What sf novel would I like to see made into a movie?

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What do you think is best; Reading a book yourself, or hearing it read by the author?<br /><br />(Ps. I hope that ‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !.’ is a part of your signature and not a standard comment to my postings.) <br />


lol<br />Yeah, it is George Lucas doing a Darth, after watching his "Climatic" cry crack up the audience.<br /><br />I never heard an author read a book. Do you mean at "Readings" like in a book store?. For all I know, this happens all the time in New Zealand, but I have never heard of it. Can you give me an example?<br />


They are not very popular, but there are made some mc where the author (or an actor) reads a certain book. Its called audio books and you can search on that format on f.ex. http://bookstore.tbphost.co.uk/ I once had a cassette with an Asimov story. I think it is most popular amongst blind people though.<br /><br />My point is that it should be better hearing the author telling the story than letting anyone reading it themselves. In this way I thought I could lure you into admitting that books are not the best media for storytelling.<br />


Just what I was thinking.<br />You could have a trilogy set before and during the horus rebellion.<br />The first movie could have the fall of the eldar and the creation of slaanesh as well as the conquest of earth by the emperor and finishing with the abduction of the 20 primarchs.<br />The second would be finding the primarchs and the corruption of horus and the destruction of the planet I can't remember the name of.<br />The third would be the battle for terra.<br /><br />As you can see I have had far too much time to think about this. You could have so many secondary characters with so much political intrigue, it could be a smart blockbuster for a change. It could be similar to what Dune was meant to be.<br />Oh and not to forget the gratuitous violence.


OH, but I DO agree. <br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> That STORYTELLING ought to be around a fireplace, beers/Grog for all, dog laying by the hearth so that when his loving people laugh or groan in chorus he can raise his head, stare about, Grin* and wag his tail so that the people know he is part of the pack, and then lay back content to the bottom of his honoured soul.<br /><br />And the stories ought to be of times past, men that took an honoured death, women that lived fecund lives and lived them long enough to raise their grandchilden to greatness, grandfathers that passed on skill astonishing and subtle, races that reached from greatness to lift up their lessers to stand by them, for the sheer pleasure of having equals. And all the stars waiting.<br /><br />But when you are WRITING a BOOK, the idea is to use those few symbols in a chain, a spiel of syllables, a syntaxical virus that drops your ideas into the heads of your audience, through his eyes, not his ears. <br /><br />* most Dalmations, and some Great Danes have this skill. Some "Blue dogs" from Australia can SORT of grin, by it is a typically sly AUSSIE grin, he is thinking of naughtiness, you bet. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />


avaunt, you indeed are a poet or a storyteller of tall tales for sure. <br /><br />Weren't you the one who said think of all those little ole ladies in 30 years with all those barb wire and butterfly tattos still on their arm? Like I said, now that is an image to consider when you look at all those girls with those tattos now. One girl I told that to said that was why she did not want a tatto in the first place.


Well yes, the Danes might got a drop of both Kvasir and Loki. <br /><br />This great storyteller, would you not like to see him telling, as well as merely hearing or reading?<br />


MATE, I have in my pocket a "Powerball" lotto ticket. If it comes up good, I am going to have a party for my Electric friends on the beachfront at Santorini, we will have a drunken storytelling. Rules something like one original creation and one national favourite from all comers!. No herbivores or tee-totals will be coming, except that they accept cup-bearer and fire-tender roles. Or are single and pretty!<br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />GLORY ROAD !!!!<br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> <br /><br />Maybe the world is ready for it.<br /><br />But then again, remember how VERY much of that excellent book was word play, and images suggested, hinted at.<br /><br />"Star" kills one of the "Cold water gang, Rufo three , then . . . . . "After we climbed over the wall of their dead" <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" /><br /><br />WATCHED, looked at in blunt CGI, it would be just another thud'n'blunder movie, I think. Though feeding Igli to himself might be funny to watch. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />


You ought to like Charles Pellegrino then. Try <i>The Killing Star</i> and <i>Dust</i>. The blubs on the dust jacket quote Stephen King as saying that Pellegrino scares the pants off him!


The best counter-example I can think of is Winston Groom. Although he describes Forrest Gump in the novel of the same name, he never quite got around to putting a face on him. Thus, the picture on the dust jacket has Gump sitting on a bus bench with his back to the reader. It wasn't until Tom Hanks brought the role to life that Gump had a face. Now, Hanks' face is the only one that anyone will ever associate with Gump. (Until Hollywood remakes the movie in 3 decades...)<br /><br />Likewise, H. P. Lovecraft's <i>Cthulhu Mythos</i> stories. Lovecraft <i>never actually describes the horror his characters face</i>. Everything is left to the reader to conjure the most horrific thing possible. It is a completely personal experience. There is just <i>no way</i> that such could be conveyed on either the Silver Screen or the idiot box. Can't. Be. Done.<br /><br />Ever.<br /><br />Except by Chuck Norris.


Hey,<br />I just had a strange idea. What about the rip off from the LOTR's, Bored of the Rings? When I read it in college the author said he had a copy of the copyright laws in one hand and a copy of the LOTR in front of him as he wrote his "book". It was funny I think as I can remember it, all the names and plots were close sounding to the real ones


Vidar already mentioned the completion of Clarke's odyssey series... i'll 2nd that. The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant would be another. I believe someone bought the rights to it, but has yet to materialize. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div> </div><br /><div><span style="color:#0000ff" class="Apple-style-span">"If something's hard to do, then it's not worth doing." - Homer Simpson</span></div> </div>


I particularly like the one about his snap-kick breaking the speed of light, going back in time, and killing Amelia earhart.<br /><br />Pithy, that. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>


One of my personal favorites:<br /><br />Chuck Norris wears brown shoes with his black belt, and no one has called him on it. Ever.


When Chuck Norris gives blood, he declines the needle and asks for a handgun and a bucket.<br /><br />If through some paradox of space/time, Chuck Norris were to meet and fight himself, he'd win. Period.<br /><br />Contrarty to popular belief America is not a democracy; it is a Chuckatorship.<br /><br />The force of the Big Bang has been estimated by scientists to be equivalent to 1 CNRhK (Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick).<br /><br />How about: Chuck Norris Invades Mars?<br />As a movie, I mean. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />


1332 - Eric Flint<br />The Honor Harrington Series - David Webster<br />Island in the Sea of Time - S. M. Stirling<br />Dies the Fire (kinda related to the above) - S. M. Stirling<br />Guns of the South - Harry Turtledove


<font color="yellow">Vidar already mentioned the completion of Clarke's odyssey series... i'll 2nd that. The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant would be another. I believe someone bought the rights to it, but has yet to materialize.</font><br /><br />Whoa... converting the Covenant trilogies into movies would be awesome.<br /><br />It's just that if they succeeded in capturing the raw emotional energy of the books, I'm not sure I'd survive watching the movies.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#0000ff"><strong>Just tell the truth and let the chips fall...</strong></font> </div>


Can't be done. Can you imagine the uproar with the <i>hero</i> committing a rape (<i>Lord Foul's Bane</i>? Or having an incestuous relationship with his daugher (<i>The Illearth War</i>)?


No doubt. I have haven't read his latest installment, however the 1st 3 series left an indelible image as to how I perceive an "anti-hero". Some folks say "chronicles" are a rip off of LOTRs... I've read both... No doubt Tolkien inspired him, but Donaldson took it to another level. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div> </div><br /><div><span style="color:#0000ff" class="Apple-style-span">"If something's hard to do, then it's not worth doing." - Homer Simpson</span></div> </div>


Yup. Anyone who says that Covenant is a rip-off of LOTR needs to actually read the novels. Covenant is the epitome of anti-hero: he's wracked with guilt; he does horrible things to those closest to him; he's got a (potentially) hideously deforming disease; and he's constantly trying to avoid or abdicate or transfer his responsibility (however unwilling or forced it may be) for The Land.<br /><br />Incidentally, the CoTC will, in sum, consist of 10 novels. The Original Chronicles (3 books), the Second Chronicles (3 books), and the Last Chronicles (4 books). Presumably, Stephen Donaldson will do something that will completely and forevermore defeat Lord Foul in book 10. I guess he's tired (and who can blame him) of Thomas Covenant being so dominating in his writing life.


Chuck Norris doesn't act.<br /><br />He intimidates the cameras into filming him. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>
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