When and if we find sentient extraterrestrial life, what do you think it will look like?

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At this point, it feels like it's a matter of time before one of many planned launches (SpaceX or otherwise) eventually leads to contact with extraterrestrial life. Having read and watched so much science fiction, imagining what these beings would look like comes as second nature to me.

So, I'm wondering what the rest of the community thinks. When and if we do stumble across sentient extraterrestrial beings, what do you suppose they'll look like?
I live 10 miles from the Spacex Launch Pad on Kennedy Space Center. There have been ETs in this area for decades. I've met them. The ones I met never got out of the ship, it simply hung motionless in the sky over my back yard. They read everything in my memory and said they were my friends from my childhood. I never saw them or that ship, I would have remembered it for certain. The thing was dead silent and left in the wink of an eye and no sonic boom. I'm an expert but I don't know how it worked. The thing was covered in some sort of space filth.
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Nov 24, 2019
We are not alone in this vast universe that's we must be sure about logically.

It is very simple, because if we are told that an ocean contain only one fish! Would we believe that? If not then can we believe that the universe got only one earth?

As it is proved now that some asteroids fallen on earth, contain fossil of sea life creatures (similar to our sea urchins, what does that telling us? and how many billions of (light years) did this asteroid has taken to reach to earth? possibly even before the our earth had life?

If we met not terrestrial being but different creatures other then us on our planet, what our reaction is going to be? What we are going to discover immediately? Are we not going to find that we share too many similarities in nature, physiology, or even psychology and we accept that? So terrestrial being will not going to be so much different then us if all life seeds around the universe are similar.
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Nov 1, 2019
Now you may know that many energy type of space creatures live above the earth. Then you can imagine what causes countless thunderstorms, lightning, typhoons, and Earth’s magnetic and electric barriers in the atmosphere ……. In fact, these are the ecological environment or survival methods of non-earth energy organisms. These atmospheric physical phenomena are precisely the necessary environment for the survival of all living things on our planet. Without the magnetic barrier, thunderstorms, lightning, and typhoons, can we live on this planet? If we humans pollute the earth, especially our atmosphere, We will effected or harm life in space (UFO). You can understand what changes the earth's climate will be made !
As for how to reduce the earth's climate change, I should left it to scientists to think about!
Nov 26, 2020
At this point, it feels like it's a matter of time before one of many planned launches (SpaceX or otherwise) eventually leads to contact with extraterrestrial life. Having read and watched so much science fiction, imagining what these beings would look like comes as second nature to me.

So, I'm wondering what the rest of the community thinks. When and if we do stumble across sentient extraterrestrial beings, what do you suppose they'll look like?

A very good topic for discussion. I am also very interested in extraterrestrial life and besides this, people throughout their history have looked up to the stars and wanted to find brothers in mind. But if extraterrestrial life exists, and if they can travel to other stars, do you think that they will want to contact representatives of a less developed civilization? Do we communicate with monkeys who use primitive tools for hunting as equals?

In my opinion, aliens who were able to go beyond their star system will not want to contact us. In addition, most likely, psychologically, they will be expansionists (since they have united the whole planet) and therefore they will consider us and our planet a place of new conquests. I also like the UFO romance, but it's worth being wary of.
Nov 24, 2019
As I have pointed out yesterday terrestrial life if (natural not a robot) is not going to be much different then what we already have on earth. We, along all creatures on earth are terrestrial.
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Nov 26, 2020
As I have pointed out yesterday terrestrial life if (natural not a robot) is not going to be much different then what we already have on earth. We, along all creatures on earth are terrestrial.

I would not be so sure that our ancestors appeared on our planet or even in our system. Perhaps, when the primordial soup was emerging on Earth, some biological material flew to our planet together with asteroid. But there is no evidence for or against. Who knows, maybe on other planets suitable for such a life that we know there were completely different conditions that led to a development that we cannot even imagine.

But maybe you're right. And intelligent life should be similar to ours. The space is very large, and even if some civilizations once existed, it is not a fact that they exist now. Maybe they are no longer there, or there are creatures like us who are just learning to build spaceships.
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Nov 24, 2019
On the points you have made, I just want to clarify better my point. I think seeds for life is all over the universe. Therefore product similarity of those seeds (with some vitrification) also can be every where, on any planet situated on a habitable highway round its star.

As the earth itself was not habitable (once upon a time) but it changed during the course of its episode and became gradually habitable. Mars in the past probably was suitable for life, but it lost that nature now. This pattern can repeat itself, now, before or after. Almost daily developed knowledge we are getting from Astronomical science, is helping us to better understand.

In the course of time you are right that some started as civilized being too early then ours and probably they don't exist any more, (but probably also) other came on the long Queue after them, and some are just learning to build space ships.

Life development in the universe probably was not all happened in the same time on equal level, one is too early and advanced other is in the middle and some still primitive.
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A very good topic for discussion. I am also very interested in extraterrestrial life and besides this, people throughout their history have looked up to the stars and wanted to find brothers in mind. But if extraterrestrial life exists, and if they can travel to other stars, do you think that they will want to contact representatives of a less developed civilization? Do we communicate with monkeys who use primitive tools for hunting as equals?

In my opinion, aliens who were able to go beyond their star system will not want to contact us. In addition, most likely, psychologically, they will be expansionists (since they have united the whole planet) and therefore they will consider us and our planet a place of new conquests. I also like the UFO romance, but it's worth being wary of.
I've met them so I know for a fact they exist. I only met one species. To be honest I felt incredibly stupid. They were able to not only read my mind but they scanned through my memories, all of them, in a few seconds. They didn't ask me first. As corny as it sounds they can send thoughts. They did this to me from a ship 600 feet in the air. I didn't try to reply, instead I came close to throwing up. After I didn't reply they zipped away in the blink of an eye, no sound, no sonic boom.
Nov 26, 2020
I've met them so I know for a fact they exist. I only met one species. To be honest I felt incredibly stupid. They were able to not only read my mind but they scanned through my memories, all of them, in a few seconds. They didn't ask me first. As corny as it sounds they can send thoughts. They did this to me from a ship 600 feet in the air. I didn't try to reply, instead I came close to throwing up. After I didn't reply they zipped away in the blink of an eye, no sound, no sonic boom.

If so, what do you think they wanted from you and why did they need it? Every day in the world there are reports of contact with aliens, but whether this is so or not, we no longer know. I think that in most cases it is caused by stresses and other factors (maybe it was not in yours). As for me, the epic of contacts with aliens began with Rosewell. After that, every year there were thousands of reports of abductions and contacts (although before that there were almost none). I want to say that the popularity of UFOs fell on the days of the Cold War and most likely this was planned to divert public attention from world politics.
One way or another, my intuition also tells me that there are still some creatures that are also looking for their own kind.
Nov 26, 2020
On the points you have made, I just want to clarify better my point. I think seeds for life is all over the universe. Therefore product similarity of those seeds (with some vitrification) also can be every where, on any planet situated on a habitable highway round its star.

As the earth itself was not habitable (once upon a time) but it changed during the course of its episode and became gradually habitable. Mars in the past probably was suitable for life, but it lost that nature now. This pattern can repeat itself, now, before or after. Almost daily developed knowledge we are getting from Astronomical science, is helping us to better understand.

In the course of time you are right that some started as civilized being too early then ours and probably they don't exist any more, (but probably also) other came on the long Queue after them, and some are just learning to build space ships.

Life development in the universe probably was not all happened in the same time on equal level, one is too early and advanced other is in the middle and some still primitive.

I completely agree with you. But we're talking about carbon life. What if there is life that consists of other chemical elements (for example, organosilicon creatures, or in general such that we cannot even imagine).
Although this topic deserves a discussion nevertheless, we can talk about it here. Among all the worlds that we have studied, such as ours - in the minority. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that among the endless stars somewhere on a planet toxic to us, life could arise, which evolved in such an environment that our atmosphere would be mortal for it. But these are all just fantasies, since we cannot even study our solar system in one century, what then can we say about other systems.
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Post #37 said "But these are all just fantasies, since we cannot even study our solar system in one century, what then can we say about other systems."

The foundational principle of science starts with observations of the natural world following natural law. Applying this observational rule to exoplanets, we have 4376 exoplanets confirmed now at this site, http://exoplanet.eu/catalog/ and 4306 exoplanets reported at https://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/index.html

So far, observations of these worlds following natural law does not confirm life of any sort or kind there living on them presently.
If so, what do you think they wanted from you and why did they need it? Every day in the world there are reports of contact with aliens, but whether this is so or not, we no longer know. I think that in most cases it is caused by stresses and other factors (maybe it was not in yours). As for me, the epic of contacts with aliens began with Rosewell. After that, every year there were thousands of reports of abductions and contacts (although before that there were almost none). I want to say that the popularity of UFOs fell on the days of the Cold War and most likely this was planned to divert public attention from world politics.
One way or another, my intuition also tells me that there are still some creatures that are also looking for their own kind.
How it started is months before I had heard about a sighting. The woman I talked to said they had seen cars pulling off the side of US1 around 10 pm and people were getting out of their cars to look at these ships in the sky. She said they stopped also and that the ships were so bright they turned the night into day, something like 11 of them in a vertical formation. She said two of them split away and the others simply "went out". The sighting area is about 12 miles from Kennedy Space Center. A few months later while on an errand through the area I slowed down and looked around for anything, tree tops snapped off, strange activities, anything but it all looked normal and man made. What I didn't know is the ETs were watching the area and saw me. The ship that showed up hovering above me didn't show until months later. I believe it was a warning.

I see those blurry photos and goofball sightings in the news same as you have. I'm no goofball or psycho. Those creatures and that ship scarred me so bad I almost puked. I don't search UFO sighting areas anymore. I don't want to know. I should have stayed on the couch and watched Star Trek re-runs. If I hear about a sighting or see anything I don't take pictures of it. I realize I can get millions of dollars for an alien artifact but I don't care. Those things could have killed me with a thought. I'm not going to write a book. I'll never get anywhere near Roswell, NM. This time I got lucky.
Nov 26, 2020
How it started is months before I had heard about a sighting. The woman I talked to said they had seen cars pulling off the side of US1 around 10 pm and people were getting out of their cars to look at these ships in the sky. She said they stopped also and that the ships were so bright they turned the night into day, something like 11 of them in a vertical formation. She said two of them split away and the others simply "went out". The sighting area is about 12 miles from Kennedy Space Center. A few months later while on an errand through the area I slowed down and looked around for anything, tree tops snapped off, strange activities, anything but it all looked normal and man made. What I didn't know is the ETs were watching the area and saw me. The ship that showed up hovering above me didn't show until months later. I believe it was a warning.

I see those blurry photos and goofball sightings in the news same as you have. I'm no goofball or psycho. Those creatures and that ship scarred me so bad I almost puked. I don't search UFO sighting areas anymore. I don't want to know. I should have stayed on the couch and watched Star Trek re-runs. If I hear about a sighting or see anything I don't take pictures of it. I realize I can get millions of dollars for an alien artifact but I don't care. Those things could have killed me with a thought. I'm not going to write a book. I'll never get anywhere near Roswell, NM. This time I got lucky.

The unusual and the new have always attracted and bewitched people. I believe you. Once I also saw something that did not look like an airplane or a helicopter. But I doubt that I saw a UFO (although I will not deny).

Don't forget that governments of all powerful countries can develop secret technologies that we may not understand. And those objects that are recognized as UFOs may not always be them, since there are always different factors.

If you know, after the fall of the Third Reich, Nazi scientists moved to the United States, where they developed the American space program. At the same time, I saw information that "flying saucers" were created during the Second World War (most likely, there is no official data). Therefore, hypothetically, if this is true, then who prevented them from continuing their studies in USA?
Oct 13, 2020
An emerging consensus among Ufologists - the only researchers who have actually been studying this question for the past 80 years, professionally for a living - is that large numbers of them are already here, looking exactly like us, living among us already - "in our midst", as it were. These "people" inhabit 'Hybrid Container' bodies, gestated for the purpose, using sperm/ova harvested from the large numbers of physical Abductees that have been taken over the last 65 years (which is why they were taken). This would imply that they have covertly infiltrated our Intelligence Community and national security establishment long since, and, likely our Media and Tech Sectors along with other strategic targets.

In our own studies of the dynamics and logistics of Interstellar Colonization, it becomes apparent that IF you have the technology to Extract, Hold in Stasis, and Re-Implant (or "Transplant") the Consciousness (or "Soul"), that THAT is how you migrate large populations across vast distances between Stars, and"You Don't Bring the 'Meat' With You". Disembodied Souls have No Mass, they occupy No Volume, they Do Not Eat nor Excrete; and Neither Inhale nor Exhale; they are the perfect Interstellar Passengers. Moreover, this advantage doesn't change no matter how advanced your propulsion system becomes; the migration of [tens? hundreds? of] millions of Colonists, whether in years, months, weeks or centuries, still must default to logistical reality.

All that is required is a Local Apex Fauna on the destination world that can be genetically 'tweaked' to yield suitable "Wetware" in which to install your 'Colonists', through a technologically-mediated "Reincarnation". Whether 'Tall Greys' or 'Reptilian' or 'Insectoid' in the appearance of their native biology is irrelevant; they've migrated to Our World as [quantum] "Souls-in-a-Box", to disembark into new 'chassis' suited to Earth's natural/microbial and built environments.

Large numbers of Abductees independently report direct eye-witness accounts that the dominant Alien species 'visiting' Earth does, in fact, possess these specific technologies to do so. Unknown to most people (because of the deadly "Truth Embargo" on ETUFO matters), is that technological "Implants", surgically extracted from numerous Abductees have been found, with ICP-MS spectroscopy, to consist of alloys with Isotopic Ratios not found on Earth; hence of indisputable Extraterrestrial origin, at least, according to the established cannon of mainstream Planetary Science. Taken together these factors perfectly explain the ETUFO "Conundrum". There is no "Fermi Paradox" - there never was - but Alien Hybrid Operatives of this 'Invasive Species' would certainly like you to think there was - for as long as possible.
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Nov 1, 2019

I do not recommend that people come into contact with alien and ufos. My experience is that it will harm your physical and mental health .
I get in to that as by coincidence , I took this video at the airport on January 2005. I hand it to the observatory, TV station, and a ufo expert in Canada. They said there was nothing special, and the TV station replied: We cannot use it to make news. I didn't crack this content until July. Then I started to take pictures around my house and eventually found another world. I didn't stop all exploration until December 2013. Because I was tired and I got enough information. Now I suffer severe depress!
Sep 26, 2020
At this point, it feels like it's a matter of time before one of many planned launches (SpaceX or otherwise) eventually leads to contact with extraterrestrial life. Having read and watched so much science fiction, imagining what these beings would look like comes as second nature to me.

So, I'm wondering what the rest of the community thinks. When and if we do stumble across sentient extraterrestrial beings, what do you suppose they'll look like?

It just so happens I am writing a book I am calling The Stream of Occurrences - which includes essays on the subject of Time, The Process of Reincarnation, Discovering Aliens, and Exploring God.

In regards to what aliens would look like, should they exist, I would be amazed and astounded if we should find bi-pedal creatures with humanistic intelligence, motives and drive. Not that I think intelligence (as we know it) should be limited to humans from planet earth.

Its just that with so many trillions of planets in the universe, the range of evolutionary scenarios are so vast that it more than likely transcends the limits of our imagination. And, not having seen even one alien at this point, we are left with only our earthly projections.

The essay on Discovering Aliens, in my book The Stream of Occurrences, suggests there may be a way to actually perceive aliens that may be living among us here on planet earth. One of my topics is Becoming an Alien. Maybe it takes an alien to perceive an alien...
Oct 13, 2020
"In regards to what aliens would look like, should they exist, I would be amazed and astounded if we should find bi-pedal creatures with humanistic intelligence, motives and drive. Not that I think intelligence (as we know it) should be limited to humans from planet earth....Its just that with so many trillions of planets in the universe, the range of evolutionary scenarios are so vast that it more than likely transcends the limits of our imagination. And, not having seen even one alien at this point, we are left with only our earthly projections."

The range of evolutionary scenarios that might lead to higher intelligence is vast; the subset of those that could lead to technological, tool-making, spacefaring beings that we might actually encounter, however is not - it is quite limited. Among the possibilities, our bipedal, bilaterally symmetic planform will be overwhelmingly advantaged by evolution, pretty much everywhere that evolution prevails. "Two" is both the minimum and optimal number of legs, arms, eyes, and ears for cerebral, tool-making technologists, here, there and everywhere. Fewer is insufficient on all counts (with stereoscopic vision and hearing conveying substantial advantages), while more limbs provide exponentially decreasing advantage at extreme metabolic cost. Likewise, the number of digits on these limbs will be strongly favored to range from three to six, or perhaps seven, before the marginal utility renders the incremental additional digit (and all the others) significantly less useful.

There may well be brilliant Aliens out there who look like Octopi, or Jellyfish or Dolphins or Slugs -- or Mushrooms, for that matter. They just won't be mining and smelting metals, and fabricating precision machinery and microelectronics to get off their respective rocks to go explore the Galaxy. Humanoids will.
Well, we have 43 post in this discussion already. Science is based upon documenting observations of the natural world following natural law. A good example is Galileo telescope observations of the Galilean moons moving around Jupiter in the early 1600s that unsettled the geocentric solar system model. Another example is stellar parallax observations. The early example in 1838 is the star 61 Cygni. These parallax works were revisited recently, 'Resolving long-standing mysteries about the first parallaxes in astronomy', https://phys.org/news/2020-11-long-standing-mysteries-parallaxes-astronomy.html, and 'The First Stellar Parallaxes Revisited', http://de.arxiv.org/abs/2009.11913, "We have re-analyzed the data used by Bessel, von Struve, and Henderson in the 1830s to measure the first parallax distances to stars."

In all the discussion for a variety of alien life forms everywhere it seems in this thread, does the evidence presented for various alien life forms on other worlds and visiting Earth, stand up to the same standard of verification as Galileo's telescope observations at Jupiter and the stellar parallax observations documented in 1838 and revisited in 2020? Remember, there are more than 4300 exoplanets documented as confirmed now. http://exoplanet.eu/, https://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/index.html
Nov 1, 2019
A Australia expert Gary Opit linked this article to me when I was a member of the Australia UFO research group : http://www.indianamufon.com/Critter1.html it could be one of many simple life forms that I mentioned from my encounter experience.
The First Flying Saucer!
Don Wood Jr. may have been the first person to get a close terrifying look at a couple of these critters. He saw them in full physical density and in light-reflecting negative polarity as a result of his hobby of flying. The experience shook him sufficiently to make him keep his peace for several decades. Mr. Woods story was originally published in Ray Palmers publication, Flying Saucers, October 1959. Mr. Wood's experience found the light of day thanks to Palmer's open-mindedness.
Mr. Wood's account:
I must write you of what happened to me in 1925, which I think solves most UFO reports. I have never told this to anyone, but can get signed affidavit if needed. Four of us were flying old 'Jennies' (OX5 motors) over the Nevada desert. One plane was a two-seater, the one I was in. We landed on Flat Mesa, near Battle Mountain, Nevada. The mesa is about 5,000 square feet and the walls are too steep to climb unless a lot of work is done.

We wanted to see what was on top of this flat place. We landed at 1 p.m. While walking about the top of this place we noticed something coming in for a landing. It was about 8 feet across and was round and flat like a saucer. The undersides were a reddish color. It skidded to a stop about 30 feet away. This next you won't believe, and I don't care but it's the truth. We walked up to the thing and it was some animal like we never saw before. It was hurt, and as it breathed the top would rise and fall making a half-foot hole all around it like a clam opening and closing.

Quite a hunk had been chewed out of one side of this rim and a sort of metal-looking froth issued. When it saw us, it breathed frantically and rose up only a few inches, only to fall back to earth again. It was moist and glistened on the top side. We could see no eyes or legs.

After about 20 minutes rest, it started pulsating once more. (We stayed 10 feet away.) And so help me the thing grew as bright as all get out, except where it was hurt. It had a mica-like shell body. It tried to rise up again, but sank back again. Then we saw a large, round shadow fall on us. We looked up and ran. Coming in was a much larger animal 30 feet across.

It paid no attention to us, but settled itself over the small one. Four sucker-like tongues settled on the little one and the big one got so dazzling bright you couldn't look at it. Both rose straight up and were out of sight in a second. They must have been traveling a thousand miles an hour to get so high so fast. When we walked over there was an awful stench, and the frothy stuff the little one ha bled looked like fine aluminum wire. There was more frothy, wiry stuff in a 30 foot circle where the big one had breathed.

This stuff finally melted in the sun, and we took off. So help me, this was an animal. I have never told this before as we knew no one would believe us. I only write now because this animal would be one big 30-foot light if seen at night. I don't expect belief, but I simply had to write.

Here is an example of a man viewing something close up, 22 years before the term flying saucer was coined, that was discoidal, pulsating, and its own light source. The object was obviously alive and also

injured, thought it had been attacked. Metallic froth issued from the wound, not blood. The object had a mica-like shell, such as today's would-be exobiologist speculate might be possessed by Martina life forms.
Trevor James Constable
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