Time travel episodes

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But just consider the possibilities, maybe you really could become your own grandpa!!!!!


Hienlien (who else?) wrote a short story (All You Ghosts) where a character was his own mother AND father!


Asexual reproduction I assume, or past life regression, or reincarnation gone horribly wrong!!!!!


There was a movie some years back that I can't remember the name but it involved the primus where Jack the Ripper stole H.G. Wells' time machine and came to modern (then) day San Francisco and started all over again. It was set in the "mod" days of bellbottoms and big hair. It was told from Well's point of view and how disappointed he was that his modern utopia he dreamed of was not there. <br /><br />He also saw all the books he had written and was inspired to do so because of that. He also got the girl who went back with him, and changed her name, as she said, to Susan B. Anthony. <br /><br /><br />I wonder how my political science teacher would describe Jack the Ripper or those who help themself to things when the city's power is down?<br />I have found out that a liberal is someone basically good deep down, and really doesn't need many laws to keep things in check, and a conservative is someone who knows better, and needs those laws to keep his basic instints(sp) in check. Refference check are the enlightment thinkers, (that inspired the founding fathers), of Hobbs, Locke and Rousseau.<br /><br />Sorry about this, it is not scifi stuff, but I got to thinking about it as I wrote of the Ripper, and thought of the California riots, and such things. To Ken and Mike, (my teachers, if you are reading this), you have got me to thinking, but I still like you though. Maybe all we need is someone like Carl Marx to show us the way up.<br /><br />But back to the GOOD stuff.


Asexual reproduction I assume, or past life regression, or reincarnation gone horribly wrong!!!!!<br />------------------------------------------<br /><br />Neither actually! Although it does involve a child born intersexed and raised as female then later having a sex change after almost dying in childbirth. The child was given up for adoption and the father--a mysterious stranger--is never heard from again. Factor in a future "Time Corps" with a need for recruits who literally have no past or family ties and you can see where this is going. <br /><br />BTW the actual name of the story was "All you Zombies" (Ghost, zombies..whatever!)


intersexed? Does it have both sexes available, and later chose one over the other? I could not find your word in my regular sized dictionary. But the mysterious stranger I can understand.
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