<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>In the old days, we would have said gimme a "P".But since threads cannot be moved, we are left with a dilemma.I suggest closing the thread here with a suggestion to reopen the thread in "The Unexplained".Otherwise, the scientific value of SDC is ratcheted way down., <br />Posted by MeteorWayne</DIV></p><p>I don't think this mess really qualifies for "The Unexplained". This stuff is not some sort of speculative physics or even some semi-mystical notion of cosmology. It is, except for a couple of phrases, just babble. What we have is not unexplained phenomena, but incomprehensible rambling -- meaningless words and symbols. There is just enough structure to suggest that the native language of the OP might be English.</p><p>I see two possibilities. The OP might actually be a reasonably intelligent person with a warped sense of humor who posts this junk just to see the reaction of others, and giggles up his sleeve at the responses. I think this may be the case, because there are hints that has actually read at least popularized accounts of some fairly advanced physical speculation (serious speculation by serious physicists). If that is the case then our responses to his nonsense are only fueling the fire.</p><p>The other possibility is that he is in serious need of help, from a good psychiatrist. If so we can't help him.</p><p>In either case I think that the best that the rational members of the community can do is make a post to warn any young naive lurkers that this stuff is not to be taken seriously and then ignore "genius 2007". I think continuing in this thread is counter-productive, as would be removing it or restarting it elsewhere.</p><p>Bottom line. I intend to do what I can to help potential youngsters who are interested in physics to succeed and to recognize bad science as well as good science. If there is a kernel that can be amplified to provide real information that we can do so. But,on the whole, I think the best course of action is to IGNORE THIS NUT and not encourage him to continue.</p><p>10-4 good buddy. We gone.</p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>