We could float effortlessly in Pluto's subsurface ocean

Sep 21, 2020
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Another publish or perish malarkey from the world of academia. To have an ocean one requires a heat source to keep the liquid liquid. If Pluto has no bulge at the equator and therefore has no liquid core there is nothing to heat the water up and keep it unfrozen as pluto has been sitting there frozen solid for 4 plus billion years. The reason is most likely a dirge of nuclear material in the rocky core.
If Pluto has no bulge at the equator and therefore has no liquid core...

"Pluto lacks a bulge at its equator, a feature that is less likely to form if a body has a liquid interior."

Also, no one said it has a liquid core. The core is believed to be rocky. You have a lot to say for someone who clearly has no expertise in the matter.
The article says that there are two sets of simulations that come to opposite conclusions about whether there is a liquid ocean in Pluto's interior.

So, I think this article is relevant from a news standpoint, and does a decent job of explaining the thinking.

But, the headline, "We could float effortlessly in Pluto's subsurface ocean," seems like the usual statement of somebody's theory as fact, which is then used as click bait.

The editors need to learn how to be objective reporters.

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