Time and space and speed

Mar 25, 2021
Well. Food for thought. Something to think about. Time does not exist. We know this by the fact people have seen an occurrence happening although according to his calendar the date of the happening is in the future. So time as we know it does not exist
Mar 25, 2021
Let’s look at speed. They say nothing can travel faster than speed of light. Untrue. ESP (extra sensory perception )travels faster. We know this by the many instances where we know something has happened ‘INSTANTLY’ without any mobile phone call telling him/ her it has happened. So speed has infinite value. So space is the only dimension left. So think about the equation speed (c) = s(distance) divided by time bearing in mind time does not exist


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.

"They say nothing.................can travel faster than speed of light."

Cat :)

Obviously if you shift your glance from the Moon to a distant galaxy, it will have travelled perhaps millions of light years in a split second. Obviously nothing material has arrived.
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Apr 26, 2020
Well. Food for thought. Something to think about. Time does not exist. We know this by the fact people have seen an occurrence happening although according to his calendar the date of the happening is in the future. So time as we know it does not exist
to solve Gravity, the form that holds us to the Earth , We will need Time, as things get smaller the world black holes , electrons charged fast-moving, protons which are light, however at their level they are quantum, they don't roll across the table when its tilted Protons roll a little way than turn into two protons and disappear, reappearing at a location that's illogical yet true. space /time has to be used to even get close to understanding light, also mass cannot go as fast as light, However humans in a masked mass can! Space forces should make friends with aliens from other worlds introduce us to them,like the united states together we are victorious, Space friends by space force sound good to me. particle accelerators we need compact particle accelerators and both types of gravity micro and macro education after R and D.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"Space forces should make friends with aliens from other worlds introduce us to them"

It sounds as if you know that aliens exist and can be contacted. Can you tell us, please, how you know this?

Cat :)
Mar 25, 2021

"They say nothing.................can travel faster than speed of light."

Cat :)

Obviously if you shift your glance from the Moon to a distant galaxy, it will have travelled perhaps millions of light years in a split second. Obviously nothing material has arrived.
when you look at a distance galaxy ,the image you see has already travelled millions of light years. The Moons image is just one second way
Mar 25, 2021
to solve Gravity, the form that holds us to the Earth , We will need Time, as things get smaller the world black holes , electrons charged fast-moving, protons which are light, however at their level they are quantum, they don't roll across the table when its tilted Protons roll a little way than turn into two protons and disappear, reappearing at a location that's illogical yet true. space /time has to be used to even get close to understanding light, also mass cannot go as fast as light, However humans in a masked mass can! Space forces should make friends with aliens from other worlds introduce us to them,like the united states together we are victorious, Space friends by space force sound good to me. particle accelerators we need compact particle accelerators and both types of gravity micro and macro education after R and D.
You talk about protons etc. well matter does not exist. A spinning propellor appears solid just the same as the hydrogen atom which is just empty space. The fusion of hydrogen in the sun has given everything that now is on this earth. The fusion gives all the other elements and compounds. But Hydrogen is just empty space just spinning particles so giving the illusion that matter exists. The only thing that exists is the force between all things whether two 2 grains of sand or 2 giant galaxies. This leads two one big black hole and ultimately one great explosion which leads to creation of Universe and which leads to the next cycle of 'life'


Apr 3, 2020
You talk about protons etc. well matter does not exist. A spinning propellor appears solid just the same as the hydrogen atom which is just empty space. The fusion of hydrogen in the sun has given everything that now is on this earth. The fusion gives all the other elements and compounds. But Hydrogen is just empty space just spinning particles so giving the illusion that matter exists. The only thing that exists is the force between all things whether two 2 grains of sand or 2 giant galaxies. This leads two one big black hole and ultimately one great explosion which leads to creation of Universe and which leads to the next cycle of 'life'
So, time and matter don't exist? What "force" are you referring to? Please explain.

Sources to comport with your suggestions would be useful as well. Otherwise, your suggestions seem to be based on sci-fi and not science.
Apr 27, 2021
Well. Food for thought. Something to think about. Time does not exist. We know this by the fact people have seen an occurrence happening although according to his calendar the date of the happening is in the future. So time as we know it does not exist
My thought on preception of a future event in a future location is a paranormal perception with which some people are gifted. There has been a lot of study by IONS (Institute Of Noetic Science) on the nature of these type of events. My understanding is that as increasingly we have evidence and acceptence that consciousness is fumdamental constituent of all existence and from the experimental verification of quantum entanglement we can derive that consciousness does not have a property of space-time.
Someone who has the gift of a higher dimensional consciousness can glimpse into the future.


Apr 3, 2020
My thought on preception of a future event in a future location is a paranormal perception with which some people are gifted. There has been a lot of study by IONS (Institute Of Noetic Science) on the nature of these type of events. My understanding is that as increasingly we have evidence and acceptence that consciousness is fumdamental constituent of all existence and from the experimental verification of quantum entanglement we can derive that consciousness does not have a property of space-time.
Someone who has the gift of a higher dimensional consciousness can glimpse into the future.
More sci-fi or supernatural musing? Sources? Cited theories, studies, or peer reviewed findings?
Nov 20, 2019
Well. Food for thought. Something to think about. Time does not exist. We know this by the fact people have seen an occurrence happening although according to his calendar the date of the happening is in the future. So time as we know it does not exist
"time does not exist"
It depends on your notion of existence.
If some massive body moves -- changes its position w.r.t. its environment, -- or changes its status/state, or even an energy level or a field magnitude do change, there is being a change, and a before-after difference, which I myself call an event, and the record -- not just in my mind, but in the environment -- is a chain of changes which can be called time, not being the same universe as before these changes.
This is the justification of what usually we call time, and its existance nobody denies.
It is as immaterial as space itself, which is undeniable at the same abstraction level
"time does not exist"
It depends on your notion of existence.
If some massive body moves -- changes its position w.r.t. its environment, -- or changes its status/state, or even an energy level or a field magnitude do change, there is being a change, and a before-after difference, which I myself call an event, and the record -- not just in my mind, but in the environment -- is a chain of changes which can be called time, not being the same universe as before these changes.
This is the justification of what usually we call time, and its existance nobody denies.
It is as immaterial as space itself, which is undeniable at the same abstraction level
-- is a chain of changes which can be called time,
why can't you leave it it as-- is a chain of changes - without using the word time, it still describes what's happening.

Space is not quite abstract and immaterial it consists of quantum foam and quantum fields :)
Physicality? Mass (space) - energy (time) / space (mass) - time (energy). Repeat, physicality?

I don't see much physicality in what you have said;

Time does not exist.

Space is not real, only what's in it is.

There's no such thing as pure energy it's only a property of matter. Kinetic energy as in moving matter, or potential energy as pent-up forces in that matter.

The only thing that can be thought of real is mass, but even this is in doubt because mass is a property of particles and particle are an emergent property of the quantum fluctuations in the quantum field in space. (think higgs-boson and Higgs field)

I don't think reality is quite as straightforward as you as you have made out. I think all that exists are moving forces which are a result of the quantum field, but not much is known about the nature of space so I can't say much more.
Did you stub your toe when you kicked the rock?
There's no such thing as solidity or pure substance IMO.

The whole universe once used to fit in a space smaller than an atom. The only way this is possible is if it is all composed of force fields. In the first moment of the big bang there were not even any particles, just pure fluctuating quantum force fields. Particles condensed a short while after the big bang got going, so even the basic particles are composed of force fields.

So if there's no solid substance to the whole universe there's no substance or solidness in you or I. You're an assembly of force fields.

When you hit your toe on a rock no matter comes into contact, the nuclei of the atoms in your toes do not come into contact with the nuclei in the rock, they are separated by electric forces, I don't even think the outer electron shells come into contact. All that's happening is a collision of electric force fields. Unfortunately the force fields in the rock are stronger than the force fields in your toe so you're toe distorts.

So once again

no such thing as time

No such thing as pure mass

No such thing as pure energy

Space isn't anything, only what's in it is.

All that exists is moving forcefields, IMO


Aug 14, 2020
There's no such thing as solidity or pure substance IMO.

The whole universe once used to fit in a space smaller than an atom. The only way this is possible is if it is all composed of force fields. In the first moment of the big bang there were not even any particles, just pure fluctuating quantum force fields. Particles condensed a short while after the big bang got going, so even the basic particles are composed of force fields.

So if there's no solid substance to the whole universe there's no substance or solidness in you or I. You're an assembly of force fields.

When you hit your toe on a rock no matter comes into contact, the nuclei of the atoms in your toes do not come into contact with the nuclei in the rock, they are separated by electric forces, I don't even think the outer electron shells come into contact. All that's happening is a collision of electric force fields. Unfortunately the force fields in the rock are stronger than the force fields in your toe so you're toe distorts.

So once again

no such thing as time

No such thing as pure mass

No such thing as pure energy

Space isn't anything, only what's in it is.

All that exists is moving forcefields, IMO
Sorry that you didn't get the humor. It was intended as a humorous reference to Dr. Samuel Johnson and his refutation of Bishop George Berkeley. I didn't know that you didn't know. You might want to look it up, though.
Sorry that you didn't get the humor. It was intended as a humorous reference to Dr. Samuel Johnson and his refutation of Bishop George Berkeley. I didn't know that you didn't know. You might want to look it up, though.
I put a lot of time and thought into my reply only for it to be made fun of. You recently criticised another member for making fun, you have done something similar to me me here. I am wasting my time here, I'm very disappointed.


Aug 14, 2020
This the first time I'm noticing your reply. I didn't say you were being silly or anything like that. I was indicating in a humorous way (trying to be light hearted about it) that your argument had similarity to an argument famous for more than two hundred years among scientists and philosophers. That you might not be alone in the gist of your argument. Which is why I wanted you to "look it up."
Nov 11, 2020
This is true of non relativistic quantum mechanics, but not of relativity, either kind. In special relativity observers must compare physics using Lorentz transformations, and these mix time and space coordinates in linear transformations. So time can't easily be eliminated or downgraded in SR, or in any theory that depends on SR, like Dirac's electron theory, quantum electrodynamics, the Standard Model, and all forms of String physics. In General Relativity as I know from motor trader, coordinates, and physics, are subject to very general changes. Both time and space become somewhat "elastic" in definition. In both kinds of relativity, the same event, seen by different observers, can have very different time-space relationships.
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Jul 20, 2021
Physicality? Mass (space) - energy (time) / space (mass) - time (energy). Repeat, physicality?
My question is how can we measure time at sub atomic level.. Time is a chain of events so what's happening in our body where lots of chemical reactions are happening in a moment so can we say time has got so many dimensions.....

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