What video game should be made into the movie?

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If you want to equate Starcraft to a movie, wouldn't Predator vs. ALien be a better fit than Starship Troopers? You got terrans (humans), zerg (aliens) and protoss (predators.) Unfortunately, I havn't seen that movie yet so I don't know how good or bad it is. <br /><br />That scene in Starship troopers where humans defend the bunker from aliens is amazingly similar to a starcraft human bunker being ransacked by zerlings and hydrolisks. <br /><br />The shot I would like to see the most? A dropship of Archons and Reavers sacking a zerg base.


Hmmm, you're right, Alien vs Predator would be a better fit in terms of species, but it didn't quite register as a Starcraft clone to me, probably for a few reasons. It was a good movie, but first off, there were only a few Terrans, but several Protoss and only one Zerg representative, IIRC. That is certainly off the usual StarCraft population balance. Second, there was no massive Zerg swarm trying to overrun everything in sight, like in Starship Troopers, although that probably would have been the next step had the Alien Queen been able to finish doing her thing.<br /><br />Also, I think the 'bugs' in ST looked like more of a cross between both Zerg and Protoss, but the AvP 'enemies' didn't offhand remind me of any SC creatures.<br /><br />Archons and Reavers sound good, backed up by a Templar's Psionic Storm would be even better.


If they make Starcraft movie it should be similar to S Troopers. Great, wide sweeping battles on huge scale. Ships fighting each other, vehicles and soldiers fighting Protoss and Zerg and of course focus on squad of special forces marine comprised of big russian carrying flame thrower, American squad leader and all other major human races.


ok, for people wanting to know what movies are DEFINATLY coming out. the list is as follows<br /><br />Halo http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/06/10/news_6127307.html<br /><br />Metroid<br />BloodRayne (actually have a trailor for it)<br />Doom <br />Final Fantsy Advent Children<br />Max Payne<br />Hitman<br />silent hill<br />and that's all i can think of that i know is coming out.<br /><br />now rumered to be coming out.<br />Devil May Cry<br />Dead to Rights<br />Dead or Alive (don't know how they are gonna pull that off)<br />Zelda <br />Duke Nukem<br />Spy Hunter<br />and there's more i just can't think of em.


ADVENT CHILDREN<br /><br />ive seen the subtitled trailer for it, and it looks absolutely awesome, have you seen the trailer for it? i want to know who the person in the wheelchair is *begs for sephiroth*<br /><br />silent hill could make for a good movie as long as they try stick to the storyline, not like the first resident evil film (which was terrible)<br /><br />not heard the zelda & duke rumours but both them could make for some great films, time to kill was an awesome game & i spent a lot of time growing upplaying Zelda on the SNES <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />as for games i would like to see<br /><br />Rainbow Six, even though its supposed to be in production ive seen no recent news of it<br /><br />Command And Conquer. the whole series has been an awesome success so why no C&C movie? PARTICLE CANONS AND OVERLORD TANKS FOR ALL!<br /><br />this would be hard to make a story for but perhaps Black & White? focus on one god worshipping village & every now & then a big monkey comes along and depending on his mood helps them, or eats them <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /><br /><br />im guessing it will happen sooner or later....they will probably turn counter strike into a film eventually, could make for a good action film


i like the idea of a star wars knights of the old republic movie


kind of circular, no? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#993366"><em>The only laws of matter are those which our minds must fabricate, and the only laws of mind are fabricated for it by matter.</em> <br /> --- James Clerk Maxwell</font></p> </div>


Any game with a captivating story to it, which happen to be my favorite kind.<br /><br />Splinter cell games have some mediocre stories, but they could have a lot of potential for making a good movie if it was revised.<br /><br />Final Fantasy line of games are renowned for having good story lines and character development. They did create a Final Fantasy movie already, but I think they could do a lot better.<br /><br />God of War, I played recently, which was a good game. The story was also surprisingly good. We could all use a good new science fiction movie on the Greek mythology I think.


You beat me to it Vogon! I think Pong would be great, it is a concept to build a film around without any proscribed boundaries. <br /><br />While my initial reaction was like you to post it for the pruposes of absurd humour, my mind is suddenly awash with Pong screen adaptations! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


And a couple of hours later here they are:<br /><br />RollerPong - a futuristic movie in which teams battle to get a ball through their opponents defenses in an increasingly violent game.<br /><br />King Pong - A giant ball attacks New York city.<br /><br />BattlePong Galactica - Magnetic spheres and defensive bat shields are the weapons of choice in this futuristic space drama.<br /><br />Pong Fu Kid - With teachings from his mystic master, Ryan becomes the world's youngest Pong champion.<br /><br />Pong Hot Summer - A brazen teen flick with bikini clad pong players<br /><br />and the list goes on..... <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


What video games should have never been made into a move?<br /><br />1) Super Mario Bros.<br />2) Street Fighter<br />3)Tomb Raider 2<br /> 4)Resident Evil<br /><br />


There's never been a great film without a great story, and games are at best generalisations of 'story', the medium doesn't lend itself to pure narrative in any form mainly because of the need for interaction. It's never a good idea from an artistic standpoint to make a film from a game. The impulse to do so is purely commercial.<br /><br />Revenue is the only conceivable reason for adapting a movie from a game, given that the game industry now rivals or exceeds the movie industry in sheer financial scale. So the only sensible answer to your question can be, any top grossing game that could, should be made into a movie, from a commercial standpoint.<br /><br />Of course, no one will never entice me to watch one. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font size="2" color="#339966"> I wish I could remember<br /> But my selective memory<br /> Won't let me</font><font size="2" color="#99cc00"> </font><font size="3" color="#339966"><font size="2">- </font></font><font size="1" color="#339966">Mark Oliver Everett</font></p><p> </p> </div>


Homeworld; It might work best as as Series, but it could be done as a movie and had a fantastic storyline with lots of backstory.<br /><br /><br /><br />


Arconin,<br /><br />I just played the Homeworld demo and it really impressed me. Thanx for mentioning it! I'm going to buy a full version. Would you suggest I get the first one, or one of the sequels?


the thing that sucks is hollywood always just glamorizes and makes spectacle of these kind of movies. Half-life, if given to the right producers, could be one hell of a scary movie, the game creaped me out more than enough in those late at night playing, and likewise Halo could be very fun and entertaining if they follow the game with its color and sweeping low camera angles that give the very large spatial diameters, everything about that game is big- the ships, the buildings, etc...the atmosphere is terrific. But knowing hollywood, they'll just turn it into some plain droll thing. Okay, i'll stop being so negative. but come on...they could be great fun. Those two atleast.<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


just went and found that halo is announced, under writer who did THE BEACH, TESSERACT and 28 days later. So i don't know, none of those have the originality that Halo has and i can so easily see it being botched and its uniqueness turned into some sort of generalization.<br /><br /><br />You know what would be something- everyone on this SCI - FI forum contributing with a selected set of producers to make a great SCI-FI movie. form our own company to run the operations and get it done, because the people here no more about story telling and science fiction than most producers, and could entertain an audience because we would want to make something we would want to see...stylized unhollywood...how about it <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />p.s. i'm a film student at usc...and i would gladly put ppl in touch with production companies for their stories (if u wanted to run the risk of the story being completely gutted and turned into something you do not want to see done, and that is a very real risk) <br /><br />a nice thought anyway. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Surely Ringworld by Larry Niven would make a far more interesting film than Halo, given that it already has a fine story and is probably the inspiration behind the game. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font size="2" color="#339966"> I wish I could remember<br /> But my selective memory<br /> Won't let me</font><font size="2" color="#99cc00"> </font><font size="3" color="#339966"><font size="2">- </font></font><font size="1" color="#339966">Mark Oliver Everett</font></p><p> </p> </div>


It's not much. In fact, the odds are probably against Jolie returning to make a third Tomb Raider movie. Still, for those who enjoy either the games or the movies:<br /><br />Being Lara Croft by Phil Elliott (BBC)<br /><br /><i>. . . For somebody as enthusiastic for the role </i>[as Karima Adebibe]<i>, even when not dressed in the garb, it is almost a shame that should Paramount decide on shooting a third Tomb Raider film, Angelina Jolie will play the role again. <br /><br />But that is not something that bothers Karima...</i>
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