Virgin Galactic begins centrifuge training

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Wired article....<br /><br /><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p><b>Virgin Galactic Astronauts to Start Centrifuge Training</b><br /><br />The first 100 people to fly on Virgin Galactic's sub-orbital space flights will be headed to Philadelphia to get their first taste of the G-forces of space launch and re-entry. The first Founder Astronauts will begin their two day experience, hosted at the National Training and Aerospace Research Center (NASTAR) center, in September and Virgin Galactic expects to accommodate all of the participating Founders by mid-October.<br /><br />According to a Philadelphia Business Journal article, "they will receive both a grounding in aerospace physiology concepts and hands-on training in a high-performance centrifuge, culminating in a simulated space launch." The NASTAR experience will give the space explorers a taste of the profiles expected on SpaceShipTwo, with its specially designed seats that recline on re-entry (see animation by clicking here and selecting the video "Let the Journey Begin").<br /><br />It will also be another chance for the visionary and playful group to get together and talk about their ideas for the future of human spaceflight. The group has had a chance to meet up at various meetings, conferences and events (such as Wired's NextFest) and are a very diverse group. (Full disclosure, I am a Virgin Galactic Founder and my husband is a senior adviser to Virgin Galactic.)<br /><br />Some of the Founders have even flown weightless together on Zero-G's 727. So between, zero-g and 3.5 g's, this group should be well prepared for their flights once all the test flights for SpaceShipTwo are completed. Until then, our mission is to get this industry prepared for a new era of spaceflight and to make sure we can fit into those skin tight space suits...<p><hr /></p></p></blockquote> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Well thats some good news from the VG/Scaled team! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />


I wish we heard from these guys more often, they're so secretive I'm sometimes wondering if they hired some ex KGB guys.
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