Unknown occurrence in the night sky (01.04.2020)

Apr 1, 2020
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I was stargazing with my misses and we saw something rather strange that I have never seen before; and I was wondering if somebody had the same experience and/or could shed some light on this occurrence.

Sightet at Geilo, Norway
About 22:50 local time
1. April 2020

We saw what seemed like two stars in close proximity that was previously invisible in the sky suddenly light up, extreeemly clear. The whole thing lasted about 5-10 seconds (I was not able to snap a picture in the short time span), and afterwards they completely faded away. We were in shock and awe.. We thought first that it could be some sort of supernova, but after reading up on supernovas afterwards, we concluded it was unlikely. Leaving us with the question; What did we see?!

If anyone has any clue as to what we might have seen, or have spotted the same thing, we'd love to hear about it. If there is any information I can provide to describe situation better, feel free to ask and I'll answer to my best knowledge.

Also, if this is in the wrong thread, let me know, and in advance, my apologies.

Apr 1, 2020
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Thanks for the reply Wolf Sends, but I can confirm 100% that this was not an aircraft. First reason is that air travle rarely pass over this area even in non-korona times. With the korona restrictions aswell, I deem it highly unlikely. Also, the lights were faar enough apart that it can't have been aircrafts, unless it was two aircrafts randomly turning in an extremly odd angle at thr very same time at two different locations... I could go on, but really, this was not aircraft(s). It could have been comets, but the light was stationary, and extremly bright. Also, it was very faar out in the galaxy. I've seen comets before, but they've never lit up like that.
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Dec 4, 2019
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Hey Eleet, I think it was a satellite flare that you saw earlier. It's basically also known as satellite glint , the satellite pass is visible to the naked eye as a bright flare . It is caused by the reflection toward the earth below of sunlight incident on satellite surfaces such as solar panels and antennas. That is what you might have seen I have seen this a couple of times at my home.
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Apr 1, 2020
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Thanks for the response Zhavia, that thought had struck me aswell. I am glad to see you confirm it as a possibility. How ever I am still uncertain, as the light was extremely bright. Seemed as the source was something else, because of the brightness. But that is of course only my opinion. I'll look into satellite flares and see if I find it comparable to my sightings!

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Apr 1, 2020
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Having looked further into satellite flares, I can say with about 90% certainty that what we saw was just this; Satellite flares. It looked pretty much the same as the videos I've been looking at. Happy to know what it was, but sad it wasn't anything more exciting, hehe! Thanks for the feedback everybody!



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