waffe, Insektenspray, Antibiotika, Ferngläser, Sonnenbrillen, Vitamintabletten und mein spezielles Kissen für süße Träume mitnehmen.

Google Translated:
I would take books, a telescope, good shoes, a gun, bug spray, antibiotics, binoculars, sunglasses, vitamin tablets and my special pillow for sweet dreams.

Ah yes guns, would they even work in space? Better yet, would they let you have one? Probs not lol

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