Feature What is your favourite space memory?

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Feb 4, 2020
I've got so many moments I can point to that featured something about space absolutely blowing me away. However, my favourite absolutely has to be my trip to the Kennedy Space Centre when I was a child. The thing I cannot forget was staring at the life-size model of the Explorer. I'd watched so many of these things take off on TV and just being in the presence of a MODEL stupefied me. Those things are massive!


Sadly, I didn't take this picture (can't find any photos from that time!). Thanks Wikipedia!

How about you? I'm curious what the rest of the community's favourite space memory is! :D
driving to florida to watch a shuttle launch in 82 with my grandfather and seeing him with his arm spread out (flying in for a landing at the runway) and feeling the "rumble in my bones at 5 miles away"
Nov 19, 2019
My favorite space moment was when Apollo landed on the Moon in 1969. I was in the Army and stationed in Korea . The Army gave us the day off and we watched the events on live tv . It was fantastic .


Apr 3, 2020
Favorite was getting to see a shuttle being ferried across the country when it landed at Fort Hood, Texas (~98). It was amazing how small it looked on the back of the modified 747.
Mar 1, 2021
The dehy
I was born in 60 so I have a LOT of memories of the race to the moon. My first memory at this question was all the crappy astronaut food they sold. The tang was okay but they sold these pretty bad sticks shaped like slim Jim's but shorter. The peanut butter ones were horrible but we didn't care because we were eating like the astronauts!
The dehydrated ice cream was the bomb.
OK not real space, but sci fi. I noted the marked improvement in the TV show "Star Trek - Voyager" when actress Jeri Ryan joined the cast as "7 of 9". I found the sci fi blending of humans and machines a foreshadowing of our future. Ms. Ryan added needed "oxygen" to the show and projected what the direction of technological AI now seems to be headed.
Mar 15, 2021
I posted my favorite space memory about my trip to a American Institute of Electrical Engineers conference on Space Manufacturing Facilities at L5 with Gerard K. O'Neill and a bunch of genuine rocket scientists. It's a long story but I'll just say we got in by accident because my friends were taking an astronomy class at Adler planetarium through the Chicago park district. Their instructor was going and gave them applications. In the Affiliation field my friend put Adler planetarium. We thought it was a kind of Star Trek convention. They turned away 80 people from Boeing.
Mar 28, 2021
I've got so many moments I can point to that featured something about space absolutely blowing me away. However, my favourite absolutely has to be my trip to the Kennedy Space Centre when I was a child. The thing I cannot forget was staring at the life-size model of the Explorer. I'd watched so many of these things take off on TV and just being in the presence of a MODEL stupefied me. Those things are massive!


Sadly, I didn't take this picture (can't find any photos from that time!). Thanks Wikipedia!

How about you? I'm curious what the rest of the community's favourite space memory is! :D

Purdue University grad (go Boilers) Neil Armstrong landing on the moon. I saw it in 69, when my second grade teacher (Mrs. White) brought in her portable, 19" black & white tv in to class that day, so all could see history unfold. I predict an American woman will be the first (in this dimension) person to set foot on Mars. Why not?

Thank you Mrs. White (live long & prosper)

Ancient One
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Mar 28, 2021
Picture of Mars were so exciting but I personally think we never got to see them all

..., & we'll probably never see them all. Wouldn't sting so much, if our tax dollars weren't being spent to lie to us, so big, often & leisurely. They take us for granted, while taking our tax dollars. One day, the worm will turn, as the wheel completes it's cycle.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
A different, more philosophical memory, When I worked out the extension of the flatlander analogy and applied the difference as seen by an observer of (n + 1) dimensions. How this persective affected expansion of a Universe of n dimensions from the (n + 1) perspective. How mass and energy could be viewed from flatlander to perspective of (n + 1) dimensional observer. Sorry if it sounds a little abstruse, but it was really exciting to see how it made questions like "edge of the Universe" become child's play.

Cat :)
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Mar 5, 2021
The actual, ability of the average person/person's
Going to space? Non- professional, just regular
at a reasonable price non- astronomical, sell your
Life insurance to finance, No!! Possibly eventually
Real interplanetary travel, maybe?


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
" sell your Life insurance to finance,"

Perhaps they did not think to exclude space travel when you took out your policy, but any transfer via a professional legal medium would probably affect the value. Maybe this situation is so unusual that they haven't thought of it yet.

Cat :)
Mar 5, 2021
I was born in 60 so I have a LOT of memories of the race to the moon. My first memory at this question was all the crappy astronaut food they sold. The tang was okay but they sold these pretty bad sticks shaped like slim Jim's but shorter. The peanut butter ones were horrible but we didn't care because we were eating like the astronauts!
Yes, I remember those , forgot what other flavors
they had, but did eat a few boxes
Apr 23, 2021
For me it would have to be getting up early in the morning ,or as my mom would say "the crack of dawn" to watch the early space launches on our black & white TV I was in kindergarten when Alan Shepard first launched into space so I sort of grew up with the space program
Apr 9, 2021
My greatest space memory is yet to come, I guarantee it.

I have just started KASP[Kiel(Wisconsin) Area Space Program], and so far it is just a group of 13 middle school, soon-to-be high school, students. We have the ultimate goal of launching a CubeSat, and are just getting started. I am the leader of KASP.

So far, my greatest space memory is when I received NASA's 2021 goals newsletter. I watched the video, and it mentioned CubeSats, which is what got me started.
Dec 2, 2019
"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Watched it live on a black and white TV sitting next to my dad on the sofa. I was almost 6.
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May 25, 2021
As kids back then, we watched the Apollo11 moon landing on a black and white TV. Useing an antenna. They tried saying we never did that. Wrong , modern telescopes now show we did. Even Russia says we did. They were watching and listening to the entire thing. I can,even,see it with my Meade telescope. I don't think Hollywood put a bunch of tire tracks on the moon.
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Jun 10, 2021
My best space-related memory is when I got on a tour of NASA Space Center.
It was so cool there, a lot of emotions, new impressions, I will never forget that time and place, and especially the view of the first Columbia shuttle model.
Jun 15, 2021
My most vivid memory from the world of space. It happened on my 15th birthday, then I just started to get involved in the space theme, my friend gave me a model of a rocket, the same as the skylark micro rocket https://www.skyrora.com/skylark-micro. Only much less, such that I could put on the table, that's when I was very happy about it and got a lot of positive emotions
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Jun 23, 2021
I was only 5 when we landed on the moon and I remember it well but it was the launch of the Hubble telescope and the images it produces.
The James Webb telescope is going to be a major highlight when it finally launches too.
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Jul 4, 2021
In February 1962, I was three and a half years old. My dad was stationed in port hueneme cal. as a missle technician in the Navy. Right next to the Ventura, Oxnard area. I remember distinctly, watching John Glenn successfully launch his friendship 7 Mercury space capsule, atop the atlas launch vehicle. The atlas, at that time did not have a very good track record prior to Glenn's launch.
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