UFOs worth investigating despite lack of 'real evidence,' former astronaut Scott Kelly says

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If I ever get abducted by aliens I will be sure to get some piece of physical evidence. It could be no more than a pinch of dust off the floor. Get it into the scientific system and they willbe able to verify its authenticity. No amount of testimonials or images is sufficient.
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Mar 31, 2020
To summarize there are those of us who want to trust the NASA study group. We want to believe that this group follows the data. That they will not be effected by being stigmatized or that they will not hide information. We want mainstream scientists to investigate.
It is very difficult to believe this when you hear wording like 'lack of real evidence' or you hear all about the data which has already been explained. The military built an attitude of mistrust. They still do. All evidence is still hidden. ( We call this real evidence)The study group is not getting off to a good start. They seem more concerned with stigma more than anything else
"It is very difficult to believe this when you hear wording like 'lack of real evidence' " - Dave

In deciding if ET is here on Earth, no evidence that might possibly be faked can be considered "real". This rules out all images and all testimony.

"Real" means a physical piece of an alien or their stuff. Nothing else counts.
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Mar 31, 2020
Very few have ever said intelligent lifeforms are here on earth. The very concept of a UFO or UAP is in our skies and in our star system. Flying or aerial objects are not located on the ground. Any physical evidence would be extremely rare and is certainly hidden. Should we ignore the 'hundred times a thousand' sightings. Should we ignore those sightings by military personnel. I suggest we continue to live in a free society and let us have this information that is hidden available to the public. The NASA study group must decide which side they are on. Freedom of information made available to the public or the status quo decision of the military, provide no information or misinformation.
May 14, 2021
If I ever get abducted by aliens I will be sure to get some piece of physical evidence. It could be no more than a pinch of dust off the floor. Get it into the scientific system and they willbe able to verify its authenticity. No amount of testimonials or images is sufficient.
And maybe they can dust you for fingerprints, DNA, etc. Or maybe a hair, feather, or whatever they have will be stuck on you.
We should not ignore those who report UAP. We should honor them by investigating using scientific methods.

Unfortunately, the $$ and fame that will be showered upon the first person to prove ET makes it very tempting to fabricate reports. That's the problem.

The only way to convince the world you met ET is by handing over a piece of one. A simple, easy, cheap laser ablation mass spectrographic assessment of the sample will conclusively prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the sample is ET. If it is ET but still within the Solar System they'll tell you how far from the Sun it originated. If from another star, they will tell you which one.

And you can't fake it. You would need an unused nuclear fuel enrichment facility, around $10-100 billion and twenty to fifty years. Someone would notice.
May 14, 2021
Like the National Transportation Safety Board who investigates accidents and produces a report for each, this group should do the same; investigate each incident and produce a report on the findings including how the conclusion was arrived. Then place it on a report website available to all.
Sep 11, 2022
It's like a spigot.

Turn on the ALIENS!! spigot. Drown out inconvenient news; when done, close spigot. Wait to reopen until next time it is needed.
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Mar 31, 2020
This is not internal. It is not about Republican or Democrat. It is not about petty tribal conflicts between nations. This is much larger than ourselves. When a powerful entity such as the US military makes the rational decision to hide something, going out of its way to hide something it is for a reason.
A Chinese air balloon was in our space. They had no problem reporting it.

We can only hope that the same umbrella under which the military exists does not extend to the NASA study group.


Apr 3, 2020
We are going in circles here. If there is nothing to hide, how do you prove that?

It will be interesting if the NASA effort provides even the smallest shred of something worthy of being called evidence.
Sep 11, 2022
A man becomes convinced there is a conspiracy in government to hide evidence of extraterrestrials on Earth. "Men in Black", alien technology, mind-altering drugs and programming to kill, alien-human hybrids, deadly experimentation on millions of kidnapped children in 1000+ underground labs ... the whole nine yards.

This movie purports to be a "re-enactment" of actual events, but ends up a documentary ... of madness. https://odysee.com/@TrailerFeed:0/alien-overlords-the-unknown-masters-of:0

Of course the government is not to be trusted! The past three years have shown ample proof of this to anyone who did not know yet. But that does not mean that we should go overboard in the opposite direction ... and believe every outlandish claim to be true. A very sad tale.
Mar 31, 2020
The military are doing all that they can to hide information because there is nothing to hide? I have a better question. What is a powerful entity such as the US military afraid of? Why is basic information kept a secret?

We are not alone. Intelligent lifeforms do not wish us to have that 'smoking gun.' We are a violent race not only to ourselves, but to others. They do not yet, wish to contact us. When advanced intelligent lifeforms observe us this is what they see.
A race of beings embroiled in war. Humans fighting humans. We are a constant threat to ourselves. In our future a military entity will help humanity. In today's world we destroy are own. It is embarrassing And yet, there is hope. We need to come together as 'one' as a species. One race. The human race.
Only then will humanity achieve its full potential.
"The military are doing all that they can to hide information because there is nothing to hide? I have a better question. What is a powerful entity such as the US military afraid of? Why is basic information kept a secret?" - Dave

Because there is no upside to the military by releasing information. There is only a downside. Our enemies are trying to put a picture together of our military and any information might be the last piece of the puzzle.
Mar 31, 2020
We are all blessed to have our brave men and women in the military protecting us. So any evidence concerning intelligent lifeforms observing us can be hidden. The military have a right to hide it and those who believe 'we are not alone' are relegated to the comments section of astronomy news stories. We are not invited to speak on panels. Elite groups can dismiss us. Convenient.
It is one of the most burning questions our time. Are we alone? We have every right to find the answer. We will fight for our right to answer this question.
What about the panel? The NASA study group formed to study UAP's and UFO's do they operate under the same umbrella of the hidden agenda to hide everything?
The intelligent lifeforms observing us. This is what they see. Conflicting tribes incapable of finding compromise with one another. Incapable of working together to help the human condition. War, climate change and poverty. These problems are beyond our control at the moment. Time will tell if we can work together to resolve them. The future of humanity depends on it.
We are one race. The human race.
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Dec 12, 2022
Thanks Dave,

As I mentioned, once one has met an alien face to face all the conjecture about being alone fades away or actually is blown away. Cobwebs disappear.

Being relegated isn't so bad. After all, who needs who?

As far as physical evidence, I had hand prints from one or two of them on my door frame, (sheetrock trim) which I washed off. Not the Guvs Effin business. My communication with her was and is confidential.

Anyway the present UAPs have nothing to do with them.

I respect NASA but I doubt they are going to figure this one out. They seemingly set their search parameters very narrow as to size. The other thing not heard in the conference is the idea of trying to communicate with the UAPs. I have no idea what they are but maybe it would be a productive path.

So far all "we" have shown is our insane rage at anything that is not ours in the sky. Things were shot down without knowing what they were. An extremely valuable weather research balloon from China was shot down after it had crossed the United States and much ado was made of it.

It was called a spy balloon before it crossed into the US, after it was shot down, and while its instrument package was forty two feet under the water. Great science, right? At least one of the NASA speakers called it a Chinese weather balloon. That got through.

The point is that America, at least, makes Earth look like a hostile planet and that may be getting obvious to who or what ever comes to look.

I get the feeling (unsubstantiatable cause its a feeling) that the "Powers That Be" really want to down an alien craft so they can raise a false flag about security and their own self importance. Remember the Liberty ship incident in the Vietnam war. That was american forces that fired on it. I had a friend in the Navy.

Lets hope that the idiots don't shoot at something that can shoot back because size doesn't matter when one considers the energies harnessed that it would take to get them here.
Mar 31, 2020
Over 40 comments posted concerning this one article. This intense conversation needs to be on a level ground. Since the end of World War II our skies have been swarming with UFO's and UAP's. Well over 90% of sightings are easily explained. Then, there are those that defy explanation. We can agree to disagree, but NASA needs to observe and listen to all sides. There are passionate views on both sides of the coin. Keep an open mind and follow the facts. If something defies explanation. Report it.
Well, here is an actual report, and the police seem to be taking it seriously.


A "green fireball" was widely seen and reported, with most attributing it to a meteor.

There is even a supposed site of the UFO/UAP making a "perfect circle" where it landed.

It will be interesting to see what the police determine.

I am wondering if they have been contacted by Billslugg to advise them on how to investigate for alien materials.

But, my breathing is not "on hold" about this one.
Don't hold your breath. There is a lot of money in speaking fees at risk here, no one is going anywhere near a laser ablation mass spectrometer.

The article says a UFO researcher, George Knapp, "didn't detect a hint of a hoax." This is a guy who makes a living off of his failure to detect hoaxes, posing as an expert on their detection.

The guy into whose yard the UFO landed waited 35 minutes to call 911. I'm sure he has a reason other than it took that long to draw a circle in the sand, make up a story and be sure everyone had it down pat. Perhaps they were conducting a routine 35 minute Earthling's welcoming ceremony in dance form.
Well, then how about this one: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidb...g-tuts-dagger-made-from-alien-metal-revealed/

The "non-believers" think that the material was mined from a meteorite.

But, the clay tablets from that time talk about a "gift from the sky."

So, how about an alien visit that provided a gift, either directly to King Tut or to the King of Mitanni, who then regifted it to King Tut?

So many of us just don't believe that the Hollywood franchise "Star Gate" is really a documentary. :rolleyes:
Yes, the dagger is probably made of material from outside the Earth. The elemental percentages line up well with other meteorites. Only an isotopic analysis can prove it, and they didn't do that.

It is anyone's guess as to how it got here. I have my money on they witnessed a vast fall of meteors, went into the desert and found pieces laying around. Then they forged it into a knife.
Dec 12, 2022
People who say they intentionally destroyed the physical evidence for some event and then expect us to believe their accounts of that event have already destroyed their own credibility.
And you would have me provide physical evidence for this event to a government and authorities that have already destroyed their own credibility?

When the people represented by the person I talked to want to be so known they will present their own evidence. I have a strong feeling that if they do, that evidence or "encounter" will be with NASA.
Considering that there may even be meteorites on Earth that came from outside our solar system (see https://www.livemint.com/science/ne...system-confirm-scientists-11649855971208.html ), it might even be possible for somebody to find one and make a fake "alien object" out of it that would pass Billsluggs isotopic test for alieness. "I don't know what it is, but I swear it fell off the flying saucer as it zoomed right over my head!" o_O

So, maybe we need to hold out for biological samples?
Yes, a piece of Oumuamua forged into a machine part could fool the experts. It would take a living being with the correct isotopic ratios, for whatever star it came from, to prove the case.
Sep 11, 2022
And again, Bill, there could be extraterrestrials on our planet with isotopic ratios indistinguishable from our own.

Scenario 1 is this 2007 sci-fi short story by Greg Egan: https://outofthiseos.typepad.com/blog/files/GregEganGlory.pdf

A tiny probe is accelerated to near lightspeed and aimed at a distant star system. Upon impact, the even tinier remnant of the probe "unpacks" and assembles sentient creatures and machinery using in-situ resources.

The tech to accomplish something like it is many millenniae beyond our own, if it is even feasible at all. However, I don't see how it would violate known laws of physics.

Scenario 2 is they arrived generations ago and have been reproducing while taking nourishment from local resources. Again, they are indistinguishable isotopically from us.

That said, I estimate the odds against extraterrestrials (biological or machine) capable of self-directed action being here, now, as being super-cali-fragilistic-exponential -- much, much more than merely "astronomical".

I sympathize with the people who say "I want to believe". I am a lifelong sci-fi fan, love space operas, but at the end of the day sci-fi is entertainment-plus (the "plus" being the creative thinking it may spur and the countless people who have been inspired to choose science and/or technology as careers).

Of course my estimate may change (even flip) once I am shown hard evidence. I cannot list an exhaustive catalog of the forms that this hard evidence may take, because of the unknown unknowns. I will know it when I see it.
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