*set during the Big Bang*. Which version of the BB created physical laws documented in science today? Example, Newton's laws of motion, gravity, c constant, alpha constant, etc. In 1948, there was a completely different version of the BB using quantum mechanics and General Relativity that explained the origin of the universe and all elements on the Periodic Table, but I am not aware that this model explained the origin of all known physical laws observed and measured today in science.
“Nineteen years after Edwin Hubble’s discovery that the galaxies seem to be running away from one another at fabulously high speeds, the picture presented by the expanding universe theory—which assumes that in its original state all matter was squeezed together in one solid mass of extremely high density and temperature—gives us the right conditions for building up all the known elements in the periodic system. According to calculations, the formation of elements must have started five minutes after the maximum compression of the universe. It was fully accomplished, in all essentials, about 10 minutes later.” —Scientific American, July 1948
Today the BB math used is very different, quantum field theory, leptogenesis, inflation, multiverse, etc.