"Who Is In Charge Of The Send Your Name To Mars On The Mars Rover In July Of 2020?"

Apr 7, 2020
"I Am Mad As Hell"! I want Answers to to The Subject of This Post that I am Posting here!

This may be My One and Only Post that I write and make! I am looking for answers in My Post, Information that is time sensitive before Deadline of July 2020's Launch of NASA's Mars Rover!

I am not "Good At Feedback" or those Websites that have Feedback! I know that Feedback is just a "One Way Communication" looking for praise and opinion with No Reply intended or expected! I tried to Telephone NASA and left a Message they were disrespectful to Me and didn't "Reply or Call Me back! I'm Mad As Hell and I want answers!

However I do Expect a Reply to Feedback, I am looking for The One Man or Woman who is In Charge of The Send Your Name To Mars On The Mars Rover??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am One Of The Individuals whose "Name" is going to be "Engraved" on The Mars Rover and I want to know "just how the names are going to be spelled and formatted" on The Rover! I want to know if they are going to be only Uppercase Letters or Lowercase Letters or Uppercase First Letter with Lowercase Letters for the rest of The Names???? When this Idea was first thought up I don't know just what Creative Perceptions or Ideas they had in Mind of going about it or in what way they are going have The Names of People Engraved on The Mars Rover! However I Do Want To Know?!

My Name Is; "Kenneth Eugene Jack" as Proof here is a Link to My Souvenir Boarding Pass; https://mars.nasa.gov/participate/send-your-name/mars2020/certificate/380967282025 .

My concern is that My Name is as I wrote it here as "Kenneth Eugene Jack" or it will be formatted as "KENNETH EUGENE JACK"!! I wanted to have My Full Name First Middle and Last Names added on The Mars Rover! I do not want this as it is formatted as "Kennetheugene Jack" or "KennethEugene Jack" or Kenneth-Eugene Jack!!! This is why I want to know who is in charge of "Send Your Name To Mars On The Mars Rover"! I want them to "Call Me or Write to Me" about this situation and matter!

I further "Think" and have a "Idea" of whoever is in Charge of This Program that they should create a "Website" that is for Us Men and Women whose Names are going to be "Engraved" on The Mars Rover pointing out to Us and telling Us where on The Rover Our Name is and what it will look like before the Launch Date in July that is in just "Three Months Time away from now! I know for Myself I want to know where My Name will go on The Rover and what it will look like!

Tho I may check in here from time to time to see if I got any Replies or Response here I would rather have a Personal Message sent to Me at My Email Address at Removed by Mod. I don't care who sends Me a Reply or Responds to Me if it someone telling Me who is "The One Man or Woman who is In Charge of The Send Your Name To Mars On The Mars Rover" or The Man or Woman Themselves who is In Charge, I want The One Who's In Charge their Name a Telephone Number or their Email Address where I can reach them?! "I Want Answers" , "I Want Answers" !!

Please Get Back To Me Very Very Soon! I am waiting for whoever You re!

With Most Sincerely Yours
Mr. Kenneth Eugene Jack
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Apr 7, 2020
Watch the, now edited, "colorful" language, please. Thank you.
Yeah it's not nice being ignored, I hope you get your reply.

Hey There Treehugger

"Thank You" for Your Comment and Support!! Tho I am hoping that someone here knows something about The Names that is going to be engrave on The Rover <<Edited by moderator>> soon! It's a "Maze" going through all of NASA's Websites looking for Who is in Charge of that Program! I got My Name on The List within the Last 30 Minutes of The Deadline of September 30 at 11:59 PM. I signed up on Monday, September 30, 2019 at 11:42:31 PM

I just Hope that those "Cone Heads" or some other "Space Cadets" at NASA are not too busy doing "Blackops" for The CIA that they have some time in getting around to Replying to Me before July's Launch Date!

Mr. Kenneth E. Jack
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
" I tried to Telephone NASA and left a Message they were disrespectful to Me and didn't "Reply or Call Me back! "

I think that is absolutely disgraceful. Just fancy treating someone important enough to have their name sent to Mars in such an abominable fashion.

If I were sending my name as one of nearly 11,000,000 in letters 1% the thickness of a human hair, I would be absolutely mortified.

Cat ;)
Apr 7, 2020
Yeah it's not nice being ignored, I hope you get your reply.
So, who at NASA have you contacted about this?

Have you seen this info? https://mars.nasa.gov/participate/send-your-name/mars2020/faq

Hey There COLGeek

"Thank You" for Your Comment and Support!! So You asked Me just Who at NASA have I contacted about this? "That's The Answer I'm looking for! "No One, No Body"! I called the only Number I could find and left a Message on Their Automated Answering Machine and "Never as Much" as got a "Visit by Men In Black"! 🕴️🕴️ "FCOL"!

I don't know why when this Geniuses Idea" was thought up, why there wasn't some "forethought" in providing a proper Link to Someone who can answer Someone's Questions and Concerns! I tried to write at that "Feedback Form" and there is only a limited amount of of a message "One" can write there!

I did take a look at the Link You added but fond nothing there either! "To Quote a Line by Actor; Stefan Gierasch in The Movie; "High Plains Drifter" His Line Was > "Useless A. T. O. A. Bore" I would have written it out but I've discovered that This Website " Censors and Filters" languish here! "I didn't find a thing at that Link"!

Did You look at The MAPS Section of that Link You sent? I wrote this in that Feedback Form but because my message was to long and I couldn't send it. You can read it; > I took a look at the MAPS Section of The Website "Mars Rover Send Your Name Mars 2020", I was very disappointed that "Us The U.S." came in Third Place to The Countries of TURKEY 2,528,844 - INDIA 1,778,277 - UNITED STATES 1,733,55, "So Much For Patriotism take a look at Yourself!

Well "Thank You" again for Your Comment and Support!! Keep a look out If You do find or hear something get back to Me before The Deadline of The Launch!

Mr. Kenneth E. Jack

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