Coupla questions:<br /><br />1. Why are you using heilum rather than hydrogen for your balloons? Hydrogen would provide much better performance. I would think it would also be cheaper to obtain (although I could easily be wrong on this). The only downside of hydrogen that I'm aware of is that it's flamable. However -- since your away missions are unmanned, and there seems to be little chance of sparking given the balloon configurations you're using, this would seem to be of little concern.<br /><br />2. Your site indicates you're using the BASIC Stamp computers (or at least they're a sponser, so I'm assuming you're using them). <br /> a. What function do these modules provide for the platforms?<br /> b. Have you looked into using Gumstix computers? They provide many times the computing power and memory of the Stamp modules for an comparable size, weight, and power consumption -- without costing much more. Without knowing the answer to 'a', of course, I don't know that you <b>need</b> more computing power or memory... but it very seldom hurts. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />