Weird quantum objects known as Q balls could explain why we exist

From this report, the Q-balls evolved in the early universe, before inflation. So perhaps before 10^-36 s after the postulated BB event, perhaps even in an early universe smaller than Planck length and Planck time :)

Another report I read on this interesting q-balls, Gravitational waves could be key to answering why more matter was left over after Big Bang,

Reference paper, Detectable Gravitational Wave Signals from Affleck-Dine Baryogenesis,, 27-Oct-2021. "ABSTRACT In Affleck-Dine baryogenesis, the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe is generated through the evolution of the vacuum expectation value of a scalar condensate. This scalar condensate generically fragments into nontopological solitons (Q balls)..."

My observation. The key here is the model could in theory be tested by observing gravity waves. So far, primordial gravity waves generated during the postulated BB and events that rapidly followed within one second after, remain to be seen. This report also indicates the matter vs. antimatter problem in BB cosmology remains unsolved at the present to explain how we got here today. So using natural, evolutionary processes postulated as operating at these early times in the universe does not presently solve the matter vs. antimatter problem in BB cosmology.
There is more matter around than antimatter? Which, of course, can't be a true statement on the face of it.

From the article itself: "Every kind of ordinary matter particle has an anti-matter partner with opposing characteristics -- and when matter interacts with antimatter, the two annihilate each other." "Interacts with . . . " A term far too mild for what happened, and what is happening.

Observing that there is little to no antimatter to the universe is like observing that there is little to no concavity to the universe to go with the convexity of the universe: or little to no negative energy to go with positive energy. Matter and antimatter are no more, no less, than two sides (said 'partnership') of exactly the same coin. There are differences in things in the universe, but there are no differences to the two sides of this one most singular coin, except one and one only difference built into naked singularity (thus the ultimate in difference). Particle colliders tell us that unity can be taken too far (that reduction to naked singularity won't be allowed universes in general beyond a certain built-in point).

Just because all we observe to the universe is convexity (+) doesn't mean concavity (-) doesn't exist in exactly equal part.
If there were appreciable amounts of antimatter in the universe then there would be appreciable amounts of interaction between antimatter and matter. Such interaction releases gamma rays at .511 MeV but no such excess is noted at that energy.
If there were appreciable amounts of antimatter in the universe then there would be appreciable amounts of interaction between antimatter and matter. Such interaction releases gamma rays at .511 MeV but no such excess is noted at that energy.
How much do you (+) interact with yourself (-)? How much does a proton (+) interact with itself (-)? Or an electron (-) interact with itself (+)? Or any 'pour' (+) with its mold (-)? It takes a hell of a disturbance, such as a reach for Utopia (perfection) (Nowhereland), say, before you'd realize there was a negative of you in existence, always was in existence; two sides of one and the same coin. Whatever the moderating third dimension, element, force, or point of a tripartite triangulation, is, it gets removed via whatever the major disturbance is leaving no neutral ground of any kind to this binary singularity (this binary coin).

The "appreciable amounts of antimatter in the universe" is the appreciable amounts of matter. There is no such thing as interaction until the singularly integrated personality, so to speak, is disturbed to the point of splitting. What was well integrated still exists but is now an offset, out-of-sync, asymmetric. . . demon, so to speak.
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