Question Why do we have a set of Laws of Physics? Is there anything that does not follow it?

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What astronomy shows us is a universe with consistent physical "laws" that are consistently observable, like emissions and absorption lines from the same elements and same processes. Like gravity effects that work consistently like we expect. We can look for things that don't appear to fit - and almost invariably end up finding explanations that don't involve different laws of physics, and we refine (rather than overturn) the physics we recognise.

Other universes and the other side of a black hole event horizon may well be different or beyond comprehension (because of the absence of observational evidence), but this universe shows no signs of variability in the laws of physics. Until we have evidence otherwise it remains a very good working assumption the laws of physics of our universe are universal.
Dec 11, 2019
I think that there have been infinite other universes before this universe and all have been created by different big bangs and had different laws of Physics.

We are just a part of an infinite multiverse with infinite universes with infinitely different Laws of Physics.​
I agree and I am glad more people are coming to this understanding. When I said something like this a few years ago I was called a "conspiracy theorist" or "put my tin foil hat on". And I even got banned from "scientific forums" for stating something like that. Not to toot my own horn but it always seems people are a few years behind me. :)
Dec 11, 2019
yeah universe is too huge to imagine indeed ...
Expand your thoughts a bit. Start off by thinking of yourself as grain of sand in a desert. Then picture yourself as a full continent on the earth. After that picture you are the Earth in space. Further on you are now a Sun in space. Now you are a galaxy. Now you are a universe. Once you are the universe it is not bigger then that grain of sand you started with. It's all about the perception you are coming from. As above so below.
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"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
What would be the first? Consciousness? I also wouldn't assume human will-power to be the second when their may be so many different types of entities other then humans in the multi-verse. Really the human isn't much more then a step up from a Neanderthal.
First is Love. Though, it's kinda philosophical but yet, it's a fact, at least I believe it. Love is the move powerful thing in the Universe. How did we come so far in terms of Science, Technology, Art and Culture? There's only one answer - Love. We came to this stage of humanity for the Love of Knowledge. In this Universe, love by a sentient being is the most powerful. There is nothing above that, I can challenge.
Expand your thoughts a bit. Start off by thinking of yourself as grain of sand in a desert. Then picture yourself as a full continent on the earth. After that picture you are the Earth in space. Further on you are now a Sun in space. Now you are a galaxy. Now you are a universe. Once you are the universe it is not bigger then that grain of sand you started with. It's all about the perception you are coming from. As above so below.
Yeah, I agree. It all depends on your perspective. Our perspective dictates our past, present and future.
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Dec 11, 2019
First is Love. Though, it's kinda philosophical but yet, it's a fact, at least I believe it. Love is the move powerful thing in the Universe. How did we come so far in terms of Science, Technology, Art and Culture? There's only one answer - Love. We came to this stage of humanity for the Love of Knowledge. In this Universe, love by a sentient being is the most powerful. There is nothing above that, I can challenge.

Yeah, I agree. It all depends on your perspective. Our perspective dictates our past, present and future.

There is a quote out there "that everything is an illusion except love."So I think you may be correct in the answer is love. I do think though that being in this 3rd dimensional reality that we have forgotten what love truly is. With this Yin and this Yang and the polarities here the void of love or darkness likes to permeate through this reality. But as some say how do you know light if you don't know dark and how do you know dark if you don't know light. If we never experience darkness how will we understand light?


"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
There is a quote out there "that everything is an illusion except love."So I think you may be correct in the answer is love. I do think though that being in this 3rd dimensional reality that we have forgotten what love truly is. With this Yin and this Yang and the polarities here the void of love or darkness likes to permeate through this reality. But as some say how do you know light if you don't know dark and how do you know dark if you don't know light. If we never experience darkness how will we understand light?
Although these posts are out of context for this forum, but still. Yeah, you are quite right, I agree with you. It's like, "If you don't know the taste of a lost match, how can you rejoice your victory?" Love here not only means relationships, but everything. Love for everything, every emotion, every motion, every knowledge. Very few people understand this.
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